Our Big Surprise - Devilgram

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Our Big Surprise Devilgram.png
Our Big Surprise (OM)
Intimacy: Diavolo Lv. 7
Card: Our Big Surprise (OM)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
Our Big Surprise (NB) Devilgram.png
Our Big Surprise (NB)
Intimacy: Diavolo Lv. 5
Card: Our Big Surprise (NB)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"I'm waiting for your brilliant idea."

In the entrance hall of the House of Lamentation, MC is approached by Lucifer who has come to ask them to assist Satan with controlling his angry rampages. A cut away to the guest room at the Demon Lord's Castle shows that this was a flashback of MC explaining the situation to Diavolo. He suggests that what Satan needs it to experience more emotions than just wrath. In order to do this he suggests pulling positive pranks on him. After a brainstorming session, Diavolo says that he will be in charge of the next part and just needs MC to be a guinea pig for his plans. Later out on a Devildom street, MC is surprised when a party crackers explodes with flowers rather than confetti. Diavolo explains how the item words before leading them off towards the start of his planned prank day.

"An aquarium... Nice choice!"

Diavolo takes MC to an aquarium that he says is quite popular in the Devildom and was designed to look like a Human World aquarium. He explains some of the animals in the tanks from a poisonous fish with spikes to Jet-Black Dolphins as they walk through the area. MC points out either a strange noise of a strange sight coming from the tank of dolphins. Diavolo points out a different colored dolphin as the source of the surprising activity and explains that it is a Devil Dolphin pulling a prank. They move on to the next tank but are surprised when fish start jumping out of their tank, one way or another they get all the fish back in their tank. Diavolo happily reports that a picture they took of MC confirms his success with his plan thus far.

"I want to feed them too."

On their next stop of the aquarium MC and Diavolo have made it in line in time to help feed some penguins. MC can choose between two penguins. If they choose the huge one Diavolo will use magic to help them reach their head to feed it, and if they choose the tiny one they find it overexcited to the point of pecking their hand while feeding it. Either way Diavolo will explain the details of the species and that he specifically asked them to bring one for his plan. He goes on to explain that all of the strange occurrences have been part of his plan and boasts that not all pranks have to be scary. He then takes them to a café where he orders them a drink with a sparkler in it so that he can take a picture of them blowing it out.

"Ooh, that's so romantic!"

The prank plan seems to be at an end when Diavolo promises MC that they will have nothing to worry about now. He tells them that he took lots of pictures of them and will be sure to do the same with Satan so that he can see himself with different emotions on his face. It is closing time at the aquarium but before they leave he asks MC to close their eyes and let him lead them somewhere. He leads them to a beautifully lit up fountain outside that is his last surprise for their date. Diavolo sadly says that he isn't looking forward to going home after the fun they had and MC can choose to hug or kiss him to cheer him up before they head home.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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