Caves Require Caution - Devilgram

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Caves Require Caution Devilgram.png
Caves Require Caution (OM)
Intimacy: Satan Lv. 7
Card: Caves Require Caution (OM)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
Caves Require Caution (NB) Devilgram.png
Caves Require Caution (NB)
Intimacy: Satan Lv. 5
Card: Caves Require Caution (NB)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(0 votes)

Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Preparation is important."

Mammon and Leviathan excitedly decide to go swimming. Satan reminds them they should warm up first, but Asmodeus instead changes the subject by praising Satan for his excellent build despite being a "bookworm." MC can then choose to touch Satan's abs while Asmodeus teases him for blushing and takes a photo. Asmodeus wants to upload the shot to Devilgram, but Satan refuses. He wants Asmodeus to delete the photo, but Asmodeus refuses and runs away. Satan gives chase, but then Asmodeus splashes him with water. This soon escalates into a water fight.

"It looks like fun!"

Satan asks MC to back him up in the water fight, but Asmodeus calls on MC for help as well. If MC chooses Satan, he gives MC instructions on how to corner Asmodeus, which makes Asmodeus angry at the unfair fight. Mammon and Leviathan sees their water fight and join in as well, turning it into a free-for-all. Mammon then pulls out his ultimate weapon, some water balloons! Leviathan gets angry and starts flinging balloons about, one of them nearly hitting MC. However, Satan saves MC just in time. Asmodeus next pulls out twin water blasters, and Satan decides he has had enough, so he escapes with MC.

"Ugh, the dampness."

Satan decides he and MC have gone far enough to escape his brothers, and stops at a little cave he found the last time he was at Diavolo's beach. He tells MC only he knows the cave's location, and that they are finally alone with no more interruptions. He declares his exhaustion at his brothers always taking such games too seriously, then sits down and asks MC to sit with him. As the rock he's resting on is small, MC will have to squeeze in close beside him. Satan also offers his shoulder for MC to rest their head. MC can then lean against him, and if they do so, Satan declares their touch to be calming for him. He then confides that he finds MC stunning in their swimsuit, and that spending time with MC has been the highlight of the trip for him. Just then, Satan suddenly notices the exit has disappeared.

"Satan knows."

Satan realizes the tide has come in, and the cave entrance is now submerged, leaving them stranded. He explains that the tides ebb and flow in cycles, so they have no choice but to stay in the cave together until the next cycle in six hours. To distract MC, Satan points out the sunset, but also notes the temperature will drop as it gets darker. As MC is human and would be affected more strongly by the cold, the two huddle together for warmth. When they do, Satan comments on MC's rapid heartbeat. MC can choose to deny their heart is racing, but Satan will tease them for blushing. His D.D.D. then rings, and it's Mammon, who had discovered MC and Satan are missing. Satan tells Mammon they need help, then expresses to MC regret as their time together ends. Mammon and Asmodeus are quick to come to the rescue on jet skis. Asmodeus accuses Satan of planning the entire incident. An angry Mammon also believes Satan planned this, and forbids Satan from sharing his jet ski.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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