Devildom Flora and Fauna

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Welcome to the Devildom Flora and Fauna page!

This page acts as both a plant compendium and a bestiary, and lists all of the native plants and animals of the Devildom.

For lists of all the Devildom cuisine that makes use of native flora and fauna, see the Devildom Food and Drink page.

Common Categories[edit]

If you'd like to know all of the Devildom's flowers or mushrooms, or every bird or fish, here are some lists for you! And for a list of birth flowers specifically, see the Birthday list.


A list of all Devildom plants and fungi.

Flora A - C[edit]

666 Leaf Clover

A clover that has 666 leaves. Shining a light on the clover makes it change color.

Chat The Devildom Clover
Abyss Flower

A Devildom flower with a very distinctive look. See also Flowers of the Abyss.

Chats Devildom Delights 1 & 2; Birthday Bash A Ghost Lily for You
Acid Lavender

Presumably a type of aromatic, flowering plant.

Limited item dialogue, Devil Bath Bomb
Acid Tulip

Barbatos's Devildom birth flower, which is known to grow near lakes. It symbolizes "perseverance."

Barbatos's Home Screen Dialogue; Birthday Bash An Acid Tulip for You
Angel's Temptation

A flower that is deadly poisonous to the touch. Lots of tiny flowers dot its thin stem and each bud shines like the colors of the rainbow.

Chat Beautiful but Deadly
Black Mistletoe Tree

A Devildom species of tree. Groves of these trees often are the nesting grounds of three-eyed crows.

Lesson 75-15 Hard (OM)
Black Poinsettia

A flower that represents the bond between two people.

Limited item dialogue Jovial Gingerbread Men

See the Devildom Food page.

Bloody Acokanthera Oblongifolia

They're poisonous flowers that bloom around the time of spring.

Limited Item dialogue Dango Over Flowers Fair
Bloody Dandelion

A type of Devildom dandelion.

Chat Where'd You Come From?
Bloody Iris

Lucifer's Devildom birth flower. It symbolizes "hope."

Lucifer's Home Screen Dialogue; Birthday Bash A Bloody Iris for You; Chat Floral Nail Design
Bloody Twillgrass

When this stretchy plant is torn, blood-red liquid gushes out.

Chat Thirteen's on the Hunt
Bomb Flower

A cute-looking flower, but a person touching it in the wrong way will cause it to stab them.

Lesson 52-11 (NB)
Brutal Bellflower

Satan's Devildom birth flower. It symbolizes "justice."

Satan's Home Screen Dialogue
Cheshire Cat Grass

This type of grass emits a scent that only cats can smell, and is said to also be able to attract a Meownderer. This grass is difficult to acquire due to its rarity, and can also be used to make tea.

Lesson 58-A (OM), Chat After-School Date With Satan
Condor Lantern Plant

The roots of this Devildom plant are used when making Verbum Drops.

Lesson 79-14 (OM)
Crimson Dogwood

A tree said to grow the most delicious fruits in the Devildom. A tea made from this plant and hellfire rose can suppress the effects of vampiritis. See also Crimson Dogwood Fruit.

Pop Quiz The Vampire Special; Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Simeon (2021)
Crystal Dark Flower

A flower with glass-like petals rumored to create miracles. It only blooms once a millennium. Solomon describes a strange magic emanating from this flower.

Pop Quiz A Surprise for You
Cursed Baby Blue Eyes

Presumably a type of flower. Some are known to grow around the Demon Lord's Castle.

Limited Item dialogue Dango Over Flowers Fair

Flora D - F[edit]

Dark Rose

A rare flower that isn't often seen in the regions surrounding the Demon Lord's Castle. The rose looks beautiful, and also has an exquisite scent when it blooms. Barbatos likely planted one of these flowers near the castle's gazebo.

Phone Call Blooming Roses
Death Meadowsweet

Beelzebub's and Belphegor's Devildom birth flower. Its meaning is "lovely and adorable."

Beelzebub's Home Screen Dialogue and Belphegor's Home Screen Dialogue
Decaying Plum Blossom

One of the rooms in the Night Lantern Inn is named after this flower.

Devilgram Pieces of a Puzzle
Demon Bellflower

See the Ogre Bellflower entry.

Demonic Arrowwort

Magic can be used to change this plant's chemical composition so that it contains a substance resembling anthocyanin. Combining this with refined Demonfruit powder can turn the demonic arrowwort's reddish pigment deep blue, a combination used when making Iridescent Cloud Soup.

Lesson 47-14 (NB)
Demonic Bamboo

One of the rooms in the Night Lantern Inn is named after this plant.

Devilgram Pieces of a Puzzle
Devildom Pitcher Plant

A carnivorous pitcher plant implied to be large enough to eat a human.

Devilgram Plants Are My Forte
Dizzy Candy Tree

A tree that supposedly tastes amazing, and is known to grow in Tricky Treat Forest.

Lesson 50-13 (NB)
Everlasting Dark Mistletoe

A Devildom species of mistletoe that's meant to amplify magic.

Pop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!
Fairy Ring Flowers

These flowers are a bright gold color and always grow in a perfect circle. They are created when fairies dance in a circle together.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Solomon '22
Felis Grass

A Devildom variety of grass.

Devilgram A Christmas Star for You
Flame Mushroom

An edible mushroom that can be used to in dishes such as Pot-au-feu.

Lesson 36-8 (OM)
Flowers of the Abyss

A flower that is considered beautiful by Devildom standards. The petals are a dark purple with a black gradient, and the stamens are blood-red. See also Abyss Flower.

Devilgram Flower Viewing
Flying Pitcher Plant

A Devildom pitcher plant known to grow in the Devildom Botanical Garden.

Phone Call Imaginary Date
Frost Flower

A very rare flower associated with the white wolf of frost flowers. The wolf has the ability to make these flowers rain over the entire Devildom. Crushed frost flowers can be used to make frozen Demonus.

Devilgram Frost Flowers for You
Frozen Gerbera

A beautiful flower that is said to freeze your eyes if you stare at it for too long.

Birthday Event Diavolo Birthday Bash '21
Funny Fungi

A type of mushroom. If someone eats one of the glowing ones, they will laugh non-stop for the next 500 years.

Chat Funny Fungi

Flora G - K[edit]

Gehenna Mushroom

Mushrooms used by Luke as an ingredient in nabe.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Simeon '22
Ghastly Chameleon Plant

A Devildom plant that can be used as an ingredient in making a health drink.

Devilgram Beauty Trip for Two
Ghost Lily

Luke's Devildom birth flower. It symbolizes "purity."

Luke's Home Screen Dialogue; Birthday Bash A Ghost Lily for You
Giant Venus Flytrap

A plant described as "a powerful hunter." It becomes larger when hungry, and is able to run around. Hugging this flytrap reduces its size and appetite. An angry one can be seen in a CG sent in the chat Slumber Exchange 14, as seen here.

Devilgram Plants Are My Forte; Chat Slumber Exchange 14
Glacier Hibiscus

A type of Devildom flower that is implied to be related to hellfire hibiscus. Glacier hibiscuses have blue pollen.

Devilgram Night Pool Party!
Gloom Tea Tree

A type of tree that can be used as a source of fragrance.

Limited item dialogue Devil Bath Bomb
Grodoodle Plant

Most likely a fictional carnivorous plant, mentioned by Leviathan, that the Lord of Corruption grows.

Devilgram Series End, Love Does Not
Hades Flower

A type of Devildom flower.

Birthday Bash A Ghost Lily for You
Hell Blood Blossom

A very rare species of tree that feeds off the blood of demons. Leviathan claimed this tree is similar to cherry blossom trees from the Human World that are said to have bodies buried underneath their roots so the trees can feed off the blood of humans they like. This is likely a reference to the short story Under the Cherry Blossoms.

Solomon once modified the seed of one of these trees to feed off of dreams instead.

Pop Quiz The Cursed Seed and the Fertilizing Flame
Hell Camellia

A type of Devildom camellia with pink flowers that is typically mild-mannered an easy to harvest leaves from. These leaves can be used to make a tea with "depth and a slightly bitter flavor." However, some plants can have a bad temperament, and may spray poison at those who get too close to it. This poison can cause terrible skin irritation that lasts for a long period. When Hell Camellias produce said poison, they emit a unique scent.

These plants are also highly sensitive and can sense even slight changes in mood. A frightened Hell Camellia may start to suddenly wilt. Speaking kindly to the plant will restore its health.

Devilgram Barbatos the Sub Teacher
Hell Jasmine

A pale blue, glowing flower with a sweet aroma. Breathing in its fumes makes demons extremely needy and affection-craving.

Devilgram The Fruits of Inquiry
Hell-Lace Daisy

This flower means "You are the icing on my cake."

Chat A Flower for You
Hell Rose

Should someone attempt to buy this rose and the rose disagrees with the purchase, it will produce a pungent odor. It also releases a weird smell if it senses danger. Over 300 types of this flower have been confirmed to exist.

Devilgrams The Flower of Sensation, The Gourmand's Main Dish
Hell Winter Daphne

Simeon's Devildom birth flower. It symbolizes "eternity," and blooms around Simeon's birthday in February.

Simeon's Home Screen dialogue; Devilgram Everyone in the Spotlight
Hellfire Grass

A type of Devildom grass that can be used to feed Devildom Cows.

Pop Quiz The Demonic, the Bovine, and the Sheepish
Hellfire Hibiscus

A type of Devildom flower that is rare in certain areas of the Devildom and only blooms in the summer. It gets its name from the way its pollen "dances like sparks over a roaring flame." Even though this phenomenon might look dangerous, the flower is harmless and does not burn. The flowers are also known to have a strong, sweet aroma, and are used as a natural fragrance. See also glacier hibiscus.

Devilgram Night Pool Party!
Hellfire Mushroom

These mushrooms can be used to make hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies, which are one of Diavolo's favorite treats. They are also an ingredient other dishes, such as Hellfire Mushroom-filled Soup.

A mushroom mix imitating the hellfire mushroom was used at Mixx Garden during an Obey Me! collaboration event in 2022.

Lesson 53-12 (NB); Devilgram Lucifer's Melancholy; Chats The Mushroom and Made with Love
Hellfire Pine Tree

One of the rooms in the Lantern Night inn is named after this tree.

Devilgram Pieces of a Puzzle
Hellfire Rose

A rare flower that only blooms once every 500 years. Can be used as an ingredient in making tea. A tea brewed with hellfire rose and crimson dogwood can alleviate the effects of vampiritis.

Pop Quiz The Vampire Special; Devilgrams The Rare Flower and A Fellow Tea Enthusiast
Hellsnake Gourds

A rare plant that grows on the banks of the Siren Sea. They only bloom at night.

Limited item dialogue, Siren Sea Globe

Flora L - Q[edit]


Presumably a type of tree similar to white poplar. The bark is used as an ingredient in "Elixir of cerebral stimulation."

Lesson 29-16 (OM)
Lost Primura Obconica

This flower is also known as a "Lost Primrose." It is Solomon's Devildom birth flower, and it symbolizes "youthfulness."

Solomon's Home Screen Dialogue; Chat Where'd You Come From?
Luminous Lichen

A Devildom variety of lichen.

Pop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!
Mad Acacia

Leviathan's Devildom birth flower. Its meaning is "abundant sensitivity."

Leviathan's Home Screen Dialogue
Malebolge Moss

A luminescent moss that changes color based on what time it is. This moss may be related to the Underworld, as one of the circles of the Underworld is named Malebolge.

Pop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!
Man-Eating Roses

A Devildom flower known to grow in the Devildom Botanical Garden.

Phone Call Imaginary Date
Matrimonial Black Spider Lily

This black flower is from another word that's connected to the Devildom. It is traditionally used in wedding ceremonies in this other world.

Pop Quiz Dark Eternal Bliss
Mirage Flower

An endangered species of flower that - according to Lucifer - is native to the Devildom's Western Forest. It is said to bloom in all colors of the rainbow. Some of these flowers grow in RAD's garden.

Pop Quiz Welcome to Hell's Garden; Birthday Bash A Ghost Lily for You
Mouse-ear Mushroom

A rainbow-colored mushroom said to be one of the tastiest mushrooms in the Devildom. However, they cause the consumer to shrink to the size of a mouse and become animal-like in appearance. This effect only lasts about thirty minutes.

Devilgram It's a Small World
Mushy Shroom

A mushroom that causes one to behave like a "teary drunk" if even a little bit of it is eaten.

Pop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!
Naraku Flower

A rare flower that is difficult to acquire. It can be used to make a fragrance. They grow in the Demon Lord's Castle forest.

Devilgrams Post-Date Party and A Soothing Mix for Sleep
Nasally Nosegay

See the Nose-Nose Flower entry.

Nightmare Campanula

Asmodeus's Devildom birth flower. Its meaning is "gratitude."

Asmodeus's Home Screen Dialogue; Birthday Bash Nightmare Campanulas for You; Chat Floral Nail Design
Nose-Nose Flower

A biting flower made of chocolate. Demon noses are its favorite food. This pretty flower is also known as a "Nasally Nosegay." It's known to grow in Tricky Treat Forest.

Lesson 50-13 (NB), Pop Quiz A Weird White Day
Ogre Bellflower

This flower is also known as the "Demon Bellflower" or "Oni-kikyo." It is Diavolo's Devildom birth flower, and its meaning is "elegance." Ogre Bellflowers are considered hardy flowers, and when picked, won't wilt as quickly as other flowers. It's also possible to make dessert dishes with these flowers.

Diavolo's Home Screen Dialogue; Birthday Bash An Ogre Bellflower for You; Chat Demon Bellflower; Devilgram Fulfilling Leisure Time
Passion Pansies

A type of flower known to grow in fields within caves. These flowers cause a person to fall in love with someone nearby, if those affected do not already have someone special in their mind. Otherwise, the flowers have no effect.

Pop Quiz The Scroll of Thirst
Permafrost Camellia

A type of Devildom camellia and the official flower of the Frost Flower Festival. There is a magic fertilizer specifically formulated for growing this flower, and the power used to create it is symbolic of the white wolf of frost flowers. The flower's petals are sturdier than most flowers, making it possible to create jewelry from them. According to Beelzebub, the flower just tastes like plain ice.

Pop Quiz Absolute Zero
Queen of Darkness

A flower that only blooms on the full moon every thousand years. One was given to Simeon as a birthday gift from Solomon.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Simeon (2021)
Queen of Jealousy

A pink flower that gives off a sickly sweet smell when it reacts to and amplifies feelings of jealousy. The flower isn't edible, and it is implied that one would normally get a stomachache from eating it.

Devilgrams Queen of Jealousy, The Gourmand's Main Dish

Flora R - Z[edit]

Reaper Shrooms

A type of Devildom mushroom.

Pop Quiz The Devildom Cooking Royale!
Red Rose of Envy

Ingesting this flower causes possessive feelings towards the object of one's affection. The effects will end once the desires of the person they're attracted to are satisfied.

Devilgram A Birthday to Ourselves
The Ruler of Death

A type of Devildom tree with an ominous look to it.

Devilgram Christmas Tree
Sacrifice Dahlia

Mammon's Devildom birth flower. Its meaning is "magnificent."

Mammon's Home Screen Dialogue
Scorching Sunflower

A flower with petals that are warm to the touch.

Pop Quiz Cold Snap

When this species of plant blooms, it sings a song which can potentially attract lower demons in rare cases. One should take this into consideration when deciding where to plant.

Chat The Serenate Seeds
Shadow Camellia

A type of Devildom camellia with leaves that are very fragrant. These leaves can be used for making an equally fragrant tea.

Devilgram Barbatos the Sub Teacher
Shadow Zelkova Tree

A rare tree that only grows where nature is abundant. These trees thrive on fresh, clean air.

Birthday Bash An Ogre Bellflower for You
Skull Cactus

A type of Devildom cactus.

Wanderers' Whereabouts Diavolo Picking up a Magic Wand
Skull Truffle

A type of Devildom truffle with a strong flavor.

Pop Quiz The Devildom Cooking Royale!

When used to make a drink, sleepgrass can ensure a good night's sleep while making one feel refreshed in the morning. If the concentration of sleepgrass in said drink is potent enough, it can make a person fall asleep almost instantly.

Lesson 80-10 (OM), Devilgrams Enchanting Pajama Party and An Afternoon for Bonding
Sleeping Briar

When this plant sprouts, it grows lots of vines very quickly. Also, everyone nearby, with a few exceptions, will immediately fall asleep for three days. It takes longer for the curse to affect humans, and Belphegor is afflicted with insomnia instead. When the plant finishes blooming, the spell wears off and it grows a black rose. It is implied that the curse can also be broken with a true love's kiss.

Devilgram Sleeping Beauties

A plant capable of biting, and known to grow in Tricky Treat Forest.

Lesson 50-13 (NB)
Soul Flower

A type of Devildom flower with orange petals that are believed by some to contain actual souls. According to Lucifer, wearing a crown or bracelet of these flowers is said to bring good fortune. Soul flowers are also thrown at ghosts at the end of their Ghost Festival parade, who then are said to grant wishes in return. The flowers wither in a day, but when they do, particles of light can be seen floating into the sky.

Devilgram Wish Upon a Soul Flower
Thunder Bloom

A Devildom flower whose stem zaps anything that isn't a bug, though the petals and leaves are safe to touch. They grow in very rainy, wet areas, and have a tasty nectar.

Pop Quiz The Great Demonus Awards!
Tree of Cravings

A type of tree that can reproduce any kind of food that it is fed. However, this process takes several hundred years and the tree will fall asleep if fed too quickly.

Chat Beel Not Eating 3
Unnamed Flower 1

This flower was not named in-game, but it is said that those who view the flower bloom will remain in good health until the flowers bloom again. Seeing this flower bloom with someone else is supposed to bring you closer. These flowers are also rare, as they only bloom in one place.

Chat Something Good
Unnamed Flower 2

There is a rare species of Devildom flower that can be used as a sweetener, though it can only be harvested once every couple of years.

Chat Care to Join Me?
Unnamed Plant

This thorny plant was seen in a shop in Meowcao. According to Thirteen, they like to wrap themselves around anyone who gets too close to them.

Lesson 52-7 (NB)
Unnamed Rose

This rose is from a completely new genus which Lucifer crossbred using magic. He mentioned that said rose - presumably when plucked - wouldn't wilt for a year. One of these roses were chosen by Lucifer to be a gift in a present exchange, which MC ended up receiving.

Pop Quiz Dark Santa

A Devildom plant whose sap can be used as an ingredient for making Verbum Drops.

Lessons 75-16 Hard and Lesson 76-4 (OM)

A species of tree. Leviathan believes that sorcerer's staffs could be made from this type of tree, but Lucifer claimed that Yggdrasil only exist in fantasy.

Chat The Search for Solomon's Staff


A list of all Devildom animals.

Fauna A - C[edit]

Abyss Crimson Bee

A very rare Devildom bee that build their hives along cave walls. The hives are sometimes large enough to take up an entire cave. Abyss crimson bees are matriarchal, and new hives are only created when a new queen bee takes over.

Finding newly constructed hives is very difficult, as queen bees have incredibly long life spans. This fact makes said hives worth lots of money. To prevent overharvesting, The Heinous Bee is the only officially recognized buyer of these hives.

Devilgrams Money Honey and A Sweet Adventure for Two
Abyss Crimson Wasp

These wasps look very similar to Abyss Crimson Bees, mimic said bees' characteristics, and also tend to build their hives near the hives of Abyss Crimson Bees. However, Abyss Crimson Wasps are even more rare than Abyss Crimson Bees. It is not certain, but there's a possibility that these wasps prey on Abyss Crimson Bees.

Devilgrams Money Honey and A Sweet Adventure for Two
Abyss Snail

A pitch black snail. Can be used as an ingredient to make black puddle jelly.

Devilgram Cooking on a Rainy Day

A breed of horse that is bred to run in the dark.

Chat An Amazing Perk
Aurora Swan

This rare Devildom swan is said to only live near the most beautiful lakes. It loves singing, and when its song echoes across the nearly water, it shimmers like an aurora.

Devilgram Devildom River Activities

Implied by the existence of basilisk meat available at the supermarket.

Chat Tasty Ways to Eat a Basilisk

Implied by the existence of the dish "simmered Behemoth's hind leg."

Chat Tonight's Menu
Black Catshark

A type of Devildom shark that looks like a cat. It is one of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium, and can also written as the "Black Cat Shark."

Beelzebub's Home Screen dialogue; Pop Quizzes Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land and The Aquascape of Revitalization
Black Dolphin

See the Jet-Black Dolphin entry.

Black Fawning Flyfish

A type of Devildom fish that is entirely pitch-black from head to tailfin, as well as on the inside. They have round beady eyes and reflective scales. The fish got their name from how they jump out of the water when given attention, and when they jump a lot, their flesh turns red. They enjoy club music, so if someone is having trouble making them jump, they can try that strategy instead of just complimenting them. See also Black Fawning Flyfish.

Devilgram Dancing ☆ Cooking
Black Hellbirds

A type of bird with a rough temperament. They do not always behave aggressively, but when they do, some attacks result in the victim needing stitches afterwards. The birds also have an excellent sense of smell and enjoy eating sweet grapes.

Devilgram Grape Picking Expedition
Black Lepus

See the Lepus entry.

Black Ray

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Black Sparrow

A type of bird that lives in the Devildom.

Devilgram I've Got Your Back
Black Tapir

A creature presumably similar to the tapir of the Human World and whose existence is implied by dishes such as Black Tapir roast and Black Tapir casserole. The meat of this tapir is said not to have a distinct flavor.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Simeon (2021), Chats I Can't Take It Anymore! and Challenge Accepted
Blacktailed Canary

One of the rarest birds in the Devildom. It has a beautiful and soothing song, and is attracted to the scent of flowers, especially dark roses. This bird's name may also be written as "black-tailed canary" with a hyphen.

Chats A Hypnotic Song 1 and 2, Phone Call Blooming Roses, Devilgrams Secret Paradise and Recipes for Magic Stones
Blazing Fin Fish

See the Flaming Fin Fish entry.

Blazing Goldfish

See the Flaming Goldfish entry.

Bloody Jellyfish

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Bloody Swamp Hog

Implied by the existence of "Bloody Swamp Hog sausage."

Devilgram Test of Endurance
Bone Badger

A kind of Devildom badger that can be very vicious.

Devilgram Diavolo the Otaku

A type of fish that only has a skeletal frame. They live in rivers and are very rarely seen. The most common variation of bonefish has white bones, but a super rare version with black bones also exists. Their favorite food is bone shrimp. Their bones can be used to make tools, including replicas of weapons and magical tools.

Devilgram The Quest for Rare Fish

Presumably a bull-like animal. Implied by the existence of the dish "creamed bonnacon."

Devilgram Careful Not to Eat TOO Much
Bowler Frog

These frogs live in Devildom rivers and can be seen traveling in groups.

Devilgram Devildom River Activities
Bufo Toad

The eggs of Bufo toads are used to make Bufo Egg Milk Tea, and Bufo toads can be used for Devildom dishes such as Bufo Toad Terrine.

Lesson 53-A (NB); Chats Bufo Egg Drink and A New Bufo Egg Milk Tea; Devilgrams The Angelic Employee and Legendary Power Couple

Presumably a type of bird. The blood is used as an ingredient in Elixir of cerebral stimulation.

Lesson 29-16 (OM)

This creature can both be seen in the wild or kept as a pet.

Chat It's a Carbuncle!

While there are no longer any extant Devildom cat species' besides the magical meownderer, Human World cats are a common sight in the Devildom. Satan told MC in Lesson 17-6 (NB) that he was "only repeating what [he] was told," but apparently cats are the only animals with the power to travel between the Devildom and the Human World at will.

They also seem to have no issues in adapting to and living in the Devildom, unlike at least some other Human World flora and fauna.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Satan '22, Lesson 17-6 (NB)

Implied by the existence of the dish "borscht with boiled Centaur gizzard."

Lesson 36-8 (OM)

A creature seen in Lesson 66-17, where at least this specific Chimera had a weakness to water.

Lesson 66-17 (OM)

A bipedal dragon-like creature with a rooster's head. It is implied to be small enough to use in a magic show.

Pop Quiz Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land
Concealed Clown Fish

A type of Devildom fish that can be found at Aqua Park in Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land.

Pop Quiz Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land
Cotton Coney

Described by Raphael as "small, fluffy things," cotton coneys are fluffballs that have ears and eyes. They're no larger than the palm of Luke's hand, and they're capable of floating. They can also rapidly multiply. The fur from these creatures can be made into a rare fabric, and can also be spun into a high-quality thread.

Chats A Burst of Cotton Coneys, Call for Capture, A Missing Item?, and Cotton Coney Boom

See the Devildom Cow entry.

Crimson Coral

An ocean coral that can be ground down to make tea soda. The coral is also known for its dying properties, and makes an excellent natural lip coloring.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization

Fauna D - F[edit]

Dark Bushtit

A small and cute animal, presumably a type of bird.

Chat Tiny Life in the Devildom
Dark Kraken

Presumably a legendary sea monster. Implied by the existence of the dish "stuffed dark kraken." See also Kraken.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Mammon '22
Dark Pearl Oyster

A Devildom variety of oyster.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Dark Serpent

A deep-sea animal that can create a strong poison called "decaying poison."

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Darker-than-black Orca

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Death Dolphin

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium, and the subject of many superstitions. One rumor says that if you see a death dolphin jump when you're with the person you like, your relationship is guaranteed to work out. A similar rumor says that if you kiss someone when you see two death dolphins create a heart shape with their bodies, you're guaranteed to "have a happily ever after."

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization; Devilgram The Aquarium's Cupid
Death Fowl

A large, eerie-looking, black-feathered bird.

Chat Death Fowl in the Dining Room
Death Maggot

Implied by the existence of "death maggot sauce."

Lesson 69-7 (OM)
Death Sea Eel

A type of Devildom eel. This is a tropical species that lives among coral reefs, and according to Lucifer, it is a commonly known species.

Devilgram A Brief Respite

Implied by the existence of the dish "broiled Deathfish."

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Solomon '21
Death Shark

A type of Devildom shark with sharp, three-pointed teeth. Their teeth become round after a death shark has consumed a significant amount of prey. Their back teeth are square shaped. This type of shark is likely the mascot for the Destroyer Sharks Fangol team.

Devilgram Field Goal Tag Team

Deathworms are enormous Devildom worms that live underground in hot, desert regions.

Lesson 46-8 (NB)
Deep Sea Slime

A luminous slime creature. It can only be found in the depths of the Devildom's oceans, but is said to be extinct.

Devilgram Legends and Credit Cards/Devilgram
Demon Fish

A type of ocean-dwelling Devildom fish. It is considered a delicacy.

Pop Quiz Pearls and the Beach
Demon Goose

A type of Devildom goose.

Birthday Bash A Ghost Lily for You
Demon Mimic

A magical creature that changes form depending on who raises it. If they stay in an area of dense magical energy, it impacts them negatively, putting stress on their bodies.

Pop Quiz Magical Eggs ♪ What Will Hatch?!
Demon Peacock

A Devildom type of peacock.

Barbatos's Home Screen dialogue
Demon Sea Eagle

A powerful-looking Devildom eagle whose existence is implied by a decorative mug with a motif of said eagle.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Barbatos '22
Demon Silk Moth

A type of Devildom moth. They likely are found in a specific region of the Devildom, as opposed to all over, as Beelzebub mentions that "demon silk moth" gummies are region-specific. Lucifer owns a pair of demon silk moth socks, which he describes as very soft, guaranteed to keep his feet sweat-free, and particularly lustrous, which indicates that these are all qualities produced by the silk of the moths.

Chats The Taste Test Begins, Disappearance of the Silk Moth Socks, How Did They Get THERE?!
Demon Squid

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Demonic Rockfish

A type of Devildom fish.

Pop Quiz Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land
Demonkiller Remora

A type of Devildom fish.

Pop Quiz Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land

A Devildom variation of a centipede. Implied by the "demonopede race" being what the Devildom calls a "centipede race," where people tie their legs together and race each other.

Lessons and 66-7 and 66-A (OM)
Devil Chicken

Implied by the existence of "fried Devil Chicken."

Chat An Inescapable Fate
Devil Clothes Moth

A type of bug that eats clothing. Can be kept away with mothballs.

Chat A Provocative Outfit 2
Devil Dog

A type of Devildom canine that can be kept as a pet.

Chat Cutie Lucy ♡

An ocean-dwelling dolphin species. A rare breed that is known for liking to cause mischief and being very good at playing tricks.

Pop Quiz All Aboard the S.S. Devildom!; Devilgram Our Big Surprise
Devil Hamster

A creature presumably of similar size to hamsters from the Human World, as it can fit in one's hand. See also Devil Hamster.

Pop Quiz Poison Hunting & Candy Making!
Devil Moray

A Devildom variety of eel that can be used to make sushi.

Chat Sushi Cravings
Devil Reindeer

Once a devil reindeer goes on a rampage, it supposedly won't stop until it's "destroyed at least a hundred buildings." They aren't native to the area around RAD. The devil reindeer can also eat meat, or at least jerky.

Devilgram A Christmas Star for You
Devil Salmon

A Devildom variety of salmon. See also Evil Salmon.

Chat Sushi Cravings
Devil Seagull

A Devildom variety of seagull.

Devilgram Seagull and the Hat
Devil Sheep

Also known as "devilsheep," these creatures are similar to sheep from the Human World, but they are nocturnal. Similar to counting sheep in the Human World, devil sheep are counted to help one fall asleep.

Devilgram What Motivates Belphie?, Audio Drama The Night the Devilsheep Came Out to Play — Satan
Devil Shrimp

A type of Devildom shrimp.

Lesson 53-12 (NB); Pop Quiz Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land
Devil Squirrel

A type of Devildom squirrel. Described to be colored in some combination of gray and brown patterns, as well as being extremely fleet-footed.

Devilgram Picture-Perfect Animals
Devil Turkey

A type of Devildom turkey.

Pop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!
Devil Zebra

Implied by the existence of dishes such as Deep-fried Devil Zebra Skewers and Devil Zebra Steak.

Pop Quiz Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Devilgrams Growing Fast; Lunch at Hell's Kitchen!; The Angelic Employee; The Art of Communication
Devildom Bush Baby

A small and cute animal, presumably a type of primate.

Chat Tiny Life in the Devildom
Devildom Chihuahua

A Devildom variety of chihuahua Mephistopheles mentioned he once had as a pet.

Lesson 68-17 (OM)
Devildom Cow

Cows in the Devildom are similar to Human World cows, though they have a season where their behavior turns aggressive. To handle this, the cows are herded to a more spacious area to roam free, which is an event that eventually turned into the Cow-Herding Festival. Other than grazing, Devildom Cows are given a feed made from hellfire grass and shadow corn.

Pop Quiz The Demonic, the Bovine, and the Sheepish
Devildom Hamster

A creature presumably of similar size to hamsters from the Human World, as it can fit in one's hand. See also Devil Hamster.

Chat The Brothers' Latest Obsession
Devildom Penguin

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Devildom Polar Bear

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Devilkiller Shark

A type of shark that has an exhibit at the Devildom aquarium.

Birthday Event: Luke (2021)

See the Devil Sheep entry.


There are presumably many subspecies' of dragon in the Devildom, such as the Fire Dragon, Headless Dragon, and White Dragon. At least some dragon species' have whiskers, as they are used as a weight measurement when making Verbum Drops.

Lesson 76-7 (OM)
Euphoric Fireflies

These fireflies are from another word that's connected to the Devildom. They appear during the Festival of Eternal Bliss's wedding ceremony to shed light on the proceedings. In some cases, spirits dwell within these fireflies.

Pop Quiz Dark Eternal Bliss
Evil Octopus

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium. They cling to people they love by wrapping their tentacles around them like a hug.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization, Devilgram Big Appetite, Big Heart
Evil Salmon

A Devildom variety of salmon. See also Devil Salmon.

Lesson 11-A (NB)
Fire Dragon

The breath from this dragon is so hot it's said that it can melt volcanic rock. See also Dragon.

Pop Quiz Dust Storm Panic
Flame Bird

If a special tea called Flame leaves tea is properly prepared, a Flame Bird will appear, dance until it is satisfied, then disappear. The bird enjoys dancing in front of large audiences and to have their dance appreciated. However, Flame Birds greatly value courtesy. If the Flame leaves tea is disrespected, the appearing Flame Bird will be angry and go on a rampage.

Devilgram The Flame Bird Show
Flame Salamander

A magical creature small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. It can manipulate fire and uses it as a defense mechanism. A (presumably male) salamander is pictured here.

Mammon's Home Screen dialogue and Diavolo's Home Screen dialogue; Devilgrams Find the Lost Salamander and Recipes for Magic Stones; Chat Don't Eat Him!
Flaming Antlion

A rare Devildom species of Antlion found in the Devildom's deserts. Their nests are designed to pull their prey ever deeper into the sand the more that they try to break free.

Pop Quiz Dust Storm Panic
Flaming Fin Fish

These fish are also called "blazing fin fish," and are known for their beautiful, flame-like tails. Enclosing these fish in paper lanterns is considered an art. They love gossip, and travel in search of rumors to spread. They will gather around the subject until they feel satisfied that the rumor is confirmed.

Devilgram Beguiling Fins
Flaming Goldfish

These fish may also be called "blazing goldfish," and are a subspecies of Void Fish. They are named for their red scales, and like Void Fish they swim through the air. They're a popular fish in Moryo Town, and some of these fish are known to like being petted.

Luke's Home Screen dialogue; Devilgram Soaring Fish
Floating Ghost Clione

A Devildom creature presumably similar to a floating sea slug. They are only one centimeter tall, and are more likely to appear during heavy fog.

Devilgram Researching the Cold Snap
Flying Devil Fish

A species of fish that is capable of breathing out of water. They can sometimes jump so far they end up on dry land.

Devilgram Our Big Surprise

Fauna G - K[edit]

Ghost Seal

A type of Devildom seal. It appears all-white, but is actually transparent, and has large, round eyes.

Pop Quiz Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land
Ghost Shark

Implied by the dish "Ghost Shark Soup."

Lesson 53-10 (NB)
Giant Black Rats

These rats are implied to be larger and more aggressive than rats from the Human World, as a rat trap from the human world would not be effective to catch them.

Chat Something Interesting
Giant Cloud Hamster

A Devildom hamster that is very fluffy, and large enough for someone to climb onto its back. These hamsters can camouflage themselves to look like white ghost turnips.

Chat Devildom Research Expedition
Giant Demon Centipede

These Devildom centipedes are over a mile long in size. They are also highly poisonous, with one sting from this centipede being life-threatening.

Pop Quiz Dust Storm Panic
Giant Devildom Slug

Implied by the existence of the dish "giant Devildom slug Sauté."

Lesson 73-4 (OM)
Giant Devilron

A creature native to the Devildom that lures demons with its sweet scent before devouring them. According to a demon who once slayed one, they taste like marshmallows when grilled. It is also possible to tame giant devilrons and keep them as pets.

Devilgram A Sweet Promise of Love
Giant Dust Devil Bird

These Devildom birds are known for their protectiveness of their chicks, and they are capable of creating devil dusters when upset. The chicks will eat almost anything, and gain the strength to fly shortly after being born. However, they must stay with their mothers for at least the first few months after hatching.

Pop Quiz Dust Storm Panic
Giant Shade Rat

A type of Devildom rat that lives in forests. They are known to be fast and eat vampire apples. They are also bold creatures, as one once snatched an apple right out of Luke's hand.

Devilgram A Thoughtful Gift, Leviathan's Home Screen dialogue
Giant Shadow Sea Cucumber

Described as a "big black wiggly thing."

Chat Mysterious Creature
Golden Falcon

The gold feathers of this falcon are very difficult to obtain, so collectors will pay lots of Grimm for them.

Birthday Bash A Sacrifice Dahlia for You
Golden Starfish

A variety of Devildom starfish.

Devilgram Christmas Tree
Great King Yama Squid

A huge deep-sea squid in the Devildom that is rarely seen.

Chat An Endless Quest for Food
Headless Dragon

A dragon that has no head. They may be found on Mt. Imminent Death and are implied to be extremely dangerous.

Chat To Mt. Imminent Death 10
Heinous Shark

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Hell Clam

Implied by the existence of the dish hell clam risotto.

Pop Quiz The Great Devildom Outdoors
Hell Cockatoo

A bird that can curse you if it speaks your name.

Chats Hell Cockatoo 1 and 2, Devilgram An Afternoon for Bonding
Hell Demon Salmon

A Devildom variety of salmon. According to The Encyclopedia of Sea Festivals and Traditions, there is a festival related to and named after this fish.

Pop Quiz Hell Marine Festival
Hell Filefish

A type of Devildom fish that can be found at Aqua Park in Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land.

Pop Quiz Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land
Hell Hummingbird

This hummingbird is the smallest species of bird in Devildom, and known to be cautious and easy to startle. The color of its wings will change according to the emotions the viewer is feeling. This means two people could see the same bird at the same time, but see different wing colors.

Birthday Bash An Acid Tulip for You
Hell Sun Starglazers

A deep sea fish that hides in the sand and pops out to attack its prey. They are attracted to the human scent, and could swallow a human whole.

Limited item dialogue, Siren Sea Globe
Hell Worm

Implied by the existence of hell worm hearts used as fish food.

Devilgram Soaring Fish
Hellfire Fly

These insects are similar to fireflies and have a very short lifespan.

Devilgram Cat Masks and Ramune
Hellfire Magma Cobra

Implied by the existence of the dish "Hellfire Magma Cobra steak."

Devilgram The Angelic Employee
Hellfire Newt

Newts that were consumed by fire in the Human World and later reincarnated in the Devildom. Some of these newts can be found in the Devildom's Western Forest. They are often used as ingredients in remedies and elixirs meant to revitalize the body or stimulate sexual desire, such as Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup. This makes them valuable creatures that can be sold for a profit.

Lesson 21-9 (OM); Pop Quiz Welcome to Hell's Garden
Hellfire Salamander

A species of salamander more powerful than regular salamanders that can be summoned using a summoning circle. They spit fire that can't be put out by water or using any standard magic.

Lessons 16-7 and 21-5 (NB)

A type of Devildom canine. May be found wandering in the Devildom's city streets. Cerberus is also this type of creature.

Chat Luke Insists
Hell Tuna

A type of Devildom fish. Satan says it pairs well with pasta.

Chat Canned Food Development 1
Helmeted Guineafowl

Presumably a species of Devildom bird, though there is also a Human World bird called the Helmeted guineafowl.

Lesson 53-A (NB)
Hoop Snake

A type of snake that's said to bite its tail and roll around like a hoop when in pursuit of its prey. In the Human World, they are said to be an urban legend. Luke was also unable to find one in the Devildom, so it is likely that they don't exist in any of the three worlds.

Chats Hoop Snake Search 1, The Hoop Snake?
Hundred-Eyed Lizard

A type of Devildom lizard that presumably has a hundred eyes. Implied by the existence of the dish "hundred-eyed lizard pie."

Lesson 61-19 (OM)
Jet-Black Dolphin

Also sometimes called a "black dolphin," These dolphins seem to vary in size, and are a type of dolphin Belphegor mentioned wanting as a pet. They like being scratched under their chin, and are known to be quite friendly.

Devilgrams Our Big Surprise, Our Own Little World, and An Afternoon for Bonding
Jet-Black Fireflies

A species of firefly that was supposed to be entirely wiped out. Shoots out an invisible jet-black light and sucks up whatever that light shines on; basically a miniature black hole.

Chat Who Let the Flies Out?

Presumably a legendary sea monster. Implied by the existence of the "Sweet and Salty Canned Kraken Assortment." See also Dark Kraken.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Beel and Belphie '23

Fauna L - Q[edit]


Implied by the existence of the dish Roast Lazebird.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Solomon '21

A hare-like Devildom creature that can perform magic and can be trained to do tricks. They get stressed if kept inside for too long, which means taking them on walks is part of good care. There are several different types of lepus, such as black lepus, lapis lepus, tonitrus lepus, and penna lepus. Different types of lepus prefer different foods, and some foods can only be eaten by certain types of lepus.

A lapis lepus is a gem-type and their eyes glitter like crystals. They have the ability to make it rain gemstones.

A tonitrus lepus is a lightning-type. They have the ability to produce electricity, which can power appliances, such as light bulbs, or shoot lightning bolts. Despite their lightning powers, they can be safely given baths. They like thunder buns as a treat.

A penna lepus is a wind-type. They have the ability to fly, as well as make objects float or put wings on objects. Despite being able to fly, penna lepuses may still spend most of their time walking in order to conserve their magical powers. If they use too much magic, their powers fail, which means they, or whatever they are making float, will fall out of the sky. They like vampire apples, can safely eat cure nuts, and it is implied that they can eat a wide variety of foods in general.

There are also water-type and fire-type lepuses, which have the powers "hydro cannon" and "fire flash" respectively, although the names were not specified.

Lesson 23-13 (NB); Asmodeus's Home Screen dialogue; Devilgrams from The Art of Lepus Taming
Little-Large Penguin

A species of penguin who's body changes size based on its mood and the weather. They can be small enough to fit in the palm of a hand or large enough that its head reaches a ceiling.

Devilgram Our Big Surprise
Long-tailed Devil Tit

Presumably a species of Devildom bird, which may be similar to the Long-tailed tit. It was one of the animals seen in the documentary The Secret Life of Devildom Animals.

Lesson 53-A (NB)

A seven-headed sea monster. See Lotan's page.

Lunar Wrasse

A species of Devildom schooling fish that can swim through moonbows. Lucifer described them as "shadowy figures of fish traversing a rainbow."

Chat A Rare Occurrence
Memory Bug

A species of Devildom moth that likes to eat cloth items of sentimental value. The holes cannot be mended by ordinary means, and the owner will forget any memories associated with the item. The holes disappear only when someone makes the item happy, either by reflecting on a happy memory they have with it, or creating a new memory that elicits happiness.

Devilgrams A Day to Remember, Napping on Clean Laundry, Memories We Hold Hear

A magic Devildom cat that can be attracted with Cheshire cat grass.

Belphegor's Home Screen dialogue; Chat After-School Date With Satan
Miniature Salamander

A type of salamander that can be kept as a pet, despite being capable of spitting fire. Mephistopheles stated that he has a "special subspecies" of pet miniature salamander. See also Flame Salamander.

Lesson 36-9 (NB)
Mold Shark

A Devildom species of shark that possesses magic, and whose entire body is edible. However, preparing a mold shark for eating can be dangerous, both because they can thrash around and are very strong and because these sharks possess a gland that detonates under duress. If a ticking noise is heard, that means the countdown to exploding has begun, and it is important to cool down the shark by submerging it in water to prevent it from exploding.

See also mold shark eyes.

Devilgram Brain Food
Monster Chicken

Monster chickens are known to cry loudly.

Satan's Home Screen dialogue
Moss-green Flying Squirrel

A type of Devildom squirrel. They are known to make nests in tree hollows.

Chat Moss-green Flying Squirrel
Nightmare Sheep

The wool of this sheep can be used to make blankets, but said blankets may not be safe to use for sleeping.

Pop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!
Obstinate Oarfish

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Ocellaris Devil Fish

A type of ocean-dwelling Devildom fish. This is a tropical species that lives among coral reefs, and according to Lucifer, it is a commonly known species.

Devilgram A Brief Respite
One-eyed Chameleon

A Devildom variety of chameleon that has, as the name suggests, just one eye. It changes its coloring to blend in with its surroundings making it appear invisible aside from its eyeball, making it appear like a floating, detached eye.

Pop Quiz Trick or Treat!

Presumably a two-headed dog; implied by the existence of the dishes "grilled Orthrus" and "orthrus teriyaki."

Lesson 36-8 (OM), Devilgram Connecting Through Fangol
Overwintering Hat Bird

A Devildom migrating bird that can turn itself into a hat, and is said to enjoy festivals. It's rare for these birds to stay in one place for too long. Feathers from this bird are called brilliant devil-colored feathers, and according to legend, if two people have a pair of these feathers, no matter how far apart they are, they will always find their way back to each other.

Devilgram Hat Mischief
Pallid Leather Jack

A type of ocean-dwelling Devildom fish. This is a tropical species that lives among coral reefs, and according to Lucifer, it is a commonly known species.

Devilgram A Brief Respite
Phantom Butterfly

A species of butterfly with deep blue wings that are so rare they're considered a Devildom urban legend, and are talked about often on DevilTube and Fab Snap. Legend says that phantom butterflies "use illusions to lure unsuspecting victims into their forest." What happens after varies by story, such as the victim being turned into another phantom butterfly, or the victim is turned into a butterfly nest.

These butterflies are capable of creating illusions as large as entire buildings, and intelligent enough to create a perfume made with flowers that grow from phantom butterfly dust from their wings. If a person blows the butterfly dust into the air, it will create a path that leads to their forest.

Pop Quiz The Phantom Butterflies
Pitch-black Whale

One of the animals kept at the Devil Aquarium.

Pop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization
Poison Anglerfish

A type of Devildom fish.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Mammon '22
Poison Belly Newt

Implied by the existence of the dish "charred Poison Belly Newt", which Satan once considered making for one of his acquaintances.

Chat Tonight's Menu
Poison Caterpillar

Implied by the existence of the dish "poison caterpillar fritters."

Devilgram A Gothic Party
Poison Chameleon

A Devildom type of chameleon. See also Toxic Chameleon.

Lesson 53-A (NB)
Poison Kraken

The ink of a poison kraken is used as a sauce in the dish Dragon Tail Thermidor served at Ristorante Six.

Lesson 29-1 (NB)
Poison Viper Worm

Implied by the existence of the dish "poison viper worm al ajillo."

Lesson 69-19 (OM)
Poison Worm

Implied by the existence of "poison worm sauce."

Lesson 69-7 (OM)
Poisonous Ogre Shrimp

A type of Devildom shrimp that can be found at Aqua Park in Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land.

Pop Quiz Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land

Implied by the existence of dishes like "quetzalcoatl brain mousse" and "quetzalcoatl brain sauce."

Pop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!; Devilgrams The Angelic Employee, Connecting Through Fangol, and The Sweet Demon

Fauna R - Z[edit]

Raid Raven

A species of Devildom raven that is attracted to shiny objects, and may be aggressive in its attempts to steal such objects. They nest in trees, and once it has obtained an item it likes, they will put it in their nest.

Devilgram Li'l Asmo's Big Journey
Rainbow Demon Fish

A rare species of Devildom fish. It's rumored that "if you catch one, you'll find love." They are especially pretty up close, and travel in groups.

Devilgrams Rainbow of Love and A Joyful Surprise Ending

Presumably a large bird of prey, implied by the existence of the dish "roasted Roc."

Lesson 42-5 (OM)
Shadow Alpaca

Simeon once brought one to Purgatory Hall when a friend asked him to look after it while they were in the hospital. In the Pop Quiz The Scroll of Thirst, Solomon can remark about his wanted poster sharing more resemblance with a Shadow Alpaca than with himself.

Diavolo's Home Screen dialogue; Chat Shadow Alpaca; Devilgram Recipes for Magic Stones; Pop Quiz The Scroll of Thirst
Shadow Bat

Implied by the existence of "fried Shadow Bat."

please add
Shadow Gecko

Implied by the existence of the drink "shadow gecko liver milk tea."

Lesson 79-16 (OM)
Shadow Goose

Implied by the existence of the "Shadow Goose Burger" and the dish "Shadow Goose Meat and Egg Lasagna."

Lesson 17-10 (OM); Audio Drama Cooking's So Hard
Shadow Hog

The nose of a Shadow hog apparently contains unique magic, as this magic can be extracted and used to create masks that protect the wearer's nose from smells. Shadow hog eyes can also still move around, even when detached from the hog.

Shadow hogs are also used for many Devildom dishes, such as "Shadow Hog stir-fry," "Shadow Hog pork chop," and "Stewed Shadow Hog."

Lesson 11-A (NB) ; Pop Quiz The Phantom Butterflies; Chat Asmo's Poster; Devilgrams Growing Fast and Lunch at Hell's Kitchen!
Shadow Mayfly

A Devildom insect whose wings can be used to create special glasses for making shadow mayfly paint visible.

Chat Operation Paint the Castle
Shadow Monkey

A type of Devildom monkey.

Devilgram Deserted Island Escape
Shadow Piranha

A type of Devildom fish.

Chat Thanks for Earlier
Shadow Wolf

Implied to be highly dangerous. Rumored to be found in the RAD cafeteria. They have an exhibit at the Devildom Funtime Zoo. They are known to move incredibly fast.

Chats The 666 Mysteries of RAD 3 and Devildom Funtime Zoo 2

Implied by the dish "Herb-grilled Shadowfish."

Lesson 53-10 (NB)

A type of bird that appears to be all skin and bones. Despite their appearance, they have a thin layer of jerky-like meat which Beelzebub thinks is delicious. They move their nests the day before it rains, which allowed Beelzebub to predict the weather.

Devilgram Beel's Forecast
Skeleton Goat

Implied by the existence of Skeleton Goat cheese.

Devilgram Test of Endurance
Skeleton Hummingbird

A species of hummingbird that can make its body transparent.

Devilgram Menagerie Magic Show
Skull Mackerel

A Devildom variety of mackerel.

Audio Drama Barbatos's Unexpected Replacement
Spectral Rooster

This Devildom rooster's cry is described as very shrill.

Chat Spectral Rooster
Static Spider

A type of spider that lives inside electronic devices. Makes a buzzing, sparking sound.

Chat What's up With the TV? 4
Straying Cactus

A monster disguised as a cactus that preys on lost travelers. It pretends to act as a guide before leading wary explorers into their traps. In the Devilgram Love and Riddles, Luke was able to naturally communicate with the monster and relay information. From the same Devilgram, the species is known to reside in the Forest of Mystery.

Devilgram Love and Riddles
Thorny Devil Stick Insect

This insect is not poisonous. It got its name due to its appearance.

Devilgram The Fruits of Inquiry
Three-eyed Crow

A species of crow with three eyes that often nest in groves of black mistletoe trees. They are especially vicious and savage birds.

Lesson 75-15 Hard (OM); Devilgram Find the Lost Salamander
Three-eyed Pigeon

Likely a species of Devildom pigeon that Mammon refers to. They are or were possibly used to deliver letters in a similar fashion to carrier pigeons.

Devilgram Legendary Power Couple
Three-eyed Raven

A Devildom raven whose existence is implied by a decorative mug with a motif of said raven.

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Barbatos '22
Three-legged Crow

Presumably a species of crow with three legs. Satan mentions it is believed that demons derive their power from the three-legged crow, and have since ancient times. That is why there is a relief sculpture at the entrance to the Devildom royal tomb that depicts a three-legged crow.

There is also a company named after the crow: the Three-Legged Crow Group.

Lesson 30-1 (OM)
Toxic Chameleon

Implied by the existence of the dish "Devildom stir-fry with Toxic Chameleon." The heart of this chameleon is an ingredient for making Verbum Drops. See also Poison Chameleon.

Lessons 36-8, 76-4, and 79-14 (OM)
Toxic Snail

One touch of this snail causes even a demon to break out in a rash that burns for days.

Devilgram A Walk Together
Unholy Bird of Paradise

A type of Devildom bird, presumably similar to Paradisaeidae. Demons are known to eat them.

Chats Archery and The Reason for the Prize
Unnamed Bird

This bird loves large, round objects, and is strong enough to snatch multiple grocery bags at once. It can be stopped by bribing it with peanuts, or by playing sounds it doesn't like.

Devilgram A Joint Effort
Unnamed Fish

It is said a similar fish exists in the Human World, so it is presumably a Devildom version of a pufferfish. This fish is described as having bold markings, and poisonous spines it can project from itself as protection. An old book suggests that they are quite tasty if prepared properly, but no one in the Devildom has the skill to prepare it.

Devilgram Our Big Surprise

A horse-like creature with a horn on its head. The hooves are used as an ingredient in "Elixir of cerebral stimulation."

Lesson 29-16 (OM)
Vampire Bat

Implied by the existence of the Vampire Bat Sandwich.

Pop Quiz The Devil's Detective; Chat Sushi Cravings; Audio Drama Save Me, Lucifer; Devilgram A Gothic Party
Vile Veery

A migratory species of Devildom bird that may be similar to the Veery bird species.

Chat Parting Words
Void Fish

A breed of tropical Devildom fish that swim through the air. They are a timid fish that are quick to hide, and always swim in a school. When kept as pets, their diet consists of hell worm hearts. There is also a subspecies of void fish called Flaming Goldfish.

Devilgram Soaring Fish
White Dragon

A magical creature that is highly difficult to summon. A summoned white dragon's appearance reflects the soul of the one who gives their magic to summon it. In the Human World, a white dragon flying towards the heavens is seen as a harbinger of future success, and in some places white dragon bracelets are given to those about to set off on a journey. See also Dragon.

Lesson 39 (NB)
White Night Cobra

A species of snake that may not exist, as it appeared in an alternate universe. It can restrain and drain magic from its target, and can be commanded to target a specific enemy.

Devilgram The Pressures of Being Me
White Wolf of Frost Flowers

See the Trivial Characters page.

Wonder Fox

A Devildom species of fox that can camouflage itself as flowers or other flora. It is very difficult to spot while camouflaged, only noticeable if it moves to glare at passersby or upon close examination to spot its ears. Despite seeming aggressive they are likely to be meek.

Devilgram Picture-Perfect Animals

Presumably a type of two-legged dragon. Wyverns vary in size from small to fairly large, and are capable of flight.

Devilgram Ready for a Real Show!
Zombie Iguana

A zombie iguana is an undead reptilian creature. They apparently have the mental and physical capacity to teach calisthenics.

Limited Item, Chat Zombie Iguana Calisthenics
Zombie Octopus

A Devildom variety of octopus. Satan thinks the liver of this octopus tastes good.

Lesson 11-A (NB)
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