The Joy of Doing Nothing - Devilgram

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The Joy of Doing Nothing Devilgram.png
The Joy of Doing Nothing
Intimacy: Not required
Card: The Joy of Doing Nothing
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(0 votes)

Story Summary

"I wanted to sleep over..."

At RAD, Luke and Solomon are saying goodbye to Simeon, telling him to not forget to eat dinner. With a little sad face, Simeon tells MC and Lucifer that he will be alone this evening. MC can choose to invite Simeon to their place, without asking for Lucifer's permission, much to his annoyance. However, Simeon or MC are able to offer Lucifer a cute face and he caves.

"Simeon is good w..."

At the House of Lamentation, after dinner, Simeon is following Lucifer around, wanting to spend some time with him. Lucifer is not very eager to do so. But when MC invites Simeon to hang out in their room instead, Lucifer says that is unacceptable. The reason Lucifer gives is the the fact that his brothers would make a scene if they found out. Simeon teases him, asking if that's the only reason, but Lucifer ignores that. A little annoyed that he has Simeon staying over in his room, Lucifer tells MC to stay over as well.

"Let me join too!"

Simeon and MC are trying to get Lucifer's attention, while he is working in his room. He doesn't really hear what they are saying. Only when MC teases him with either calling him 'Lucy' or with an imaginary bill from Mammon, he jumps up irritated. Simeon finds it funny to see how well MC knows how to rile Lucifer up. Then Simeon and MC take away Lucifer's work and tell him he should have a relaxing evening with them, being unproductive. Simeon gives an example on how they did that sometimes together in the Celestial Realm and Lucifer agrees to relax with them.

"Ruri-chan movie next!"

Levi comes to bring Underworld Popcorn and Little Devil's Slushy Soda. They all settle in to watch a movie that is Simeon's favorite. During the movie, MC notices that Lucifer and Simeon seem they can read each other's minds. As they only need a few words to know what they want from each other: pass the popcorn or turn up the volume. Lucifer is very surprised to hear that when MC points that out to them, but Simeon says it's because they know each other for so long already. MC can act like they feel left out, which Lucifer thinks is cute. Or MC can say they want a bestie like that too, to which Lucifer responds that he is not Simeon's bestie. Simeon finds it amusing either way. Afterwards, Lucifer says he enjoyed himself. Simeon suggests to come over more often but then Lucifer decides that he's changed his mind.

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