It's a Small World - Devilgram

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It's a Small World Devilgram.png
It's a Small World
Intimacy: Mammon Lv. 3
Satan Lv. 5
Beelzebub Lv. 3
Card: It's a Small World
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

"Mouse-ear mushrooms taste g..."

Beelzebub is excited to show Mammon, Satan, and MC the super rare rainbow mushrooms he's always wanted to try called mouse-ear mushrooms. The two are suspicious, but Beel says that they're the tastiest in all the Devildom. Satan offers to grill them up, and everyone loves them. Suddenly Mammon starts feeling strange.

"Those mushrooms pack a punch."

Mammon, Beelzebub, and Satan are now in their animal outfits. The three are confused as to why the furniture looks huge, but they soon realize they've shrunk. Beelzebub explains that mouse-ear mushrooms make you shrink and grow animal features for thirty minutes, but he forgot to mention it. Satan and Mammon aren't happy about the situation, but MC suggests they kill time by having fun until the mushrooms wear off.

"It's evident you haven't cleaned."

Satan agrees to play along, and Mammon spots something shiny under the sofa. He scurries over to a giant grimm while Beelzebub and Satan make fun of him for getting excited over one coin. Satan finds a cat photo he lost under the couch, and Beelzebub finds a piece of popcorn he dropped three months ago which he eats (to Satan and Mammon's disgust.) Suddenly, the ground begins to rumble and shake.

"Lucky we didn't get trampled."

Everyone is bounced up and down by the vibrations of giant footsteps, and they run to the sofa legs to avoid getting trampled. MC can choose which of the three brothers to run to safety with. The voices of Lucifer, Asmodeus, and Belphegor are looking for MC and the others. Belphegor lays down on the couch, which causes another earthquake. They realize thirty minutes is almost up, and grow back to full size in a big pile with the couch (and Belphegor) crushing them. Satan then vows to never eat mouse-ear mushrooms again.

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