TSL Soundtrack

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TSL Vinyl 4-10.png
Image source: Lesson 4-10 (OM)
Item Name
TSL Soundtrack
Obey Me!
First Seen
Lesson 4-10
First Seen
please add

The TSL Soundtrack is a supposedly cursed vinyl edition of the soundtrack for The Tale of the Seven Lords that was first mentioned in Lesson 3-4 (OM). Leviathan owns a copy of this record.


As Lucifer explained in Lesson 4-10 (OM), the person who served as the first composer for the The Tale of the Seven Lords movies committed suicide after completing the soundtrack. The final song the composer wrote before his death was meant to be used in a scene where the Lord of Corruption puts a curse on the heroes. However, this track was unused in the final edit of the movie due to the composer's death.

A group of diehard TSL fans were eventually able to pool their funds to have a limited number of vinyl editions of the soundtrack produced. However, everyone who was involved in creating the record - as well as every person who owned a copy of it - ended up dying mysteriously. This resulted in a rumor that the record was cursed. Allegedly, all copies of the vinyl soundtrack had been destroyed, though Mammon revealed that Leviathan owned a copy of the record in Lesson 3-4 (OM). This copy is likely the only one still in existence.


Obey Me!'s Main Story[edit]

This section may include spoilers.

In Lesson 3, Mammon told MC that a good way of distracting Lucifer so that they could reach the House of Lamentation's attic would be to give him a vinyl edition copy of the soundtrack for The Tale of the Seven Lords. In Lesson 4, MC was able to obtain Leviathan's copy of the soundtrack and then give it to Lucifer. Lucifer then explained to them the history of the record and why it was thought to be cursed. Said curse was brought up again in Lesson 20 if MC asked Lucifer if those who listen to the soundtrack are supposed to die. Lucifer then claimed that even though all humans who were involved in its creation died mysteriously, their deaths were just a coincidence.

When Leviathan allowed MC to borrow the soundtrack, he requested that they return it when they were done with it. However, after MC gave it to Lucifer, he seemed to have kept it for quite a while. This is brought up in the daily chat The TSL Soundtrack, where Leviathan demanded MC return his record. Lucifer then told Leviathan that he could pick it up from his desk later. In this chat, it was also revealed that Lucifer listened to the soundtrack frequently, and the music was described as an "ominous melody."

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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