Leviathan's Main Gallery
Leviathan's main gallery contains images such as promotional art, premium pictures, skill animations, and more from both Obey Me! and Nightbringer.
For images of Leviathan's outfits, such as Majolish images and battle sprites, see Leviathan's Outfits Gallery.
Promotional Art[edit]
Reference Sheets and Outfits[edit]
See Leviathan's Outfits Gallery
Premium Pictures[edit]
Third-Born's Celebration!
(Struggle With Words (NB))
Leviathan's Shower
(Memories We Hold Dear (NB))
Laundry Fun
(Levi's Decluttering)
Icy Wonderland
(Wanna Carve Some Ice? (NB))
Celebrate! The Moment of Victory!
(Search for Sports Spirit! (NB))
Even These Moments Are Treasures
(A Christmas Tree for Two (NB))
The Suspicious Garden
(Thanks for the Memories 2 Login (NB))
Levi's Sweet Treat
(Charity Sale Wins (NB))
Premium Picture Cameos[edit]
Detective Satan
(Detective S Vs. Thief M (NB))
Behind the Stage
(Asmo & the Cursed Sponge)
Take Care When in the Field
(Barbatos the Sub Teacher (NB))
Card Pictures[edit]
Struggle With Words card picture
(Struggle With Words (NB))
Struggle With Words Unlocked card picture
(Struggle With Words (NB))
Memories We Hold Dear card picture
(Memories We Hold Dear (NB))
Memories We Hold Dear Unlocked card picture
(Memories We Hold Dear (NB))
Wanna Carve Some Ice? card picture
(Wanna Carve Some Ice? (NB))
Wanna Carve Some Ice? Unlocked card picture
(Wanna Carve Some Ice? (NB))
Search for Sports Spirit! card picture
(Search for Sports Spirit! (NB))
Search for Sports Spirit! Unlocked card picture
(Search for Sports Spirit! (NB))
A Christmas Tree for Two card picture
(A Christmas Tree for Two (NB))
A Christmas Tree for Two Unlocked card picture
(A Christmas Tree for Two (NB))
Home Pictures (Obey Me!)[edit]
Chibi Leviathan and Rose
(Chibi Levi Goes Normie)
Party With Leviathan
(Happy Devil Day.5 2021 Charge Mission)
Leviathan and Rainbow Pizza
(A Masked Halloween Pint-Sized Challenge)
Christmas With Levi
(A Surprise for You)
Cat Butler Levi
(A Surprise for You)
Bunny Boy: Envy
(Bunny Boys At Your Service)
Cat Waiter Levi
(Pirates: The Legendary Treasure!)
Chibi Levi Posing
(The Great Yokai Parade)
Chibi Festival Levi
(All Aboard the S.S. Devildom!)
Decorations Are My Life
(RAD's 1000 Day Anniversary!)
Halloween Fun With Levi
(Halloween Prank Problems)
A Snack From Chibi Levi♪
(The Three Worlds Festival)
D-Do You Want Some?
(The Three Worlds Festival)
Levi, Handmade With Confidence!
(Valentine's Day Canceled?!)
Won't Let My Embarrassment Win!
(Valentine's Day Canceled?!)
Levi With Candy
(Happy Devil Day .5 (2023) Login)
Radiating Chibi Levi
(Trick or Treat!)
An Excuse to Get Close Chibi Levi
(Happy ☆ Holidays!)
Flowers and Levi
(Absolute Zero)
Chibi Levi March
(Revolution of the Stained Glass Flower)
Levi's Dark Devil Lord
(The Devildom RAD Rangers)
Jellyfish Levi
(The Aquascape of Revitalization)
Testing Courage With Levi
(Dark Eternal Bliss)
Devil Water Polo With Levi
(Love and Sports The RAD Tournament)
Feline Butler Levi!
(Thanks for the Memories 1 Login)
Dark Christmas With Levi
(Presenting Perfect Memories)
Levi and the World of Books
(Thanks for the Memories 2 Login)
Rurun Levi
(Charity Sale Wins)
Home Pictures (Nightbringer)[edit]
Spring Ballad Levi
(Tokimeki ♡ Leviathan (NB))
Radiating Chibi Levi (NB)
(Trick or Treat! (NB))
An Excuse to Get Close Chibi Levi (NB)
(Happy ☆ Holidays! (NB))
Flowers and Levi (NB)
(Absolute Zero (NB))
Chibi Levi March (NB)
(Revolution of the Stained Glass Flower (NB))
Levi's Dark Devil Lord (NB)
(The Devildom RAD Rangers (NB))
Jellyfish Levi (NB)
(The Aquascape of Revitalization (NB))
Testing Courage With Levi (NB)
(Dark Eternal Bliss (NB))
Devil Water Polo With Levi (NB)
(Love and Sports The RAD Tournament (NB))
Vampire Leviathan
(Presenting Perfect Memories (NB))
Rurun Levi
(Charity Sale Wins (NB))
Moving Pictures[edit]
Handmade Present!
(OM: Handmade Present!
NB: Handmade Present! (NB))
Handmade Present! Unlocked
(OM: Handmade Present!
NB: Handmade Present! (NB))
(OM: RAD-ception
NB: RAD-ception (NB))
RAD-ception Unlocked
(OM: RAD-ception
NB: RAD-ception (NB))
The World's Meekest Hero
(The World's Meekest Hero)
The World's Meekest Hero Unlocked
(The World's Meekest Hero)
Operation Makeover
(OM: Operation Makeover
NB: Operation Makeover (NB))
Operation Makeover Unlocked
(OM: Operation Makeover
NB: Operation Makeover (NB))
Skill Animations[edit]
Trick or Treat!
(OM: Trick Quest
NB: Trick Quest (NB))
Xmas is for Normies
(OM: A Jealous Christmas
NB: A Jealous Christmas (NB))
Levi's Inside the Trunk?!
(A Virtual Drive)
A Hero Enters the Scene?!
(Ruri and the Dream Team)
A Fun Time for All!
(OM: Hidden Feelings
NB: Hidden Feelings (NB))
Birthday Pictures[edit]
OVERTURE Pictures[edit]
Chat Photos (Obey Me!)[edit]
Chat Photos (Nightbringer)[edit]