The View From Within - Devilgram

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The View From Within Devilgram.png
The View From Within
Intimacy: Luke Lv. 5
Card: The View From Within
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(0 votes)

Story Summary

"Luke, you're so excited."

Luke and MC admire the mechanical creations that RAD students made for an assignment. They marvel at a school of mechanical fish, and discuss the difficulty of such projects.

"That invention looks fabulous!"

Luke finds a mechanical umbrella, and upon opening it, he begins to float upwards. After he lands by closing the umbrella, MC may choose to have a try as well.

"Could they be trapped?"

Luke and MC come across Raphael's gigantic birdcage. The two decide to enter, but no sooner do they step inside than the door shuts and locks behind them. They are left with no other options than to wait for someone to pass by and let them out.

"You should always read the manual."

Nobody passes by. Luke notices a button to MC's left, and they decide to press it in the hopes that it will free them. To their surprise, the scenery changes to a view of the Celestial Realm instead. Luke accidentally presses the button again, causing the scenery to change to that of the Celestial Realm's forest. Shortly afterwards, the view disappears as Raphael comes by to help them out. He explains that the scenery was meant to be enjoyed from the outside, but at Luke and MC's suggestion, he agrees to modify it so the scenery may be enjoyed from the inside as well.

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