The Sweet Demon - Devilgram

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The Sweet Demon Devilgram.png
The Sweet Demon
Intimacy: Barbatos Lv. 5
Card: The Sweet Demon
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

"I want to see some blue rose..."

In RAD's student council room, Luke is looking through a Devildom recipe book, and isn't happy about the foods he finds in it. MC can assure him that things in the Devildom only sound scary at first, or say the foods look good to them. Barbatos then spots the two and the recipe book Luke's holding. He suggests a chiffon cake with blue rose crystals as a Devildom dish for Luke to try. Luke asks what blue rose crystals are, and Barbatos explains that they are edible crystals that taste slightly sweet.

"I'm glad Luke looks like he is..."

Luke loves the idea of eating sweet crystals, and asks Barbatos where he can buy a chiffon cake with blue rose crystals. Barbatos answers that none of the stores in the areas sell such a cake, so MC suggests either to Luke or Barbatos that he could make the cake. Barbatos would like both Luke and himself to make the cake together, and MC wants to join in as well. Luke happily thanks Barbatos and MC for agreeing to make the chiffon cake with him.

"I'm hungry."

Barbatos, Luke, and MC go together to the kitchen of the Demon Lord's Castle, where Barbatos has prepared the basic ingredients for their chiffon cake. Before that, Luke and MC had stopped by Cocytus Hall to bring some toppings along with them. Barbatos asks to make sure they didn't get any of the toppings from Solomon, and Luke assures him they didn't.

Luke brought with him fresh fruits, and MC contributes either fresh cream or chocolate. If they brought chocolate, Barbatos thinks that might be too strong a taste, and suggests using it to make a chocolate cream instead. Luke is excited to start, and says it's been ages since he last did any baking. He says Simeon has taught him some things, but he's still not very good at it. Barbatos assures him their cake will turn out delicious, and they all get started.

"That cake is indeed delicious."

Luke comments on the lovely shade of blue their chiffon cake is, and MC either adds the cream or the fruit to it. Barbatos then reveals he has a finishing touch for the cake: a powder made from edible crystal shavings. He uses magic to dust the cake, which makes it sparkle. If MC comments they'd "expect no less from Barbatos," Barbatos mentions that Lucifer isn't fond of sweet foods, so he made this recipe to suit his tastes.

Barbatos encourages Luke to try the cake, who says it's delicious. He then asks if Barbatos would teach him more recipes, and Barbatos agrees. Later, Diavolo finds Barbatos looking through recipe books, and comments it's been awhile since he wrote down recipes for someone else. Barbatos says he may have found a new student, and he looks forward to seeing his growth.

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