Big Appetite, Big Heart - Devilgram

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Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"You can't help but worry when..."

During his part-time job at the Devil Aquarium, Beelzebub takes MC to meet the evil octopuses he befriended. They all hug Beelzebub with their tentacles when he arrives. Beelzebub explains that he calls the biggest one "Little Miss Biggest Eater," or Missy for short, and she's excited to put on a good show. Some time later, MC comes back to the aquarium because Beelzebub is worried that Missy is losing weight and not eating. He says it's not due to sickness or the water quality, and normally she perks up when MC is around. MC promises to help figure out what's bothering Missy.

"Where did she go?"

Later in Beelzebub's room, Beelzebub is upset that they couldn't find anything wrong. He says that Missy used to worry about eating too much, so maybe she's upset about something. MC can ask what makes him lose his appetite, or suggest thinking like an evil octopus. If they do, Beelzebub asks for a hug because they love wrapping around people they love. Beelzebub realizes he would lose his appetite if MC ever left him, and MC promises they won't. He thinks Missy might be missing someone, because she sometimes goes to the ocean to play. But when they return to the Devil Aquarium, Beelzebub realizes Missy is gone because there’s no octopus with a star mark on its head.

"They're also part of the family."

Later at RAD, Beelzebub tells Satan and Belphegor that Missy must have escaped the aquarium. Belphegor is confused why she would run away, because she had lots of friends at the aquarium. Satan agrees to check stores that sell evil octopi, and Belphegor helps put up missing octopus posters. In the courtyard, Beelzebub is upset that Missy didn't share her troubles with him. MC says that Missy might not have been honest because she didn't want to cause Beelzebub trouble. Beelzebub says that MC should never think that way, and they should always tell him if something's wrong. Back at the aquarium, Beelzebub and MC use magic to walk underwater and comfort the other evil octopi. There they find a crack in the rocks and decide to investigate.

"So it was for her family? Nice!"

Beelzebub's shoulders get stuck in the crack. If MC also gets stuck, Beelzebub punches the rocks to get through. Otherwise, MC pushes him through. They find themselves in the area where the dark serpent's grotto is. There they find Missy with several baby octopi. Missy says they're her siblings, and she's been secretly bringing them her food. Beelzebub or MC suggests bringing them to the aquarium, and selling baby octopus shaped bread to make more money to feed them all. Later at the café, Beelzebub is happy that the babies and the new bread are popular. He says MC looks delicious, and he loves them so much he could gobble them up. Beelzebub either says he'd never do it because he doesn't want them to disappear, or runs home with MC in his arms to have some alone time together.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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