Cursed Candy - Devilgram

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Cursed Candy Devilgram.png
Cursed Candy
Intimacy: Beelzebub Lv. 5
Card: Cursed Candy
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

"Munchin' Macarons, hmm."

Beelzebub and MC are on a trip to a new part of town looking to try new Devildom foods. They can either choose to try ghost hot dogs, which let you experience four different flavors at once, or "munchin' macarons," which are difficult to eat because they will try to bite whoever is eating them. Afterwards, the two hold hands so they won't get separated. Beelzebub wants to grab something to take home, and he notices a cute new candy store which they go inside.

"Be more careful."

The two buy a ton of stuff, and the owner gives them a small gift of red candies for buying so much. But after Beelzebub tries one, he feels like something was off about it. The two shrug it off and continue shopping. They continue holding hands while walking home on a deserted road. Beel's mouth suddenly starts feeling strange, and he can't speak properly. He tries again, and realizes he's under a curse where he can't confess his feelings for MC.

"It disappeared?!"

Beelzebub tries to go back to the candy store and ask about the curse, but it seems to have vanished. MC offers to investigate the store. Back at home, Solomon explains that the store only opens at random times, and you have to be very lucky to find it. In the library, Beel is doing research on a "purging candy" that could remove the curse. Unfortunately, it's only sold at that same store. He's feeling frustrated that he can't confess his romantic feelings. MC can either help him work out in his room, or cook for him to blow off some steam. While it helps a little, he's still sad about the curse.

"It's good the curse broke."

MC has the idea that expressing their own affection could help Beelzebub feel better. MC can either hug him, say that he means the world to them, or say that they love him. Beel is thankful that MC made him feel better, but wants to go somewhere alone. Since Belphegor is in Beel's room and Solomon is out, the two go to MC's room in Cocytus Hall. MC makes Beelzebub some pudding, but he says right now he wants MC more. MC can either kiss Beelzebub or tell him that they love him. He's able to say "I love you" back, and realizes the curse must have worn off. He wants to return their affection since he couldn't before, and confesses his love and how much they mean to him. If MC asks him for another kiss, he says one won't be enough, and that they'll have to continue until they've both had their fill.

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