Some videos in Wanderers' Whereabouts are only unlocked after completing certain lesson stages of Nightbringer's Main Story. This page contains a chronological set of tables listing these videos.
For chats unlocked by completing lesson stages, see the Lesson Chats page.
Lessons 1-10[edit]
Characters |
Mammon Working Out | Event | Mammon | 1-7 |
Kickoff Party | Meetings (G) | Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor | 1-7 |
Lucifer Playing Baseball | Event | Lucifer | 1-18 |
Morning Routine 1 | Event | Lucifer, Leviathan | 2-14 Hard |
Asmodeus Playing Tennis | Event | Asmodeus | 2-16 |
Mammon Playing Soccer | Event | Mammon | 3-18 |
Leviathan Playing Soccer | Event | Leviathan | 4-19 |
BUGS?! | Event | Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub | 4-14 Hard |
Beelzebub Playing Soccer | Event | Beelzebub | 5-17 |
Fighting Over the Remote | Event | Asmodeus | 6-14 Hard |
Satan Playing Soccer | Event | Satan | 6-19 |
Fight Over the Remote | Event | Mammon, Asmodeus | 6-14 Hard |
Belphegor Playing Soccer | Event | Belphegor | 7-18 |
Diavolo Playing Baseball | Event | Diavolo | 8-19 |
Group Stretches | Event | Diavolo, Barbatos | 8-14 Hard |
Barbatos Hard at Work Studying | Event | Barbatos | 9-17 |
Solomon Playing Soccer | Event | Solomon | 10-19 |
TV Time 1 | Event | Satan, Beelzebub | 10-14 Hard |
Lessons 21-30[edit]
Characters |
All Right | Meetings (G) | Satan, Asmodeus, Belphegor | 21-15 |
Jealousy?  | Meetings (G) | Luke, Simeon, Solomon | 22-15 |
A Secret for Two | Meetings (G) | Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub | 23-15 |
Payback  | Meetings (G) | Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor | 24-15 |
An Obnoxious Apology  | Meetings (G) | Barbatos, Luke, Solomon | 25-15 |
Impeccable Service  | Meetings (G) | Lucifer, Diavolo, Barbatos | 26-8 Hard |
Hypothetical Little D.  | Meetings (G) | Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Belphegor | 26-15 |
Control Mission  | Meetings (G) | Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon | 27-15 |
Becoming Your Type | Meetings (G) | Mammon, Satan, Asmodeus | 28-15 |
How to Spend Time Alone | Meetings | Solomon | 28-8 Hard |
You Can't Give What You Don't Have | Meetings (G) | Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan | 29-15 |
Hiring Urgently: One Devilsitter | Meetings (G) | Lucifer, Diavolo, Barbatos | 30-8 Hard |
Younger Brothers' Opinions | Meetings (G) | Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor | 30-15 |
Lessons 31-40[edit]
Characters |
Housesitting Avoidance Maneuvers | Meetings (G) | Luke, Simeon, Solomon | 31-15 |
Current Events in the Celestial Realm  | Meetings (G) | Lucifer, Simeon | 32-15 |
A Master and His Demons  | Meetings (G) | Asmodeus, Barbatos, Solomon | 32-8 Hard |
Devilsitter Performance Review 1 | Meetings (G) | Lucifer, Solomon | 33-15 |
Devilsitter Performance Review 2 | Meetings (G) | Lucifer, Barbatos | 34-15 |
Special Skill 1  | Meetings (G) | Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor | 34-8 Hard |
Special Skill 2  | Meetings (G) | Leviathan, Beelzebub, Belphegor | 35-15 |
Special Skill 3  | Meetings (G) | Lucifer, Beelzebub, Belphegor | 36-15 |
Delusions of Revenge | Meetings (G) | Satan, Belphegor | 36-8 Hard |
Which Room? | Meetings (G) | Mammon, Leviathan, Solomon | 37-15 |
Luke's Devotion  | Meetings (G) | Lucifer, Luke | 38-15 |
Asmo's Serious Concerns | Meetings (G) | Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus | 38-8 Hard |
A Momentary Respite  | Meetings (G) | Diavolo, Barbatos | 39-15 |
A Sweet Lesson | Meetings (G) | Barbatos, Luke, Solomon | 40-15 |
Self Appeal | Meetings (G) | Diavolo, Simeon, Solomon | 40-8 Hard |
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