The Crepes and I - Devilgram

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The Crepes and I Devilgram.png
The Crepes and I
Intimacy: Leviathan Lv. 5
Luke Lv. 3
Simeon Lv. 3
Card: The Crepes and I
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(0 votes)

Story Summary

"Mm...Human world crep..."

During RAD, Leviathan suddenly falls, catching the attention of Luke, Simeon, and MC. Leviathan explains to them that there's going to be a collaboration between a crepe shop and Ruri-chan in the human world. He tried pre-registering for the event, however couldn't get a ticket. MC or Luke can offer to make crepes for him which he initially declines, however Leviathan gets an idea.

"Recreating crepes looks fun."

Leviathan pulls up the café menu on his phone and shows it to Luke, Simeon, and MC. Leviathan believes that if they recreate the crepes, it would feel like they went to the café. MC can also suggest they decorate the room as well, and if they don't, Leviathan will bring it up instead. He puts himself in charge of the decorations while the other three work on the crepes.

The following day, Luke and Simeon come by the House of Lamentation to take MC grocery shopping. However there's something they want to talk about first.

"Luke and Simeon are so kind."

The three of them go into MC's room to talk. While Simeon and Luke were looking at the webpage trying to figure out the ingredients, they noticed the crepes are supposed to come with a Ruri-chan postcard. They want to make their own to add to the crepes. MC agrees and they spend time making postcards. Later at Purgatory Hall, Leviathan and MC show up with bags full of items ready to transform Purgatory Hall into a Ruri-chan collaboration café.

"I'm happy for you, Levi ♡"

By the time the crepes are done, Leviathan has finished decorating the room. He comments that the crepes MC and the angels made look like the real thing. As Simeon suggests eating them, Leviathan stops to present them homemade postcards as thanks for helping him. Luke worries about following up with the cards they made, but they present the cards to Leviathan anyway. He's happy seeing the effort put into the drawings. Finally able to eat the crepes, Leviathan swears the bond between the four of them will withstand the test of time.

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