Wish Upon a Cat - Devilgram

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Wish Upon a Cat Devilgram.png
Wish Upon a Cat
Intimacy: Satan Lv. 5
Card: Wish Upon a Cat
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(2 votes)

Story Summary

"Be careful."

At Cocytus Hall, Solomon and MC are having tea. It's supposed to be MC's day off, so when MC's phone rings, they can decide if they want to answer it or not. However, MC does end up answering the phone and Satan demands that they come over immediately. Solomon tells them that Satan sounds upset, so they should go and that he'll make them some more tea when they get back.

"Let sleeping Satans lie."

When MC arrives at the House of Lamentation, Leviathan warns them that Satan's in a bad mood. Asmodeus tells MC that Satan got into a fight with Lucifer and the other brothers explain how disruptive it was and that it started over something dumb in the first place. Asmodeus explains that Satan ended up receiving a lecture from Lucifer about his lifestyle habits and the brothers encourage MC to go comfort him. After letting them into his room, Satan immediately starts yelling at MC for taking so long, but calms down a bit after MC either asks him to or threatens to leave. Satan tells MC what happened, and MC can either take Lucifer's side or Satan's. If MC takes Lucifer's side, Satan becomes angry and demands that they listen to him because they're his attendant, but is happy if MC sympathizes with him.

"The room is way too dangerous."

Satan shows MC a pile of books that fell over, explaining how he got stuck under them for a few days and how Lucifer had told him that he needs to clean his room. However, Satan does not want to and attempts to explain to MC how tidiness varies from person to person and that he has dangerous books in his room that would be unadvisable to move unnecessarily. MC can either respond positively to what Satan says or disagree with him. Satan then tells MC to open one of his books, so they do, and then he tells them that the book forces them to answer all questions truthfully. After MC answers all his questions, the spell wears off and Satan points to another book, and MC opens it before he can stop them.

"What a fearsome curse."

The book has produced a ghost cat, and Satan finds the cat adorable. The ghost cat announces that the summoner shall receive one wish. MC can either wish to be filthy rich or for eternal happiness. Satan criticizes their choice and the cat tells them that they can only grant cat-related wishes. Satan begs MC to let him make the wish. MC can either agree or ask for something in exchange. Satan wishes to meet the cutest cat in the whole Devildom and the ghost cat turns MC into a cat. Satan is surprised and the ghost cat explains that the easiest way to grant such a wish would be to turn the person Satan is most attracted to into a cat. Satan demands the ghost cat change MC back, but the ghost cat says the only way is for Satan to shower them with affection. However, after Satan does this, the ghost car reveals that MC would have changed back in five minutes either way, much to Satan's chagrin. The ghost cat then leaves and Lucifer comes in to see if Satan's done cleaning.

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