It Is All for You, Master - Devilgram

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It Is All for You, Master Devilgram.png
It Is All for You, Master
Intimacy: Satan Lv. 5
Beelzebub Lv. 5
Belphegor Lv. 5
Card: It Is All for You, Master
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

During the events of the Demon de Butler Pop Quiz, Satan, Beelzebub, and Belphegor bring tea and snacks to MC's bedroom. While there Belphegor notices that something seems to be bothering MC. When asked about it then somewhat reluctantly tell the butlers that they have been struggling with some of their classes and homework from RAD. The brothers sympathize, saying that the classes at RAD are hard by normal standards and must be more so for MC as a human. They decide they will help their master with their homework.

"Impressions? It's more like they..."

Some time later in the dinning room of the House of Lamentation, Satan hands MC his impressions on The Encyclopedia of the Devildom in various languages for them to turn in for a class. Belphegor then hands them a copy of a report that he and Beelzebub had written on demon culinary arts. Despite how happy and helpful the butlers think they have been, MC tells them that they cannot turn in work that is not their own. They are disappointed to hear this until Belphegor tells them that there are other ways butlers can be helpful.

"It's important to comfort..."

Later in MC's bedroom, Belphegor is reporting to them that the butlers have made sure that the room's temperature, humidity, and lighting are set to their liking. Beelzebub reports to them that they have prepared a warm drink and plenty of cakes for them to recharge once MC finishes their homework. Satan reports that they have prepared a selection of music and art books for MC to clear their head with as well. They ask if there is anything else MC needs from them, allowing MC to choose to ask for compliments from them, a massage, or to be left alone.

"They're getting there."

The next day in a classroom at RAD, Lucifer congratulated MC for receiving high marks on their assignment. MC can choose to tell him that it was all thanks to either Satan, Beelzebub, or Belphegor. Lucifer praises the three brothers for being such good butlers to MC. However, later in the kitchen of the House of Lamentation, Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus are laughing and discussing how the other three spent so much time helping MC with their homework that they themselves ended up with a backlog of their own homework. MC finds them in the living room complaining about their brothers while working. MC can choose to apologize, or tell them it was their own fault. They can then choose a way to motivate or assist the three in getting their work done, and despite them being sad that their homework would keep them from serving their master, the brothers are motivated to work hard.

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