A Butler's Demeanor - Devilgram

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Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Great work, everyone."

Lucifer was looking for MC, and finds them in RAD's garden. MC asks him if something's happening, and Lucifer proceeds to tell them about some nobles in the Devildom are coming to visit RAD soon. It was decided that a butler café will be put on to entertain them, Most of the work will be completed by Beelzebub and Belphegor, but Lucifer will help out as needed. MC can ask Lucifer if he will be one of the butlers, which prompts him to say yes, he will dress up as a butler as well. He had been looking for MC to ask them a favor, but with their break almost over, he asks to meet up with MC at a café later, where they can talk more.

"Those desserts look yummy!"

Lucifer and MC arrive at the cafe, and Lucifer tells MC he will order for them at the counter while they go and sit. However, he gets the idea instead that it would be good practice for later if he pretends to be a butler now. MC either asks if he can do that in a café, or they are excited to see "butler Lucifer" in action. Either way, Lucifer escorts MC to their table. He calls MC "master" and offers them a seat. He then asks if MC would like some refreshments, and suggests the blood peach cake from the menu. MC can ask if he has been possessed, or call him amazing. Lucifer just says he is imitating butlers he has seen before, and tells MC to let him know what they want to eat.

"I wish I was that cool..."

MC decides on what they want to order, so Lucifer asks them to wait, then brings back to the table blood peach cake and a blended tea. He offers MC a fork, though they drop it, so Lucifer picks it back up. MC can comment on his breadth of talent, or try to insist they can pick up the fork themselves, though Lucifer reassures them this is part of a butler's duty. Lucifer then points out that MC has some cream from the cake on their lips. He subsequently wipes it off, and prompts MC to continue eating. Lucifer then decides he is done with acting out the role of butler for now.

"Wgar a bunch of posers..."

Lucifer asks MC for feedback about his butler performance, and MC is happy to praise him. Lucifer feels relieved by their praise, and MC can comment either that the nobles will surely be pleased, or that he will probably get a lot of attention after the event. If the former, If the latter, Lucifer asks if MC would enjoy that, and MC has the option to admit to being a little jealous. If they do, Lucifer assures MC he won't be performing any "fan service."

Lucifer then says they should spend more time together before going home. While the two walk together, Lucifer thanks MC for helping him practice. MC can say they enjoyed it, or they can't wait to see him dressed up like a butler. Either way, once the event is over, Lucifer says he wouldn't mind serving as MC's butler once more, and to provide service to them with his "entire being."

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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