Sweet Valentine Honesty - Devilgram

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Sweet Valentine Honesty Devilgram.png
Sweet Valentine Honesty
Intimacy: Lucifer Lv. 7
Card: Sweet Valentine Honesty
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(2 votes)

Story Summary

"Just go by yourself!"

Lucifer meets with MC after class, and asks for them to accompany him somewhere. He then changes into his everyday clothes, and explains it's because they're visiting a popular café, and he doesn't want to stand out. He also says there's a "problem" with this café they're going to investigate. MC can comment that they were hoping this was a date, and if they do, Lucifer says this investigation is also a date.

He then explains that demons visiting the café are getting into disputes - mainly about love - after eating the "Valentine's Day special." Diavolo is concerned the café is using some form of aphrodisiac, but Lucifer assures MC that as a human, it's unlikely they'll be affected. Either MC can question if they're testing for poison, or say they "wanted to enjoy the side effects."

"They look like they're having..."

Lucifer and MC enter the café and order the Valentine's Day couple's tea set. While waiting for their orders, Lucifer reads aloud the menu describing the tea set, and MC can either say it sounds like he was looking forward to this, or worry they won't finish the amount of food that comes with this set. If the former, Lucifer is surprised they can tell, and if the latter, Lucifer assures MC he'll eat any food they can't finish.

Their orders arrive, and Lucifer comments on the use of pink flowers and hearts. He also doesn't notice anything off yet, so the two try their food. Lucifer is very happy at the quality, and comments the taste is perfect. He then wonders if the possible concerns were only due to rumors.

"That's quite the interesting ph..."

The after-meal tea arrives along with some chocolate, but then Lucifer notices something, and checks the café's menu again. The tea and the chocolate are meant to make a person "relaxed, yet emboldened." Lucifer says he has to try both for the sake of investigating. However, he tells MC they can only have either the tea or the chocolate, as they should be safe only trying one of them. He then asks MC tell him if he starts acting strangely.

Once they're finished, they return to the House of Lamentation, where Leviathan and Asmodeus are upset at the two of them going on a date together. Lucifer tells them he and MC will be in his room for awhile and should not be disturbed, which only upsets the two more.

"Quite unexpected for Lucifer."

Lucifer thanks MC for accompanying him today, and MC can reply either they had fun, or can't complain about eating tasty treats. He then invites MC to sit next to him and rest, and MC either sits next to him, stands directly in front of him, or kneels at his feet. Regardless, they also point out that Lucifer seems to be acting different.

Lucifer thinks the tea and chocolate they had are safe when taken separately, but together cause the side effect of "carelessly speaking one's mind." MC can tell Lucifer they like it when he's honest, or wish they could have tried both too. If the latter, Lucifer points out that the effect might have been different for humans, and he wanted to keep them safe. He then asks to kiss MC, and wants them to stay with him until the effect wears off so he can keep them all to himself.

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