Unforgettable Past - Devilgram

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Unforgettable Past Devilgram.png
Unforgettable Past
Intimacy: Solomon Lv. 5
Card: Unforgettable Past
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(2 votes)

Story Summary

"Going to a café seems right."

MC returns to Cocytus Hall after a long day. Solomon meets them outside and comments that MC looks tired. MC can choose to either confirm this or lie that they're fine, but Solomon will catch on to the lie. He tells MC that he was just about to go to a café that doesn't even exist in the future, and he invites them to join him. MC agrees to go along, lest they are stuck with leftovers that Solomon made.

"I also tied a floral decoration."

On the way to the café, MC and Solomon notice that there is currently a memorial event for an ancient war being held. Solomon and MC buy some flower arrangements from a stall. MC can choose between blue or red flowers, and whether to get a bouquet or a wreath. Solomon buys a wreath and they both hang up the flowers they bought on a tree. Solomon remarks on how this is a rather solemn festival, and a day to hope for peace and prosperity throughout the land.

"Ugh, normies!"

Solomon tells MC that there is a superstition surrounding today, that it's supposedly bad luck to witches or sorcerers on this day, and that doing so can curse you for generations. Solomon recounts the story of how long ago, there was a powerful human sorcerer. One day, this sorcerer marched up to the Demon King and proclaimed that they plan to further the development of humankind, by partnering with demons that would serve under the sorcerer. This sparked a war between the sorcerer and the Demon King's forces. The war lasted for seven days and seven nights, until the eighth day where the sorcerer suddenly vanished, and the field where the battles took place burst into bloom, which was how the tradition of decorating the tree with flowers came about. MC questions Solomon on the sorcerer's identity, but he dodges the question and asks MC if they want to get snacks or some souvenirs.

"So, it was you, Solomon."

Even at the café, MC continues to question Solomon on if they were the human sorcerer in the story, to which Solomon remains mum about. Barbatos happened to be at the café too, and he comes over to greet the group. Solomon asks Barbatos if he's not afraid of getting jinxed. Barbatos says while he doesn't care about the superstition, he feels he should still watch his tongue around the "chief instigator, today of all days." To MC, this confirms Solomon as the mysterious human sorcerer in the story. Solomon laments that he had hoped to string the MC along for longer, and requests Barbatos to treat them to a glass of Demonus as recompense. Barbatos obliges, then mutters that this is why one shouldn't speak to sorcerers today before leaving. Shortly after, MC receives a call from Lucifer, demanding them to come back to the House of Lamentation to resolve another crisis. Solomon jokes that the superstition is affecting MC too. He offers to come along as well to help MC, and use this opportunity to mess with the demon brothers too, as they would likely be unaware of the superstition.

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