Happy ☆ Holidays! (Obey Me!)
You may be looking for the "Nightbringer" version of this event, see Happy ☆ Holidays! (NB).
8 December 2023 | 28 December 2023 |
Chapters | Battle Stages |
4 | 52 |
Locked Stages | No. Keys Needed |
21 | 550 |
Abbreviation | Lonely Devil |
Holiday | Available |
After receiving a summons over RAD's PA system, MC arrives in the student council room. The demon brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon are all waiting for MC and wearing festive costumes in celebration of Christmas. Diavolo tells MC that RAD will be hosting a Christmas illumination contest. Luke asks how illuminations can be a contest, and Asmodeus explains that you dress yourself in Christmas decorations and become the most beautiful thing in the Devildom. However, Barbatos clarifies that they will be decorating the campus and the student body will vote for the winner. The winner will receive the Krampus Star, which is a treasure from the Demon Lord's Castle vault rumored to be able to grant a single wish. Luke, Mammon, Leviathan, and Belphegor proceed to argue about who will get to use the wish to spend Christmas with MC, but Barbatos interrupts to continue explaining the contest rules. Students can participate as individuals if they choose, but also as pairs or groups, and suggests that groups will be more likely to win. In an attempt to avoid another argument, Lucifer suggests that MC act as everyone's advisor instead of participating in the contest themselves. This would mean that MC cannot win the prize, so Barbatos suggests that they add a rule that the winner has to discuss their wish with MC prior to making it.
After the meeting, Lucifer asks MC if they also noticed that Barbatos was acting strange and then takes them to RAD's common room to confront Diavolo and Barbatos. They explain that the Devildom's moon has changed its usual orbit and that the contest is meant to serve as a distraction so the public doesn't start panicking. Diavolo asks Lucifer and MC to help them resolve the issue, which they agree to.
The next day, Satan outlines the groups that they decided on. Lucifer, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Diavolo will be on Team A. Mammon, Belphegor, Simeon, and Luke will be on Team B. Satan, Leviathan, Solomon and Barbatos will be on Team C. He also explains that each team will have a set amount of time to spend with MC.
MC joins Team A as they look for luminescent plants, like luminous lichen and malebolge moss in the forest. Asmodeus suggests that they build a mural as him as Santa out of the glowing plants, confident that they'd win if they did. As they search, MC has the option to hold hands with Asmodeus to avoid slipping. Lucifer notices that Beelzebub is eating a mushroom and tells him not to, but is too late. The mushroom Beel found is a mushy shroom, which causes him to behave like a teary drunk.
When MC spends time with Team B, Mammon brings them to a magic shop storehouse. Luke is worried that they're breaking in, but Mammon explains that he has a deal with the owner where he can help himself to whatever. The group looks around for light-up stuff like lanterns and magic wands. MC notices that, surprisingly, Mammon's taking the competition very seriously and he tells them that he's not going to give up such a cool prize. Much to Mammon's annoyance, Belphegor, Simeon, and Luke end up getting themselves into trouble as they sort through some of the items they found. Mammon wonders if their team will do well if he's the most serious person on it.
Team C visits the beach to look for glistening abyssal sand. Satan's idea is to build some kind of sand sculpture. Leviathan wants to make an anime-themed sculpture. Solomon shows MC how easily abyssal sand packs, but Satan tells him not to play with it. Leviathan becomes annoyed that his shoes ended up full of sand, and accuses Barbatos of being shady when Barbatos claims that his shoes are clean.
Some time later, in the courtyard, Asmodeus, Luke, Beelzebub, Lucifer, and MC are talking about how fights have been breaking out across campus. After the group decides that Beelzebub and the others are on patrol duty, Lucifer takes MC to find Diavolo. Lucifer believes that the moon may have something to do with everything since it's teeming with magical energy. They find Diavolo in the restricted section of RAD's library. He explains that he and Barbatos are doing research on how the moon's power might be affecting the students and that he's worried that the entire Devildom will end up rioting. Barbatos shows Lucifer and MC some of the books he found and explains that he found a record of a similar occurrence from many years ago. At that time, someone called the "Dark Demon Santa" rampaged through the Devildom for a thousand days.
Diavolo recognizes the name "Dark Demon Santa" from some fables and Barbatos agrees that many tales have been written about him. Lucifer explains that some other books describe the Dark Demon Santa as a "happiness-devouring demon who delights in transforming presents into coal" and that he had been sealed away somewhere in the Devildom. Diavolo and Barbatos agree that they must investigate where he was sealed away, assuming that he could have been released.
Along with Luke, Beelzebub, and Simeon, MC explores a graveyard for signs of Dark Demon Santa. Luke expresses discomfort with the situation, claiming that he wants to protect MC from Dark Demon Santa, which MC can accept. MC can also assure everyone that they'll protect them or ask Beelzebub and Simeon for their protection as well. Then Simeon finds a black apple and notes how unusual it looks. The apple is split in half, with each seam coated in wax, and the center is completely hollow. Beelzebub suggests that Dark Demon Santa could have been sealed inside, so the group brings it back for inspection.
In the student council room, Asmodeus worriedly tells the group how Mammon's team and Leviathan's team got into a huge argument. Beelzebub tells Asmo about Dark Demon Santa and Asmo tells them that they should spread Christmas spirit as an attempt to solve the problem.
MC goes off in search of Mammon and Leviathan's teams, finding Mammon, Levi, Satan, and Belphegor in the classroom, arguing about who likes MC the most. Raphael stops by, telling the group that Simeon sent him to break up the fight. He tells MC to step back and rains spears down on the four brothers, however this does not stop them from arguing. Afterward, MC meets Barbatos and Solomon in the library, who are doing research on Christmas spirit. Although, they confess that neither of them understand it fully.
In the student council room, Luke attempts to tell Mammon to calm down, but that only causes the two of them to start arguing. Simeon is acting like his usual self, and so is MC, so Simeon suggests that only demons are susceptible to Dark Demon Santa's influence. They tell Mammon about Dark Demon Santa and Simeon tells Mammon that spreading Christmas spirit is their current plan for countering his influence. At first, Mammon dislikes the idea, but ends up agreeing to it.
In the cafeteria, Mammon feeds Leviathan, which Belphegor finds disturbing. Beelzebub comments that he and Belphegor have not gotten into an argument yet, which Leviathan suggests is due to their twin bond. However, as Belphegor attempts to give Beelzebub his sandwich, Beelzebub refuses, instead offering Belphegor his pudding. Belphegor refuses the pudding and then Mammon volunteers to eat both. MC can resolve the argument by suggesting that the twins just trade, but otherwise the twins gang up on Mammon, annoyed that he would suggest eating Belphegor's food. Mammon asks if sharing a meal like this counts as Christmas spirit and Leviathan agrees that he does feel better.
Satan and Asmodeus talk about how Asmo's idea seems to be working. Belphegor brings MC a giant pile of food and explains that its the Christmas Spirit Special Lunch that they all pitched in to get for MC. After MC decides whether or not they are going to eat all the food, Satan notices that the moon suddenly shifted phases. Belphegor tells MC that they'll keep an eye on things while they look for help.
MC goes to the library, where Solomon and Barbatos inform MC that they are already aware of the situation. Barbatos tells MC that the eclipse is a sure sign of Dark Demon Santa's powers and explains that the apple Simeon found is a magical tool called a Forsaken Fruit. Diavolo tells MC that the movement of the stars has also changed and that it's only a matter of time before their light is blocked out entirely. Diavolo explains that while he could absorb the magic blanketing the sky, he would end up having to deal with the surplus. If Dark Demon Santa's magic didn't match the affinity of Diavolo's, Diavolo might end up going on a rampage. To prevent that from happening, Diavolo would have to be sealed away in a Prison of Nullification for however long it would take for him to take back control, but of course it would be a disaster for the acting ruler of the Devildom to be locked up.
In the student council room, Lucifer, Diavolo, and MC discuss the potential solution of having Diavolo absorb the magic. Lucifer opposes the idea and Diavolo assures him that it's only for the worst-case scenario. MC can decide if they want to support the idea or not, but Lucifer still rinsists that they do everything they can to avoid that particular outcome.
Some time later, Simeon tells MC that Diavolo has requested their presence, so MC goes to speak with him. Diavolo explains that if it comes to it, it would be his duty to absorb the magic and asks MC to help Barbatos, Lucifer, and the others maintain stability in the Devildom if that happens.
In the Demon Lord's Castle, Lucifer explains the current situation to his brothers. They agree to help protect the Devildom and avoid the circumstances that would lead to Diavolo's imprisonment. Lucifer tells the group that they need to do more research on Dark Demon Santa so they can understand their enemy. Their current goal is to reinstate the seal and agree to split up and ask around to see what they can learn.
Lucifer and MC meet with Diavolo in the guest bedroom of the castle and Lucifer tells him that if Diavolo has to absorb Dark Demon Santa's magic, he wants to take half. Diavolo rejects this proposal, but Lucifer insists. Just then, Mephistopheles shows up and announces he will also take some of the magic. Lucifer tells him to stay out of it, but he does not. Diavolo explains that he will have to rely on the three of them in his absence which is why he's okay with absorbing the magic.
Later while in town, MC runs into Thirteen and she tells them that she did some research of her own. Thirteen tells MC that she read about a festival in the Human World where people light candles to protect the world from darkness. She gives MC a Christmas present and tells them that it's called "Red-Nosed Jolly-Old Saint Nick Surprise" and is spelled to help keep MC going with everything that's going on.
MC and the brothers head into town to ask people what they know. Leviathan is nervous about the whole thing, and they notice that Satan has gotten himself into an argument with some of the townsfolk. Much to Satan's annoyance, they have mistaken "Dark Demon Santa" for "Dark Demon Satan." Leviathan asks Satan if he's okay, but Satan warns them to stay back. However, they try to help Satan anyway, and Satan becomes enraged after one of the townsfolk hits Levi with a rock. Levi worries that Satan's going to make everything worse, and MC can decide whether or not to step in. Satan yells at the crowd that it's fine if they blame him for what's going on, but he won't allow them to hurt those he cares about. To Levi's surprise, the crowd backs off and Satan tells them that they should look for other disturbances.
After their visit into town, everyone regroups at the Demon Lord's Castle. They've learned that they need to find eight candles scattered across the Devildom and they can use the candles to fix the Forsaken Fruit and reseal Dark Demon Santa. They found some information about seven of the candles and agree that the brothers and MC will search for them while Solomon and Simeon do some more research into where the eighth candle might be. MC helps the brothers find their candles. Asmodeus is worried that they're running out of time since they haven't figured out the eighth one yet, but Simeon guesses that the last candle would be associated with MC.
Normal Ending: Everyone meets in the Demon Lord's Castle garden to discuss the current situation. Barbatos informs the group that they've discovered that MC is supposed to function as the eighth candle. Mammon asks if that means they're going to light MC's head on fire. Satan explains that previously, demons mixed wax from the seven candles to make an eighth and they agree to try that. Diavolo and Barbatos prepare a Christmas tree, and MC is supposed to sit on top of it holding their candle. Beelzebub tells his brothers that they will stack on top of each other -- Beelzebub, Mammon, Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Asmodeus, and Belphegor -- so MC can climb up the "demon ladder" to reach the top of the tree. Once MC makes it up, the moon reappears and the brothers end up falling into a heap in their excitement.
MC, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon meet up in RAD's dance hall where they notice that the other students have finished their displays for the contest. Luke and Simeon note that their three groups are not yet done, and the four end up agreeing that they should ask the others to combine their efforts into one display. The others agree and they put together a display featuring illuminated portraits of the twelve of them with each person having worked on someone else's image.
In the RAD courtyard, the group celebrates their first place win. Asmodeus shows MC that they all made a portrait of them as well, and MC can decide if they like the portrait or not. Diavolo also tells MC that they agreed to let MC receive the Krampus Star and asks them if they know what to wish for yet. MC can either say that they want to think it over with everyone first or say that they want everyone to be happy. Either way, Diavolo thanks MC for helping the Devildom find Christmas Spirit and wished them a very merry devilish Christmas.
Special Ending: Solomon comes to tell the group that they've learned that the eighth candle is supposed to give light to the other seven, which means MC is the eighth candle. MC takes this news literally, but Solomon clarifies that they don't mean it like that and they're still not sure what to do next. Belphegor shows up to deliver a book from Barbatos and Solomon reads an excerpt that says they must ignite the eighth person's heart. Belphegor suggests that the easiest way to make MC feel a lot of things is for each of them to tell MC how they feel towards them.
They return to the Demon Lord's Castle where Diavolo has hung up some everlasting dark mistletoe since it's meant to amplify magic and Simeon explains that each of them will stand under the mistletoe when talking to MC. Simeon goes first, saying that MC is a welcome beacon of light. Next up is Luke, who tells MC that they give him courage. Third is Belphegor, who tells MC that as long as they're with him, he's happy. Beelzebub tells MC that he wants to try all kinds of food with them. Solomon asks MC to spend more time with him on Christmas since they've been spending so much time with the demons recently. Satan tells MC that thanks to them and the others, he's been able to establish his own self and tells them that they're precious to him. Leviathan announces to MC that he's always loved them and asks them to go out with him, but then starts over and tells them that with their help, he's learned to love himself more. Mammon says that MC should already know how he feels without him having to say it, but if they ask him to say it, he tells them that he loves them. Barbatos thanks MC for their help with the situation and tells them that their existence is indispensable. Diavolo tells MC that they bring him both stability and tranquility. Asmodeus tells MC that the two of them alone can light up the Devildom with how dazzling they are. Lucifer tells MC that they're irreplaceable and set his heart ablaze. MC has the option to respond to each confession with a kiss, except for Luke, to whom they can promise to be his best friend instead.
After everyone says their feelings, MC starts glowing and disappears before their eyes. Satan spots MC floating in the air above them with the other seven candles. The eighth candle comes out of MC's body and the eight candles combine into one. Now they have to gather some wax and reseal Dark Demon Santa in the Forsaken Fruit. After successfully sealing him away, the group returns to the Castle to celebrate their victory in the illumination contest. Everyone participated in one display and agreed that MC should be the one to make the wish. MC makes their wish and Diavolo raises a toast for everyone to spend many more Christmasses together.
Celestial Blessing Rewards Set A | |
UR | ![]() Brighter Than a Star |
UR | ![]() Happy Devilish Christmas |
SSR | ![]() A Christmas Star for You |
SR | ![]() Spend This Night With Me |
SR | ![]() Let's Share a Hell Turkey |
SR | ![]() Please Be My Santa |
SR | ![]() Have a Shadow Stollen |
![]() Happy Holidays Wallpaper |
![]() Noel Chibi Mammon, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Diavolo, Barbatos Home Pictures |
![]() Noel Chibi Mammon, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Diavolo, Barbatos Icons |
Celestial Blessing Rewards Set B | |
UR | ![]() Run! Santa Race of Love |
UR | ![]() Miraculous Feelings |
SSR | ![]() At the Mercy of Reindeer |
SR | ![]() I'll Make It Happen |
SR | ![]() I'm Your Santa |
SR | ![]() I'll Let You Ride! |
SR | ![]() A Very Special Christmas |
![]() Noel Lucifer, Levi, Belphie, Luke, Simeon, Solomon Home Pictures |
![]() Noel Chibi Lucifer, Levi, Belphie, Luke, Simeon, Solomon Icons |