Levi's Decluttering - Devilgram

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Levi's Decluttering Devilgram.png
Levi's Decluttering
Intimacy: Leviathan Lv. 5
Card: Levi's Decluttering
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

"I understand how he feels."

In the past timeline, Leviathan vents to MC in the common room. Everyone is complaining that his nerdy stuff gets left around the house, and they want to ban his otaku activities until he cleans up. MC suggests doing it together, and Leviathan agrees. Leviathan's room is full, so he decides to declutter his collection into "keep" and "get rid of" piles. However, Leviathan puts everything in the "keep" pile. His brothers suggest getting rid of double items and trash, but Leviathan refuses. Because of this, Lucifer enforces the ban, and Leviathan is distraught.

"It's a hard problem..."

Leviathan begs MC to make Lucifer change his mind. MC can either refuse, or comfort him. His brothers express concern that the common areas are becoming his storage rooms. MC offers to store some things in their room, or make a compromise to cut his spending. However, Lucifer shoots both ideas down. Leviathan finally realizes he has no other choice. MC can either tell him it's tough to give up things you love, or suggest making room for more things. Leviathan sadly goes to get some boxes, and Mammon looks concerned.

"I'm glad he feels better."

Mammon and the others feel bad for Leviathan, because they know it's hard for him to give up his collection. MC suggests dressing up or using Leviathan's favorite things to motivate him, and the brothers agree. Later, Leviathan is deciding what to do with a broken charm. MC can suggest getting a new one, or taking a chain from one he's getting rid of. Everyone but Lucifer arrives cosplaying as the Witch Hat Pirates from Three Piece to cheer him up. This gives Leviathan a burst of motivation to finish sorting.

"He can tidy up well now."

Back in the present, Leviathan is looking for his Ruri-chan shovel. Suddenly, Asmodeus enters his room wearing a Three Piece costume he found. Leviathan recognizes it, but their memories are hazy and they can't remember why. Leviathan finds the shovel in his closet, and MC compliments how far he's come with organizing. MC puts on their Taichi-senpai costume for the Ruri-chan convention, and Leviathan compliments them and takes their picture. MC can tell Leviathan to put his costume on, or say they're more than just companions. If they do, Leviathan says he's fallen for them all over, and they can hug or kiss him. If they kiss, Leviathan bashfully asks to keep making out.

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