Picture-Perfect Animals - Devilgram

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Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Oh yeah, that book..."

In the hallway of RAD, MC arrives to find Diavolo seeming concerned about some disturbance in the library, and he asks them to join him in investigating. They arrive on the scene to find a handful of animals rushing out of the library. Just as they are about to enter the room to investigate, a flame salamander comes running out and attacks MC. Diavolo saves them before they are harmed by magically extinguishing the flames. Inside the library looks mostly normal, aside from flipped furniture and a general mess. They find a book on the ground with a missing page, and it turns out to be a photography encyclopedia that Diavolo is sure is connected to the animals running around.

"Man that's dangerous..."

In the library of RAD, Diavolo explains to MC that the encyclopedia with the missing page has photos from various types of cameras. He explains that one of these cameras has magic that allows the subject of the photo to be stored and preserved in the photo inside the book. He theorizes that when the page was torn out, the animals preserved inside were able to escape. In order to fix the book and gather the animals, they have to find and photograph them again with the same kind of camera. Diavolo sadly explains that the camera was discontinued, but suddenly perks up when he remembers he has one at the Demon Lord's Castle. They head to his bedroom where they retrieve the camera, and he demonstrates how it works on a potted plant in the room.

"Seems like you're having fun."

With the magic camera in hand, Diavolo and MC head to the forest behind the Demon Lord's Castle, determining that to be the most likely place the missing animals would be. They spot the first animal quickly, however it turns out to be far away, and partially obstructed behind branches. MC lures it closer with some food, then Diavolo is able to capture it with a picture and transfer it to a new page. Happy with their teamwork, they move further into the forest to locate the rest of the missing animals.

"It takes some nerve to do."

Further in the forest, Diavolo spots the next animal in their search. He offers MC a flower to lure the bird closer, which works right away. Before taking the magic photo, Diavolo insists on a group photo with the bird on his D.D.D.. After an unknown amount of time, they are down to just one more missing animal to find - one that turns out to be quite good at camouflage. They are at a loss for how to find the animal when they don't even know what animal they are looking for. Suddenly, Diavolo spots an unfamiliar flower that — much to their surprise — turns to glare at them. With the final animal collected, Diavolo thanks MC. As a reward, they can either ask for a kiss, or ask him to take them out for a nice meal.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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