Memorable Photos - Devilgram

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Memorable Photos Devilgram.png
Memorable Photos
Intimacy: Diavolo Lv. 5
Card: Memorable Photos
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(0 votes)

Story Summary

"I kind of get it."

MC is visiting the Demon Lord's Castle and drinking tea with Diavolo in the guest room. He expresses how soothing it is to spend time with them. They can agree, or prefer to go out. If the latter is chosen, he explains that it's not easy with his position, but promises they'd go somewhere soon. He wants to show something to MC: a "recent" photo album from 100 years ago. He tells MC that he never thought of taking photos for memories' sake, as with such a long life span each year was blending into another. However, since the demon brothers came to the Devildom, and then MC too, Diavolo's days started to feel special again, and worth remembering by taking photos.

"I want to see their face."

Diavolo shows MC the album, and starts explaining the situations the photos were taken in. He finds one where Lucifer got angry at him because he applied eye drops and pretended to cry, which made Lucifer feel completely at a loss. Diavolo shows MC another photo where Lucifer made a blunder - a rare mistake on his part - and enough to make Diavolo laugh even at the memory.

"It CAN be helped."

Diavolo admits he's taken many photos, and that each of them is a good memory, as he really enjoyed the time spent with Barbatos and Lucifer. He admits to feeling like Lucifer likely just felt obliged to spent time with him. MC can reassure him that Lucifer likes him back. Diavolo emphasizes the importance of reminders such as photos for someone who's lived for so long, as it's difficult to recall everything that happened in such a time span. He also wants to keep memories of MC as well.

"Hand over that album!"

Diavolo shows MC the current year's album, which is thicker than the previous ones. Diavolo expresses how he wanted to take pictures to remember every moment of MC's stay because they're very special to him. He wants to create more memories, and hopes that the future albums are going to be just as thick as the newest one. Diavolo also intends to show MC the sides of him that he hasn't shown them yet. He states that even though MC's time in the Devildom might be short, he wants to give them enough memories to last a lifetime. He suggests taking a selfie together with his D.D.D., but once he sees the photo, he notes his own expression: peaceful and not fitting the future Demon King. He promises them he'll only wear such an expression around MC. MC can kiss him then.

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