The Tale of the Seven Lords

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TSL Script.png
Image source: Pop Quiz Henry and the Seven Lords
Item Name
The Tale of the Seven Lords
Obey Me!
First Seen
Lesson 1-13
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The Tale of the Seven Lords (often shortened to TSL) is a series of fantasy novels written by "Christopher Peugeot." According to Leviathan in Lesson 1-13 (OM), the series is "a heroic epic spanning 138 volumes." How this is possible when - at the time he told MC this information - there were only eight published volumes, is unclear. He also stated that it's the "most widely-read fantasy series in the world." The series has also been translated into 182 different languages.

In Lessons 3 and 4 (OM), Leviathan and MC competed in a "TSL Trivia Showdown" to prove who was the "biggest TSL nerd." In the Pop Quiz Henry and the Seven Lords, all seven brothers were given TSL Costumes to use when performing a musical adaptation of the story.

The Chapter G Nightmare app references TSL with the dialogue: "This should be of some assistance." With those words, Orbus entrusted the light of hope to the princess. — The Tale of the Seven Lords: Volume 7


The Seven Lords[edit]

The seven lord are brothers, and it was revealed in both Lesson 26-16 Hard (OM) and the chat Simeon's Next Novel that they are based on the seven demon brothers. In birth order, the oldest is the Lord of Corruption, and the youngest is the Lord of Emptiness. Leviathan listed each of the seven lords in Lesson 1-13 (OM), as well as provided short personality descriptions for each one.

The Lord of Corruption[edit]

The Lord of Corruption is the first lord and the oldest, who "doesn't come across as being so bad at first, but he's always plotting and planning in secret." According to Leviathan, many people like the oldest lord the best. It was mentioned in Lesson 3-7 (OM) that the Lord of Corruption has a platypus that lays golden eggs. The Lord of Corruption is based on Lucifer.

The Lord of Fools[edit]

The Lord of Fools is the second lord, and is "a scumbag who'd do anything for money." He "lives a life of extravagance and indulgence," and and is "always causing trouble for the third lord." The reason behind his title is explained in Lesson 3-7 (OM), and is due to the lord's attempt to steal the Lord of Corruption's platypus, which could lay golden eggs. This angered the Lord of Corruption, so "it was ordered that the second lord would be forever dubbed The Lord of Fools." The Lord of Fools is based on Mammon.

The Lord of Shadow[edit]

The Lord of Shadow is the third lord and "a brooding recluse," though he does have one friend, and it's the story's protagonist, Henry. As stated in Lesson 3-20 (OM, he built "the Blue Palace" for his imaginary mistress in Year 693 of the ancient era. He also at one point grew carnivorous grodoodle plants, as mentioned in the same Lesson. He is based on Leviathan, who coincidentally considers the third lord to be his favorite character.

The Lord of Masks[edit]

The Lord of Masks is the fourth lord, who "masquerades as a high-status, upstanding member of society, but underneath it all, he's an inhumane monster." He is alluded to not getting along well with the Lord of Shadow, to the point of him making plans for the other lord's assassination in Volume 9. The Lord of Masks is based on Satan.

The Lord of Lechery[edit]

The Lord of Lechery is the fifth lord, who "only ever thinks of sex." He's known to have multiple lovers, as mentioned in the Pop Quiz Henry and the Seven Lords. However, it's stated in Lesson 3-20 (OM) that the Lord of Lechery loves himself more than anyone else. He is based on Asmodeus.

The Lord of Flies[edit]

The Lord of Flies is the sixth lord, who "only ever thinks of food." It was mentioned in Lesson 3-20 (OM) that he loves to eat "cursed goat tartare sandwiches with cheese" more than anything else. He is based on Beelzebub, which is a transliteration of his name from Hebrew.

The Lord of Emptiness[edit]

The Lord of Emptiness is the seventh lord and the youngest, who is "weird" and "you never know what's running through his head." He is based on Belphegor.

Other Characters[edit]


Henry is the protagonist of TSL and is assumed to be a human, as it was mentioned in Lesson 3-10 (OM) that he is a different species than the seven lords. He is known to be "quite capable with a sword," and at one point fought in a duel with the Lord of Corruption, as mentioned in the Pop Quiz Henry and the Seven Lords. Leviathan also mentioned in this Pop Quiz that Henry is "a sworn friend of the Lord of Shadow, and he's always encouraging him when he's feeling down." Henry also has a winged unicorn that he won off the Lord of Fools in a bet, as mentioned in Lesson 4-6 (OM).

Henry is a character often correlated with MC, and was the role Leviathan gave them in Lesson 4-13 Hard (OM) when he, Mammon, and MC "[swore] an oath to be allies." MC also was the one who played Henry in the Henry and the Seven Lords Pop Quiz.

Leviathan has also used this character's name twice to name both a snake and his pet goldfish.


The Lord of Fools' former sweetheart, as mentioned in Lesson 3-10 (OM). She was found frozen in ice in the northern country by the Lord of Fools in TSL Volume 2. Geldie is likely based on Goldie.

The Lord of Fools' Golden Pig[edit]

This golden pig was mentioned in Lesson 44-4 (NB). Whenever the Lord of Fools picks it up, gold coins come out of its nose.

The Lord of Shadows' Aide[edit]

This character was mentioned in Lesson 44-4 (NB), though their name is currently unknown. Leviathan stated they were "careless but charming."


Orbus is a character mentioned in the TSL quote within the Chapter G Nightmare app of Obey Me!.

The Princess[edit]

The princess is a character mentioned in the TSL quote within the Chapter G Nightmare app of Obey Me!.


The protagonist of TSL is called Henry, and the story seems to focus on him dealing with and helping the seven lords. As mentioned in Lesson 1-13 (OM), one of the TSL volumes is called "The Tale of the Seven Lords: The Lord of Shadow Awakens." A hard to find volume called "The Seven Lords: The Lord of Corruption's Complete Book of Conquests" was mentioned in the event Happy Birthday! Dear Lucifer, though it's unclear if the book is part of the main series or supplemental material.

In Lesson 3-10 (OM), MC watched the TSL full series on DVD with Mammon and Beelzebub, which was 12 hours long.

Volumes 1 and 2[edit]

What happens in volume 1 is not yet known. In volume 2, Henry and the Lord of Shadow formed a pact, though it's unlikely this is the same type of pact between demons and humans, as Leviathan also refers to it as a "covenant" in Lesson 4-13 Hard (OM). The two set a trap together for the Lord of Fools, who was then "chased up into the snowy northern country." There he found the frozen body of "his former sweetheart, Geldie."

Most likely in this same volume, Henry "makes a covenant with both the Lord of Fools and the Lord of Shadow," as told by Leviathan in Lesson 4-13 Hard (OM). The two lords had been on bad terms, but after this their countries resume diplomatic relations. Leviathan credited this change to Henry convincing the lords to make amends, but also to he and the Lord of Shadow taking back the "Statue of the Goddess of the Blue and Gold Blossom." The statue likely correlates to the Seraphina figurine Leviathan wanted to get from Mammon in Lesson 1-15 (OM).

Volumes 3 and 4[edit]

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In Lesson 3-20 (OM, Leviathan stated that on page 724 of TSL Volume 3 that the Lord of Fools said "Money is my dearest friend and closest companion. It's everything to me. The blood bonds I share with my brothers are like weak, wispy threads of a spider by comparison."

Volume 5 and 6[edit]

In Volume 5, the Lord of Flies had his country invaded by hostile forces, who cut off supply lines so his people would starve. The Lord of Fools tried to help his brother by arranging for food to be smuggled in, but rainy weather caused said food to spoil. This resulted in the Lord of Flies land facing an outbreak of disease on top of the famine they already faced. In the Pop Quiz Henry and the Seven Lords, it was also mentioned that in this part of the story, the Lord of Flies had fallen ill, and was cared for by Henry.

Volumes 7 and 8[edit]

In Volume 7, in "year 825 of the ancient era," the Lord of Emptiness led a sudden rebellion against his oldest brother, the Lord of Corruption. His older brother then imprisoned him "within the Tower of Shadow in the farthest corner of the world." The other lords are said to lament his fate, but they can do nothing, as they "fear incurring the wrath of the Lord of Corruption above all else."

Volume 9[edit]

If MC chose to ask an angel for advice in Lesson 3-17 (OM), then in Lesson 4-1 (OM) they revealed major plot developments in Volume 9, which was not yet released at that point. In this volume, they state that The Lord of Masks does something to the Lord of Shadow that caused Leviathan to think the two would not make amends, which went against what fans of the series were expecting. Most likely, this plot development refers to the same story point later mentioned in Lesson 44-4 (NB), when Volume 9 has since been released.

In this lesson, Leviathan talked about the Lord of Masks inviting the Lord of Shadow to a feast that he claimed was a "peace overture," but in actually was an assassination attempt. During said feast, the Lord of Masks slipped on some banana peels that the Lord of Flies tossed on the floor, which caused him to hit his head and end up with amnesia. When the Lord of Shadow tried to help him, the Lord of Masks mistook him for his long-lost brother and started crying, despite normally being "devoid of emotion."

Satan added to Leviathan's plot rant as well, and said that when the Lord of Shadow sensed he was about to walk in on a trap, he tried to plant a poison worm in the Lord of Masks' throne before the feast. His aide, however, mistook a spotted shadow eel for a poison worm and placed one of those on the throne instead.

Unknown Volumes[edit]

Leviathan stated in Lesson 1-13 (OM) that the Lord of Fools once owned magical pigs that gave birth to solid gold piglets. However, at some point in the story Henry talks to the pigs and persuades all of them to leave with him. He then presented the pigs to the third lord as a gift.

Leviathan also mentioned in the same lesson a "really awesome moment" in the story when Henry and the Lord of Shadow "realize they both like and respect each other, and they high-five!"

In Lesson 3-7 (OM), it was mentioned that at some point in the story, the Lord of Fools attempted to steal the Lord of Corruption's platypus, which could lay golden eggs. This angered the Lord of Corruption, so "it was ordered that the second lord would be forever dubbed The Lord of Fools."

There is also a point in the TSL story where "the Lord of Corruption puts a curse on the heroes," as Lucifer told MC in Lesson 4-10 (OM) that one the songs on the TSL Soundtrack was composed to be used for this scene in the movie adaptation.


This section may include spoilers.

The author of The Tale of the Seven Lords is known as Christopher Peugeot, and he is commonly thought to be a human, as Leviathan stated in Lesson 1-13 (OM). However, it was later revealed in Lesson 24 (OM) that the name is actually a pen name used by Simeon, who is the series' true author.


Leviathan explained in Lesson 1-13 (OM) that The Tale of the Seven Lords has "theatrical versions, an animated series, and feature films, too." He thinks the 1990's theatrical version was an "utter disaster" owing to the fact that the film added characters that were not in the original manuscript, including a female lead alongside the protagonist Henry.

The 2015 version, however, is an adaptation Leviathan said he considers "better than amazing." The 2015 version is presumably a series of films, as MC had a movie marathon in Lesson 3-10 (OM) where they watched all 12 hours of the full TSL series. Satan told MC in Lesson 3-14 (OM) that the DVD version of TSL was up to season 7, while the books at this time were up to Volume 8.

In the Pop Quiz Henry and the Seven Lords, a school musical version of the story called "TSL: The Musical" was performed. The seven brothers played the seven lords, MC played the role of Henry, and Simeon was the play's director. The brothers were also given TSL Costumes to wear in said musical.

Merchandise and Spin-offs[edit]

Due to its popularity, The Tale of the Seven Lords is known to have a fair amount of merchandise and spin-off merch, which Leviathan is known to own a fair amount of. Notable merch items are listed here.

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