Full of Surprises - Devilgram

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Full of Surprises Devilgram.png
Full of Surprises
Intimacy: Lucifer Lv. 5
Card: Full of Surprises
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

"I wish I could have helped."

The brothers sans Lucifer, Satan, and Belphie are in MC's room. Levi expresses shock over the idea of surprising Lucifer with a gift to show how much they all appreciate him. The gift would be a matching set of hoodies with demon wings on the back for all of them, designed by Asmo and MC. Beel thinks it's too cute, while Levi compares it to a hoodie Ruri-chan once wore. Mammon begrudgingly agrees to help. While Asmo is in the middle of talking, Lucifer barges in asking why they're making a racket in the middle of the night. Asmo screams for them to hide the paper with the hoodie design on it.

"Satan has joined your party!"

MC slips out of the meeting to go to Lucifer's room. They can either ask him how he feels about matching clothes, or if he wears hoodies. Lucifer tells MC they're acting suspicious, and asks if they're planning something behind his back. This causes MC to run off. Later, in the living room, Levi tells Asmo and MC to do research on material and printing methods for the hoodie. Satan joins the conversation, saying he'll put them in touch with a good shop, causing Asmo to tease him over caring for Lucifer.

"Tehe, and Belphie too!"

Belphie is brought along with Satan and MC to the shop since he hasn't pitched in yet. Just as Belphie says he has nothing to thank Lucifer for, Lucifer suddenly appears. MC can either tell him to go away, or exclaim that they should go on a date, both options leading to him and MC going to Ristorante Six together. A bit later at the restaurant, Lucifer asks what MC and his brothers are planning. He calls MC a terrible liar, but lets it go, believing that since MC's involved, whatever they're planning can't be bad.

"It's never straightforward w..."

Everyone is grouped together in the music room at the House of Lamentation commenting about the sudden Demonus and catering there. Lucifer, knowing their plans, decided to host a party as thanks. Each of the brothers takes turns thanking Lucifer, MC encouraging either Levi or Satan to express their gratitude as well. Belphie once again mentions he doesn't have anything to say to Lucifer, but wouldn't mind if he started playing the piano. When Lucifer finishes playing, Belphie says he's glad Lucifer's piano skills haven't gotten rusty. Asmo realizes they haven't given Lucifer his gift yet, which causes a back and forth between the brothers. In the chaos, Lucifer asks MC to come to his room afterwards for some alone time together.

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