Lemon Parfait Lovers - Devilgram

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Lemon Parfait Lovers Devilgram.png
Lemon Parfait Lovers
Intimacy: Mammon Lv. 7
Card: Lemon Parfait Lovers
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

"Looks suspicious..."

In the House of Lamentation's common room, Asmodeus is giving MC a manicure as Leviathan watches. Just then, Mammon enters the room and asks to speak with MC. However, Mammon ends up leaving without saying much at all. Later that day at RAD, MC is talking to the three members of Purgatory Hall. Mammon approaches them and asks MC if he can talk to them. He asks them if they want to go somewhere after class before taking it back and running away. When MC returns to the House of Lamentation after school, they run into Mammon in the hallway. This time, Mammon asks them if they want to go eat something sweet together.


Out in town, Mammon notes that it's pretty crowded and asks MC if they want to hold hands. They also talk about if this outing is considered a date or not before Mammon insists that they go get something sweet to eat. Mammon takes MC to a café and shows them their menu. He points out that they have a lemon parfait and MC ends up ordering it, much to Mammon's pleasure.

"Enjoying a parfait are we?"

When the lemon parfait arrives at their table, Mammon stares at MC intently as he waits for them to eat it. After MC takes a bite, Mammon asks them if he can have a bite. MC can choose whether they want to feed Mammon or not. After Mammon takes a bite of the parfait, he excitedly exclaims that he and MC shared a lemon parfait together. MC is suspicious of Mammon's sudden outburst but Mammon claims that there's nothing strange going on. After they leave the café, Mammon asks MC if they feel any different. The answer MC gives disappoints Mammon but he decides that he'll wait a bit longer before he gives up.

"I wanna try making it t..."

Mammon and MC arrive home and he asks them if they feel anything different towards him. MC's answer is still not to Mammon's liking, but just then, Asmodeus reveals that he's been listening in. He knows that they went to eat a lemon parfait together and mentions that there was a rumor that if you share a lemon parfait with someone you care about, it would bring the two of you closer. Mammon and Asmodeus get into an argument about this and Mammon ends up running away. MC follows Mammon to the planetarium to figure out why he's so upset. He tells them that he wanted to eat a lemon parfait together to deepen their relationship. If MC thinks this is cute, they can give Mammon a kiss. In the end, Mammon and MC can decide that they do like each other more now, meaning that the superstition did work, or decide that even though the rumor isn't true, they should go again anyway.

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