The Admired Sorcerer - Devilgram

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The Admired Sorcerer Devilgram.png
The Admired Sorcerer
Intimacy: Satan Lv. 5
Solomon Lv. 3
Card: The Admired Sorcerer
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

"I want a magic wand, too."

Satan has come to visit Cocytus Hall, and tells Solomon and MC that he's looking to acquire a certain item. MC can guess that it has to do with cats or tell him to get to the point already. Satan tells them that he wants a magic wand, much to Solomon's surprise. Satan explains that he borrowed an anime from Leviathan and that the wizards in the story all use wands so now he wants one too. MC and Solomon can tease Satan a little or agree that it's interesting.

"I want a weapon rather than..."

Solomon points out that Satan doesn't need a wand to use magic and says that he finds it more convenient to have his hands free. Satan insists that it's the fact that it's unnecessary that makes it cool and MC can either agree with Satan or agree with Solomon. Regardless, Solomon agrees to help Satan so he gives him a pen and paper so Satan can draw the type of wand he wants. The wand Satan draws is two meters long with a sharp tip on one end with thorns below and a heavy, blunt object on the other end. He also wants a sickle and chain, and the ability to use it as a bow too if possible. MC can either be impressed with Satan's idea or question if he's actually looking for a wand. Solomon explains that wands aren't meant for physical attacks and what Satan has in mind is too heavy to be feasible.

"Sorry for the trouble Satan ca..."

Satan is annoyed that Solomon won't make it for him so Solomon tries again to explain to him that it won't work out and Satan becomes more angry. The two continue arguing and MC can either take Satan's side or yell at him. Solomon finally agrees to tell Satan what he needs and Satan immediately calms down. Solomon tells him again that he doesn't think it will work, but Satan says he doesn't care and just wants to know what materials he needs. After Satan leaves, MC questions Solomon's judgement but Solomon thinks it's fine because Satan won't be able to finish it.

"So, Solomon was the cause of..."

Days later, in the courtyard of RAD, Mammon and Leviathan talk about how Satan's recent absence means everything is more peaceful. Solomon tells MC that Satan is probably still trying to make his wand, but that he'll probably give up soon. Lucifer approaches the group and asks where Satan is. Just then, Satan shows up, laughing maniacally. Lucifer asks where he's been and Satan brandishes his finished wand. Satan attempts to use it to curse Lucifer so that he feels useless, but he is unable to control the magic. MC can either protect Solomon or he can protect them. Lucifer is annoyed at Satan's attempt and deflects the curse so that it hits Mammon and Leviathan instead. Satan is also hit by his curse and Solomon tells Satan that he's impressed with him and asks for a pact. However, Lucifer interrupts and Solomon quickly escapes with MC to avoid Lucifer's wrath.

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