A New Contract - Devilgram

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A New Contract Devilgram.png
A New Contract
Intimacy: Mammon Lv. 7
Card: A New Contract
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(2 votes)

Story Summary

"Lol, your nose works TOO well."

MC visits Purgatory Hall on behalf of Solomon's request. Barbatos greets them upon their arrival, and explains the situation involving concern over an uneasy Lucifer. Solomon doesn't note anything to be unordinary, though Barbatos disagrees, and mentions that Diavolo had noted Lucifer's worried and uneasy attitude first. He then requested the aid of Solomon to investigate the problem. When the trio begin to debate the source of Lucifer's fretfulness, Mammon bursts into the room and boasts about his upcoming birthday party. Both Barbatos and Solomon sigh, as they've both now determined what - or rather who - was the source of Lucifer's worries.

"Asking Mammon is a mistake."

Solomon asks Mammon what he'd want for his birthday, which leads Mammon to name a long list of luxury items that include, but are not limited to: a limited-edition handbag, designer shoes and wristwatch, a new tailored suit and a full set of spoked wheels for his car, a Demonio 666 Lexura. While Barbatos notes of his regret for asking Mammon in the first place, MC can either respond with uncertainty or complete confidence that they could buy the perfect gift for him. Barbatos interrupts Mammon before he could list even more items, and Solomon asks why Mammon visited Purgatory Hall. Mammon reminds himself of his original goal to pick up MC from Purgatory Hall, and everyone heads their respective ways, as the original dilemma was resolved. While heading back to the House of Lamentation, Mammon awkwardly invites MC for a walk.

"That's cute for Mammon."

Mammon starts interrogating MC by first asking why Barbatos and Solomon were together in Purgatory Hall, and he narrows the reason down to an issue relating with Diavolo. He shivers at the thought of Solomon potentially catering for his birthday and MC can either laugh, jokingly tell him farewell, or reassure Mammon that he's overthinking. Tinted with envy, Mammon then wonders why MC was at Purgatory Hall, but then disregards his question. MC could prompt an explanation of his envy by asking to hold hands, and he will complain to MC about not spending time with him despite his upcoming birthday. Mammon eventually determines that the trio were planning for his birthday whether MC attempts to respond vaguely or with nervousness. They eventually arrive back at the House of Lamentation, and Mammon discreetly tells MC that the gift he wants from them is something that cannot be bought.

"I'm countin' on ya!"

The duo head to MC's room and Mammon presents a paper contract for MC to sign his birthday present. MC is at first suspicious of his motives, and they can either point out their already established pact, defiantly state that they won't be his sponsor, or become enthusiastic to immediately sign the contract. Mammon stops their further expectations and thoroughly guides them through the agreement. The paper details MC dedicating all of their free time to Mammon and doing whatever Mammon asks of them if possible. The agreement goes into effect from the moment MC finishes signing until midnight of Mammon's birthday, and MC can choose to sign the document or not. If MC chooses the former option, they can decide whether to play games together - which Mammon refuses, and they instead lounge together - or kiss Mammon until sunrise, on the day of his birthday. If MC chooses the latter, then Mammon will patiently look forward to when they'll sign the contract.

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