Tea Time With You - Devilgram

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Tea Time With You Devilgram.png
Tea Time With You
Intimacy: Barbatos Lv. 5
Card: Tea Time With You
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

"A date?!"

MC visits with Diavolo to drop something off from Lucifer, but on the way out runs into Barbatos. He asks them to stay for some tea, to which MC can either say they were just making a delivery, or that Diavolo seemed busy. So Barbatos instead asks them if they'd like to join him on a shopping trip. If MC asks if this is a date, Barbatos is surprised that's something they would want, but then happily agrees that a date it is.

"You're too soft toward your ma..."

Once their shopping is finished, Barbatos wants to purchase a popular dessert currently "sweeping the Devildom." There's a limit of only one purchase per customer, but because it's Diavolo's favorite dessert, he wants to purchase two if possible. If MC is concerned about the long line, Barbatos offers to repay MC for their time. If MC offers to line up with him, he thanks them and comments he was right to invite them along.

Either way, they manage to purchase two desserts, which makes Barbatos very happy. The two then visit one more shop, but because the vegetables were on sale, Barbatos worries he bought too much. MC can offer to carry some of the bags, which Barbatos initially refuses, and MC can then either insist or concede. To thank MC for their help today, Barbatos invites them to have tea at a café before they return.

"I want to go on a date, too!"

Barbatos invites MC to order whatever the like at the café, then asks how life at Cocytus Hall is going. MC can respond either that it's very pleasant, or that it's fun. If MC says the former, Barbatos asks if he can visit sometime, and MC can say they'd love that, or ask if he's worried.

He then changes the subject, and says it must be hard on MC to serve as the brothers' attendant. MC can either agree it's hard work, or say they're enjoying it. Barbatos then comments on how quickly MC was able to get close to the brothers, and thinks that MC has had an influence on them. He also comments that it's not easy to devote so much time and energy to others, but MC points out that's what Barbatos does, too. Barbatos disagrees, and says they are completely different.

"Barbatos is going through a lot..."

Barbatos explains to MC that he serves Diavolo for his own sake, and for "atonement." Before serving Diavolo, he traveled between realms - and through time - as he pleased, never worrying how his actions might effect others. He then made "a terrible mistake" that affected both Diavolo and Solomon.

MC can either ask Barbatos what kind of mistake, or ask why he's telling them this. If the former, Barbatos insists he can't tell them yet. If the latter, Barbatos says he wanted MC to understand him more. MC can then ask if serving for atonement is what he wants, or comment that Diavolo wouldn't want him living like that. Either way, Barbatos agrees Diavolo wouldn't like it, but reiterates that he's doing this for himself.

He then asks if MC is disappointed, and MC can either say no, or asks what's wrong with thinking about yourself. If the former, MC can point out that Barbatos likes Diavolo's company, which he agrees is true. Barbatos then thanks MC for listening to his troubles.

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