Love Leads Heroes Astray - Devilgram

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Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Good job getting scouted."

In the common room, following The Devildom RAD Rangers Pop Quiz, Leviathan and Asmodeus discuss the ongoing hero trend still being popular throughout Devildom after their appearance in a previous show. Satan joins them with a heavy sigh, and asks for advice. Satan recalls encountering a film director at RAD, who offered him a role to star in an upcoming hero film. Asmodeus is enthusiastic about the idea, and urges MC to agree with him, yet Satan remains uneasy. At first, Leviathan sides with Satan, and questions the validity of the producer, to which Satan gives him the producer's business card. Leviathan then quickly joins Asmodeus's enthusiasm, as he recognizes the film producer to be renowned for their live-adaptation films. Satan still hesitates and mulls over the opportunity of starring in a blockbuster film. MC can offer to act as his manager, or tell Satan to consult the opportunity with the producer directly, to which Satan accepts both ideas.

"Leading roles together..."

After their appointment with the director and producer of the film, MC and Satan return to Satan's room to read over the script, and consider Satan's answer. When he finishes reading, Satan gives an honest, positive review about the storyline script, yet remarks about the amount of romantic scenes between himself and his co-star. Satan asks for MC's opinion, and they can either reluctantly admit to their jealousy, brush off the romantic scenes as acting, or ask how Satan feels about the stage direction. All three options lead to either MC or Satan revealing their feelings of envy, with Satan deciding that he'd accept the movie role on one condition; MC would be his co-star in the movie.

"It's best to be true to oneself."

MC joins Satan offset, and MC can either ask if Satan is nervous, or comment on their own uneasiness. These options can lead to a few choices where MC and Satan provide each other with tips about camera shyness and acting, or MC suggests sharing a hug with Satan to ease both of their worries. They then begin the movie shoot and throughout the session, Satan seeks to improve his acting with critics from the director. The next scene requires MC to stage their own fall, and Satan worries for their safety. When MC does suddenly fall, Satan manages to catch them, and then realizes the unexpected stunt was planned by the director to garner a more instinctual, natural reaction from Satan. Satan learns from this and adapts the philosophy into his own acting, to where MC can either inquiry his discovery or provide their full support.

"We all have a side like that."

For the last movie scene, Satan faces against the villain of the movie, alongside MC. They take down the villain together with a grand attack, and the filming comes to an end. Satan and MC return to the House of Lamentation, where Asmodeus and Mammon greets them with questions about how the movie supposedly featured romantic scenes between the leading co-stars. However MC decides to respond, their ambiguity only leaves both Asmodeus and Mammon irritated for details. In Satan's room, Satan recalls the producers' decision to exclude romantic scenes and have the protagonists remain as comrades. Satan admits that he disliked displaying his affection for MC around others, and MC can either wholeheartedly agree with Satan, covertly mention how they're now alone together, or mention how possessive Satan can become. Satan will respond by either lovingly describing MC's facial features when they kiss, pull MC into an actual kiss, or acknowledge his possessiveness, respectively. Satan inadvertently discloses that for MC, he would act as the "bad guy" if the situation ever called for it.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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