Recognized by One's Idol - Devilgram

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Recognized by One's Idol Devilgram.png
Recognized by One's Idol
Intimacy: Mammon Lv. 3
Leviathan Lv. 5
Card: Recognized by One's Idol
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(2 votes)

Story Summary

"Shut up."

Mammon and MC are in Mammon's room at the House of Lamentation playing a game of pool together when Leviathan bursts in. Mammon yells at him for not even knocking, but Leviathan says it's an emergency. He won a spot for an online high-five meeting with Sucre Frenzy, an idol group in the Devildom. He wants Mammon's help in thinking of a way to leave an impression. When MC questions him, he explains that he has to leave an impression so that the idol will recognize him next time.

"I think you should calm down."

Mammon agrees to help Leviathan, but not for free. Leviathan offers to pay him 50,000 Grimm, which Mammon is happy to agree to. Leviathan then asks if MC will help him too, and if MC asks if they also get a fee, Leviathan promises to pay them too. If they say they'll help for free, Leviathan is surprised and says they're "practically an angel." He then explains he'll only get 30 seconds for his online meeting, so MC suggests either asking the idol about their favorite quote, or how Leviathan comes across to them. Mammon also suggests holding a flashy fan so they stand out visually, too.

"Mammon can be dependab..."

Mammon leaves to buy the materials they'll need to make the fan, and while he's gone, Leviathan tells MC why he wanted Mammon's help specifically. He thinks of all his brothers, Mammon's best at making friends. Asmodeus also has good social skills, but he thinks Asmodeus only thinks of himself, while Mammon thinks of the other person. That's something that Leviathan admires, though he's quick to add that it's the only positive quality when it comes to Mammon. He also insists that MC keep this conversation a secret.

"Wow, what trash."

Day later, Mammon and MC are in the House of Lamentation's library, where Mammon remembers that today is the day of the online high-five event. He wonders how Leviathan's doing, though if MC asks if he's worried about Leviathan, he denies it and says he's just worried he won't get paid if things go badly. Leviathan then comes into the room, and happily announces that he got the idol to remember his name and face.

Leviathan thanks Mammon and MC, but then Mammon says he owes him 500,000 Grimm. Leviathan reminds him they agreed on only 50,000 Grimm, but Mammon reveals that he changed Leviathan's email address on the form to his own, so the bonus Sucre Frenzy voice message from the event was sent to him instead. Leviathan's shocked, and MC either comments on how scummy that is, or suggests Leviathan give up on getting the voice message.

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