Happy Haunted Houses? - Devilgram

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Happy Haunted Houses - Devilgram.png
Happy Haunted Houses?
Intimacy: Lucifer Lv. 7
Card: Happy Haunted Houses?
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(2 votes)

Story Summary

"The mask suits you."

A masked Lucifer finds MC in the student council room, who explains that due to students commenting how frightening they thought the masked brothers were, it was decided they would all keep wearing them during RAD's haunted houses event. The masks are no longer cursed as they were earlier, so they're safe to wear now.

If MC says the mask suits Lucifer, he asks why they think so, and MC can reply either it "goes with his vibe" or that everything looks good on him. Lucifer then tells MC he has a mask for them also, but if MC tries it on, suggests they're better off without it. When MC asks why, he says it's because he can't see their face while wearing it. The two then start their rounds inspecting the haunted houses to ensure the brothers are "taking things seriously."

"I want to go back to that haun..."

RAD is now filled with students wearing masks, which makes Lucifer worry someone will take advantage of their anonymity and cause trouble. He and MC visit Mammon and Leviathan's haunted house, but they find everyone dancing and the two brothers DJing as if it were a party.

Lucifer is upset, as this is the opposite of what a haunted house is meant to be, and wants to tell his brothers off. If MC says that this is so much fun, Lucifer questions them, and they can say they enjoy the "nerdy tunes," or suggest they both have just one glass of Demonus. If MC points out how much fun everyone else is having, Lucifer decides to punish Mammon and Leviathan later.

"Not coming back probably."

Lucifer and MC next visit Beelzebub and Belphegor's haunted house, but find a note that says "Hungry. Gone to find food." Knowing how Beelzebub can get when he's hungry, he decides him leaving to get food is for the best. Belphegor is still there, but sleeping, which means no one is running this haunted house. Only Satan and Asmodeus's haunted house is left to check, and Lucifer doesn't have high hopes for them either.

First, however, he wants to rest, and MC can ask if he wants a drink, or offer to "refresh him." If the former, they can either tell Lucifer to rest while they get him a drink, or they visit a vending machine together. If the latter, Lucifer asks what they plan to do, and MC can either hug him, or ask for a request that Lucifer decides to make after they're home.

"Helping with the line."

After resting, Lucifer and MC visit Satan and Asmodeus's haunted house, where they find a queue of people waiting to get pictures taken with the two brothers. If MC says at least they're pretending to be ghosts, a frustrated Lucifer wonders about the haunted house they're supposed to be running. If they want to get in line for pictures, Lucifer tells them no. Either way, the two leave.

Later in the student council room, Lucifer is relieved to rest after breaking up a fight between students and stopping some property damage. He asks MC to hold out their hand, and as thanks for all their work, he gives them some Halloween candy. If MC eats the candy, he says that it's a limited-edition candy. If MC wants to reward Lucifer too, he asks them to come closer, as "being near them is enough to boost his spirits."

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