Eyes on Me! - Devilgram

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Eyes on Me! Devilgram.png
Eyes on Me!
Intimacy: Leviathan Lv. 5
Card: Eyes on Me!
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

"Levi seems quite energetic..."

At the Splash Hell Survival Games, MC watches as Solomon and Simeon ambush Luke. Leviathan appears and tells MC to come with him, and goes on to tell them they can't just be spacing out in the battlefield. Levi then starts to come up with a strategy with MC. As he plays a lot of FPS games, he's good at coming up with strategies, and explains to MC how the first thing they should do is get to a high vantage point. Then they should camp, aka hide and lie in wait for an enemy to pass by.

"As much as you want, be..."

As Leviathan and MC lie in wait, Satan shows up, and Levi decides to target him. He comes up with a strategy of having MC throw a water balloon in front of Satan to startle him, then when Satan is distracted, catch him off guard with the water gun. The strategy either works and as planned, or MC actually hits Satan with the water balloon. Either way, this takes him out of the game.

"Food is more important th..."

Leviathan continues to chat excitedly with MC about battle strategy, and invites them to play an FPS game together sometime. He is really excited that he gets to "show off his cool side" to MC. Solomon then appears, and Levi decides to try and target him. However, Solomon is especially hard to get, and he notices Levi before he can attack. Levi and MC retreat from battle to escape from Solomon.

"So that's where you were..."

As Leviathan and MC hide from Solomon, Levi appears upset that he "didn't get to show off his skills after all." MC tells him that's not true, and compliments him on his skills. Pleased by the compliment, Levi tells MC how he's happy that he got to show them "a cooler version of [him]." MC then tells him they want to see his cool side more often. Levi asks them if they should go hunt for more enemies then, and MC either tells him that they want a kiss from him instead, or answers to his question with "Let's go then!" If the latter, they both go back to the game and try to get Solomon again.

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