New Year's With You - Devilgram

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Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"It's difficult to put on a kimo..."

Barbatos welcomes MC into his room, and says he invited them over because he came across a Human World kimono while cleaning. He wants MC to have it, and also asks if MC wants to try it on.

If they do, Barbatos helps them put the kimono on, and is pleased with how well it suits them. He thinks MC looks so lovely that he wants to keep the sight to himself, and MC can either say he's too kind, or promise they won't show anyone else. If the latter, he admits to mixed feelings, as he also wants to show off MC's look to the others.

Regardless, Barbatos comments that there aren't any opportunities to wear a kimono in the Devildom, so he suggests celebrating the new year like the do in the Human World. He asks only that MC give him some time to prepare for this.

"Take a photo at least!"

MC later returns to the Demon Lord's Castle, and Barbatos says they look lovely in the kimono. He sadly admits that Diavolo is busy so he won't be able to join them, but if MC points out that it's just the two of them, he seems happy with that idea.

The two go out to the castle's garden, where Barbatos set up a New Year's fortune box. The box contains wooden sticks that are drawn and then exchanged for slips of paper with fortunes on them. He says that he did not actually predict MC's future, however. MC pulls out a stick, and the relating fortune says they'll have excellent luck. If MC asks what the fortune says about their love life, it says "things will go well with the person you like this year." MC can then choose to say that means thing will go well for the two of them, to which Barbatos smiles and agrees.

"I can't help but suspect tha..."

Barbatos next takes his turn to draw a fortune, and also gets excellent luck. It also says "You will further deepen your love with the target of your affections." He comments that he should get to doing that, and MC either asks who that "target" is, or says they both should do just that.

Next, Barbatos says that tying one's fortune to a tree is said to make your wishes come true, and that tying it higher is preferable. If MC wants to put theirs up higher, Barbatos suggests he help by holding them up while they tie their fortune to the branch. After they're both done, Barbatos asks what kind of wish MC made, who either responds it's a secret, or they think they wished for the same thing Barbatos did. Either way, they head back inside, where Barbatos says he has more waiting for them.

"Come to think of it, I also re..."

Barbatos and MC adjourn to his room, where he's recreated some traditional osechi dishes. He then presents a gift from Diavolo, which is a special Demonus resembling milk, but with a sweet taste. He next produces some lacquered sake cups and pours MC's drink, and MC can choose to pour Barbatos's drink as well.

The two spend some time eating and drinking, and Barbatos eventually admits he was enjoying his time with MC so much he may have drank too much Demonus. He asks MC to come closer to him, and if they decline, MC can ask Barbatos what his New Year's resolution is.

If MC does come closer, Barbatos asks to kiss them. If they agree, he thinks the kimono is bothering them, and so loosens it for them. He then apologizes for his manners, but suggests they should "deepen their love" like his fortune said they would.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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