Arise, Fierce Beelzegon! - Devilgram

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Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Beel makes a good villain!"

MC encounters Beelzebub and Mephistopheles in RAD's cafeteria, and Beelzebub explains to them that Mephistopheles wants him to do a hero show with him for his family. Mephistopheles says the current popularity of heroes in the Devildom has also sparked the interest of his younger brother. So, Mephistopheles was to give his brother the chance to play the role of a hero.

He wants Beelzebub to play the villain role because he's "big and imposing" just like the sort of villains his brother adores. Beelzebub isn't interested in the idea, however, and says "being mean" makes him work up an appetite.

"Being cheered on by your fave..."

Mephistopheles asks MC to help convince Beelzebub, but MC responds either that coercion's not very nice, or points out that if Beelzebub's "not feeling it" then he wouldn't make a very convincing villain. Mephistopheles asks Beelzebub if there's any way to convince him to perform in the show, and Beelzebub says he'd be willing if MC was in the front row cheering him on. MC agrees to do this, and Mephistopheles says he'll also be playing a role on the villain's side, so looks forward to working with Beelzebub.

"I need a catchphrase too."

Beelzebub tells MC that he heard Mephistopheles rented a small theater for their show, but there's still lots of errands to run, so he's glad MC offered to help with that. Their shopping list is long, and none of it from the same store, so he suggests they split up to get things done faster.

MC then runs into Thirteen - or "Thirteen Mark 2" as she calls herself - and if MC asks about the name, she says that she wanted to make herself "sound more villain-y." She's enjoying the current hero craze in the Devildom, and offers to lend MC more of her traps for their hero performances at RAD if MC agrees to take a villain selfie with her. MC suggests one of a few different selfie ideas that Thirteen goes along with, and then she says she'll give MC the promised traps later.

"It was a good show, wasn't it?"

At the rented theater, Beelzebub is in his villain costume and facing against the "Little Sibling Squadron." Mephistopheles is playing his villainous role too, and says he's worried that even the "fierce Beelzegon" may not stop the hero. MC cheers Beelzebub on, who is then motivated enough to take on his "fire lion form." Mephistopheles tells MC that now Beelzebub is too into his role, and he's upset that his brother might get hurt. He asks MC to get Beelzebub to bow out, which they do.

Once the show is over, Mephistopheles thanks Beelzebub and MC for helping make his brother happy. However, Beelzebub says he has to kidnap MC now. MC either agrees, or says they were secretly controlling the villain syndicate. Regardless, Beelzebub takes them away to eat cheeseburgers and walk home hand-in-hand, which Mephistopheles points out just sounds like going on a date.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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