Thirteen's Traps
As a rule, Thirteen names the many traps that she creates. This page is an alphabetical list of all her known traps.
Traps A - C[edit]
Billion-Volt Billy
A hand buzzer trap that delivers "10 billion volts of electricity."
Source/sLesson 65-6 (OM)
Chaosbringer Demonus
This trap (potentially also called "Endlessly Erupting Demonus" depending on MC's decision) is made with fizzy spring water put in a Demonus bottle with a black ice tablet in the cork. When the cork is pulled, massive amounts of foam erupt from the bottle.
Source/sLesson 50-A (NB)
Counter Strikey-Wikey Number 4
This trap summons a monster once it is tripped. The monster remains summoned for around one hour.
Source/sDevilgram Panic! At the Trap
Crushing Iron Ball
Also known as the "Gigantic Iron Ball." This trap once destroyed one of RAD's pillars.
Source/sChat My Darling Traps 1
Traps D - F[edit]
Dark Spider Mistress Number 3
This trap wraps the target up in string.
Source/sPop Quiz Trick or Treat!
Devildom Symphony of Darkness Surprise Strike Tricky Trap Box
This "trap" releases confetti and plays music that can help someone sleep.
Source/sPop Quiz The Three Worlds Festival
Devouring D.D.D.
Based on the story of "the man-eating vase." The purpose is to swallow up anyone who uses it.
Source/sChat Any Ideas?
Elephant Super Sprayer - Hyper Version
A trap that presumably sprays water similar to a water gun.
Source/sLesson 68-11 (OM)
Endlessly Erupting Demonus
See the Chaosbringer Demonus trap.
Festive Hell Hole Number 3
This trap is a hole in the ground. Once the victim is in the hole, they become wrapped up in rope if they try to move.
Source/sDevilgram Panic! At the Trap
Forget-Me-Not Mirror
Whoever sees their own reflection in this mirror will forget whatever it was they were just doing.
Source/sDevilgram Double Hide-and-Seek
Traps G - K[edit]
Gigachomp Chameleon Number 5
A trap that presumably looks like a chameleon, and is powerful enough put holes in buildings.
Source/sLesson 66-4 (OM)
Gigantic Iron Ball
See the Crushing Iron Ball trap.
Hungry, Hungry Treasure Hunter Number Six
A trap capable of catching runaway trap chests.
Source/sPop Quiz Love and Sports: The RAD Tournament
The Hunter Wolfie
A trap Thirteen plans to design after a shadow wolf. It will close in on its target with explosive speed.
Source/sChat Devildom Funtime Zoo 2
Traps L - Q[edit]
Little Lost Lucifer
A tiny Lucifer that cries in a voice that sounds just like the real Lucifer. Part of a series of "Little Lost" miniatures Thirteen has.
Source/sLesson 67-14 (OM)
MC Track-O Searcher
This trap looks like a living doll that's capable of running at high speeds. Thirteen designed it to find and catch MC.
Source/sChats Runaway Trap Alert, Running Doll, Multiple Sightings, and Successfully Captured
Miniskirt and Knee-High Socks Girl
A trap that looks somewhat similar to Ruri-chan.
Source/sLesson 67-14 (OM)
The Mirror of Wrinkled Reflection: New and Improved Version
A trap that makes anyone who looks into the mirror see themselves as old and wrinkled.
Source/sLesson 68-19 (OM)
Miss Scrub-It-Clean
Thirteen accidentally erased her class notes after placing this trap.
Source/sChat Help Me!
Mister Party Pitfall Number 3
A trap that is also a game.
Source/splease add
Mr. Bucket Number 3
A trap involving a bucket being dropped on someone's head. There is also a Mr. Bucket Number 4 and Number 6.
Source/sLessons 65-3 and 77-A (OM); Devilgram Lovely Lucifer?
Mr. Magic Hat Number 4
A top hat that causes blindness when put on the target's head.
Source/sDevilgram Double Hide-and-Seek
Mr. Marionette Number 1
This trap ties marionette strings to a person to control their movements.
Source/sDevilgram Lovely Lucifer?
Ozzie Octopus Number 2
This trap is a life-sized octopus that makes one see visions of whatever they desire. There is also an Ozzie Octopus Number 1, Number 2.5, and Number 3.
Source/sLesson 66-2 (OM)
Traps R - Z[edit]
Rain or Shine Parasol (Black Version)
A black parasol that creates a smokescreen when opened.
Source/sDevilgram Double Hide-and-Seek
Red-Nosed Jolly-Old Saint Nick Surprise
MC's Christmas present that's spelled to keep them going through all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
Source/sPop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!
Sir Catch 'Em All Number 2
A trap that throws out a net at anything in its path.
Source/sDevilgram Panic! At the Trap
Sneaky Squirrel Snipers
Little squirrels made of ice that shoot ice acorns at unsuspecting targets. The acorns are also tasty ice treats.
Source/sPop Quiz Absolute Zero
Picnic-In-A-Powder Compact
A "trap" that looks like a makeup compact, but produces items needed for a picnic when activated.
Source/sDevilgram Surprise Gift
Trunky the Elephant Water Blaster Number 5
please add
Source/sPop Quiz The Aquascape of Revitalization