The Butterflies' Banquet - Devilgram

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Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"It's like a curse..."

Leviathan is on a date in the Phantom Butterflies' forest with MC. He remarks how coming to the forest makes him feel more positive, and tells MC they should come to the forest more often. In the following days, they come to the forest often, but they start noticing how there seems to be less and less phantom butterflies around, until one day they don't see a single one and realize they have all disappeared.

"Oh, I forgot about the game..."

Back at the House of Lamentation, Leviathan and MC discuss what to do about the phantom butterfly situation, fearing that something dangerous might be going on. They consider asking the others for help, but everyone is out of the house. Belphegor is supposed to be back home soon, but when he doesn't come back in time, Levi and MC go out to look for him, and find out he might be in the forest of the phantom butterflies. As they stand just outside the forest, the trees start moving on their own.

"Such an interesting habit..."

After deciding to go inside the forest to look for Belphegor, Leviathan and MC see a phantom butterfly, only to realize that the butterfly is an illusion. After following a group of phantom butterfly illusions, they arrive at a sparkling whirlpool made out of butterfly dust, and realize the butterfly illusions are being sucked into it. They decide to go inside the whirlpool to look for Belphie.

"It's too bad we weren't there."

After going into the whirlpool, Leviathan and MC realize they are still in the butterfly forest, but this time they see real butterflies flying around. There, they find Belphegor sleeping. After waking him up, Levi scolds him for disappearing and worrying them. Belphie goes on to tell them that, after he went into the whirlpool he found in the forest, he landed on a bed of leaves and fell asleep. He says he overheard the butterflies talking about how they had found a place more suited to increase their numbers, and that's why they were moving the forest.

Belphie tells them the butterflies are having a banquet to celebrate their move and that they have invited them to participate. After the banquet, Belphie falls asleep again, and Levi and MC decide to relax while drinking some butterfly nectar Demonus. After getting a little drunk, Levi tells MC he loves them.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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