Leviathan's Dialogues (Nightbringer)

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This page lists all dialogues spoken by Leviathan in Nightbringer during Surprise Guest interactions, on the Home Screen, and more! For all dialogues with associated voice clips in Majolish, titles and links to Leviathan's Majolish Voice Clips page are provided.

Title Screen[edit]

Translation of Leviathan's Title Screen dialogue.

  • "Obey Me! Nightbringer, my love for you transcends time." (Title 1)


Dialogues said during a battle in Ruri★Tunes. Character intros change based on the outfit worn during battle.

Battle Intros[edit]


  • "Woohoo! Levi takes the field!" (Round Intro 1)
  • "Ruri Hana! Ru-Ru Ruri!"
  • "It's do or die!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Aaaah! I-I-It's a pleasure to fight alongside you!"


  • "Checkmate!"
  • "My genius astounds me!"
  • "Go for a stalemate!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Yes! Checkmate!"


  • "My besto friendo!"
  • "The springtime of youth!"
  • "I-I'm a normie?!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "W-W-W-What?"


  • "Happy Halloween."
  • "Trick or treat!"
  • "Hyaaa!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Here's your treat!"


  • "Happy Holidays!"
  • "Santa Levi, check!"
  • "I brought presents!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "I am Santa Levi!"


  • "Carnival, let's gooo!"
  • "Do I stand out?"
  • "Fear my otaku dance!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "This carnival is lit!"


  • "I can do it if I actually try!"
  • "Play the melody of my soul!"
  • "Feel the groove!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "All right, let's go!"


  • "They call me Leviathan."
  • "I'm the villain."
  • "I'll make you regret this."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Petunias stand together!"


  • "A wild Bloody Jellyfish appears!"
  • "Just floating around. Floatie float."
  • "Did you know we're mostly made out of water?"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "They're so fascinating!"


  • please add
  • please add
  • please add
  • (With Ruri-chan) please add


  • "You can count on me!"
  • "I've got to give it my all!"
  • "Otaku always come out on top!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "I'm not gonna lose here!"

Equipping Items[edit]

Battle Skills[edit]

Stage Boss[edit]

  • "Watch ☆ this!"
  • "Time to get serious!"
  • "Hiyaa!"
  • "F-Face palm..."

Surprise Guest[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when not using Items.

B↑ Rank Wins[edit]

  • "Haha, let's experience the taste of victory together!"
  • "Let's greet each other like normies would!"

C Rank Wins[edit]

  • "Man, I'm tired. It's time for a break."

Home Screen[edit]

  • "Oh, what's up? Are you here to scold me or compliment me?"
  • "Phew. I think I'll watch some anime or play a game now that work is over. Oh, did you want something?"
  • "Man, I'm tired. It's time for a break."

Gifting the Player[edit]

  • "Here, you can have this. I already have one."
  • "Picking a present is pretty difficult."


Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "Oops, I accidentally let out a small laugh." (Proud)
  • "That's it! Keep up the good work!"
  • "I'm going to get carried away if you keep that up!"
  • "Ugh... It pains me to admit I'm enjoying this..."
  • "N-No way... No, that was great!"
  • "That's the spot! Keep going!"
  • "Eh? That kind of got my heart beating! That's got to be some kind of sign, right?"
  • "Hey, nice!"

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "Not bad. Then again, it's not good either..."
  • "Completely average! That means you still have room to improve."
  • "I guess I should be thankful I'm not uncomfortable."
  • "Pretty average! Sort of like getting a B-rank character in a gacha."

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "Do you think that makes me happy?"
  • "*sigh* I'll watch some anime to put me in a better mood."


Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "Working hard for you is motivation enough for me. So keep relying on me, okay?"
  • "Are you free right now? I was just thinking you could give me a little something for my hard work."
  • "Ah, I can go back to my room feeling happy now. That's a job well done."
  • "Thanks! I feel like I can do a great unboxing!"

Good Sequence[edit]

  • "I suppose I can keep doing my best for you. Look forward to it... a little."
  • "You can count on me next time, too!"
  • "I'm going to go watch some DVDs. Talk to you later!"

Normal Sequence[edit]

  • "Well, I think I'll take my leave here. See you!"
  • "You really expect me to stick around for this? You must be aiming to make me angry."
  • "This is enough interaction for you, right?"

Bad Sequence[edit]

  • "Man, am I the best or what?"
  • "Are you happy now? I certainly am not."

Using Items[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when Items are used (excluding Wanderers' Whereabouts).

Standard Items[edit]

Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "D-Don't think you can get on my good side by buying me off!"
  • "What?! You're really giving this to me?! Let me dance for you as thanks!"
  • please add

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • please add

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • please add

Whip of Love[edit]

  • "Ah! This pain and fear...is addicting!"

In-game Apps[edit]

Dialogues said within various In-game Apps.


Selected for Home Screen[edit]

Changing Outfits[edit]

  • "Are you sure this look suits me?!" (Majolish 3)
  • "How do I look..?"
  • "Well, I'm happy to wear anything you choose for me!"


Pulling an N, R, or SR Demon Card[edit]


Excellent Order[edit]

  • "W-Whoa! You made this?! F-For m-me?! Thanks..."

Very Good Order[edit]

  • "Thanks for coming all this way to deliver it! D-Do you want to join me?"

Good Order[edit]

  • "Thanks. Maybe I'll order something again."

Failed Order[edit]

  • "Oh... Uh... Right... Thanks."

Wanderers' Whereabouts[edit]

Gifting Items[edit]

  • "No way... Thanks."
  • "Whoa...! I'm super happy!"
  • "Is this really for me?! This is the best thing ever!"

Player's Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on the Player's Birthday. All Surprise Guest interactions result in Perfect Sequences during birthdays.

Birthday App Screen[edit]

  • "Happy birthday! I'll celebrate like it's Ruri-chan's birthday!"

Surprise Guest[edit]

Battle Wins/Home Screen[edit]

  • "Happy birthday! To celebrate, how about we binge anime together today?"

Gifting the Player (said when gifting 30 Devil Points)[edit]

  • please add

Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "I'm so glad I spent today with you. Today is a special day for me, as well."

His Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on Leviathan's Birthday, including birthday login bonuses.

Home Screen[edit]

  • "Happy birthday to me... Did you know that today is my birthday?"

Login Bonuses[edit]

2024 Login[edit]

  • "I'll never forget the happiness I felt today thanks to you."

Home Screen[edit]

Dialogues said on the Home Screen, both standard dialogues and those with unlocking requirements.

Standard Dialogues[edit]


  • "Welcome!"

Player Returns[edit]

  • "Oh, you're back."

He Returns[edit]

  • "I'm home. Sorry, did I keep you waiting?"

Touched by Player[edit]

  • "Not even my brothers touch me that way!" (Exchange 2)
  • "Hey...! Wh-What's going on?!"
  • "Being with you is so much fun."
  • "Hmhmhm. H-hm ♪"
  • "The birth flower for April 9 is the mad acacia. It means abundant sensitivity."
  • "There are so many anime films I wanna watch it's crazy."
  • "My favorite seasons are summer and winter. An otaku can't miss the comic markets after all!"
  • "I eat most of my pancakes with yogurt or honey."
  • "Evil demons be on alert, as I'll plant your rears in the dirt! Justice Floweeeer!"
  • "Calm the unease that gnaws at me and bring peace to my heart!"
  • "Hey! Remember, game hard, rest hard!"
  • "I stan you from the depths of my soul!"
  • "I'm pretty attached to my voice. Especially because you say you like it."
  • "I-I-If we were to live t-together... OOOOOOH."
  • "Whaa! The jealousy! It burns!"
  • "Hey, don't act like this with anyone else, okay?"
  • "I'm no good without you by my side."
  • "If you don't hang out with me, I'll plant you in the dirt!"
  • "D-Did you like my hell coffee?"
  • "They're doing a Re:Prince collab at Hungry Pizza! It's official, I'm living off pizza now."
  • "If you're okay with it, you can always tell me what's wrong."
  • "Giant shade rats won't show up at the House of Lamentation today, right? I saw them in the kitchen...!"
  • "Thank you! No, serious, thank you!"
  • "You are the BEST!"
  • "Isn't it crazy that friendship is intangible but also undeniably real?"
  • "I want you to stan MEow!"
  • "Sorry for being so irresistible you can't help but fall for me ☆ Just kidding! Just kidding!"
  • "I might be your biggest fanboy."
  • "I'm hyper happy any time I manage to be first to comment on your Devilgram."
  • "Will you geek out with me forever?"
  • "You were in my dreams! It was nothing weird, okay?! Do you charge for showing up?!"
  • "I worry that I stan you too much, but I'll never get tired of it, so don't worry!"
  • "Whaa! My cheeks! I'm blushing!"
  • "I kind of want you to... s-s-say you love me... or something..."
  • "To me, you're in 4K while the rest of the world is standard def."
  • "Hey, is there anything you want me to d-do...?"
  • "I'm not bragging, but my heart's as strong as tofu. Be nice, okay? Okay?!"
  • "I... l-l-love... y-y-you..."
  • "Hey, hey, why are you so precious?"
  • "It looks like there's a disease called Sacrificious Grudgious Syndrome."
  • "Man, I sure have a lot of things in common with Little D. No. 3. Who would have thought?"
  • "Even as a joke, saying 'Satan-chan' is a bad idea. He'll destroy your room for real."
  • "Asmo always thinks he looks great. Where does he get that self-confidence from?"
  • "Don't you think we're connected by the red string of fate?"
  • "Want to hear me be a mother? 'There, there.'"
  • "Want to hear me be a little brother? 'I'm not a creepy otaku!'"
  • "Want to hear me be the strongest of all? 'Hear my voice and tremble!'"
  • "Want to hear me be a butler? 'Please, ask anything of me.'"
  • "Want to hear me be a Demon King? 'Hmhmhm... hahaha... HAHAHA!'"
  • "I wanna hole up in my room with you for like two thousand years."
  • "Oh no! Today's my turn to take Cerbie on a walk?!"
  • "Have you been good?"

Idle Screen[edit]

  • "Um... Hey, are you there?"

Time of Day Interactions[edit]


(Dialogues between 5:00 - 12:00 local time.)

  • "*yawn* I was up all night watching anime, so I'm still sleepy."
  • "I was gaming until the early hours of the morning. I'm so sleepy I could die."

(Dialogues between 12:00 - 18:00 local time.)

  • "Lunchtime already? I'm gonna grab a bite then get back to my game."
  • "Afternoon already? Ah! I have to get that login bonus!"

(Dialogues between 18:00 - 0:00 local time.)


(Dialogues between 0:00 - 5:00 local time.)

  • "I'm waiting for a midnight anime to start. Want to join me?"
  • "I always feel more awake at night. It's so weird."

Character Intros[edit]

  • "Lucifer's so reliable. He's been looking out for us ever since we came to the Devildom."
  • "Mammon won't give back the money I lent him! How am I supposed to buy that anime now?!"
  • "Satan's terrifying. Stay away if you value your life."
  • "Asmo's become a party animal in the Devildom... He's basically living in a different world from me."
  • "I like seeing Beel eat so much. I hope he grows big and strong."
  • "Belphie's such a little brother character. Everyone's always spoiling him. I'm jelly."
  • "Lord Diavolo has so many qualities I'll never have. He's one of those super-charismatic types."
  • "If this were an anime, Barbatos would be the secret boss."
  • "I'm amazed at how bad Simeon is with technology... It's actually painful."
  • "It's impossible to leave Luke alone. It's like he's asking for attention!"
  • "Solomon's so elusive. You seem to get on okay with him, though."

Game Tips[edit]

  • "I think something's arrived for you."
  • "You better check To Do."
  • "It's an event! Let's go, go, go!"
  • "Don't you think you should work a few shifts?"
  • "Don't you want to check De-comm?"
  • "Majolish...? That place is for normies."
  • "I've got to preorder a game on Akuzon! Wanna join me?"
  • "You can strengthen your cards in Contacts."
  • "Hey! Let's play some Ruri★Tunes!"
  • "Someone's uploaded a video. Let's watch it!
  • "You've got unread posts on Devilgram. Well, I know what it feels like to be ignored!"
  • "Nightmare's calling you..."
  • "It sounds like something's happened! You better check it out!"

App Deleted[edit]

  • "Y-You deleted thaaaat?!"
  • "I recovered the app for you."
  • "What?! Are you the type of person who does things they're told not to do?!"

Unlockable Dialogues[edit]

Intimacy-Unlocked Dialogues[edit]

  • Lv. 5 "What do you wanna do today? Games? Manga? Anime?"
  • Lv. 10 "I-It's not like I was waiting for you... But since you're here, let's spend the day together."
  • Lv. 15 "I've been waiting for ages. I wanted to see you... Erm, please ignore that!"
Player Returns[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "You're late! I've finished reading three volumes of manga already!" (Welcome Back 2)
  • Lv. 10 "Oh! You're back! Don't leave me alone!"
  • Lv. 15 "Thank goodness... I was worried something had happened to you!"
He Returns[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "I'm home! Wanna try saying, "Welcome home, master!"? Just kidding!"
  • Lv. 10 "Sorry to keep you waiting! I was off buying a game that came out today. Wanna go home and play it?"
  • Lv. 15 "I hurried back because I wanted to see you!" (Back Home 4)
Touched by Player[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "Aah... Otaku are such busy creatures."
  • Lv. 10 "Maybe I'm like an idol of the shut-in world?"
  • Lv. 15 "I have anime recommendations."
Idle Screen[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "I'm so bored lol."
  • Lv. 10 "I'm so bored lmao."
  • Lv. 15 "I'm so bored... Look, I'm lonely! Come keep me company already!"

Home+ Dialogues[edit]

Moving Pictures[edit]

Handmade Present! (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "I made a game for Lord Diavolo."
  • "I don't know if he'll like it, but do you want to try it out?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Ah, this is the best part!"
  • "Listen to my song!"
  • "Huh? You're actually keeping up with my singing!"
  • "But I'm not about to let you win!"
  • "Ahh, we sound so good when we harmonize!"
  • "This always reminds me of anime and makes me teary-eyed."
  • "N-Nani?! You know how to dance like an otaku?!"
  • "I-I can't let this chance go. I'm doing it too!"
  • "Everyone, join in!"
  • "I hope you're enjoying every ounce of my performance!"
RAD-ception (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "It liiiiiiiives! Well? What do you think? Cool, huh?!"
  • "Yep, there's something really satisfying about a giant goldfish made of blocks showing up out of nowhere, lol."
  • "...Okay? Are you ready? I'm gonna say it!"
  • "Please go with me to TTWF!"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "There's going to be dancing at the end of the event tomorrow, so..."
  • "Um, I wanted to practice asking you to dance with me today so that I could look cool doing it tomorrow."
  • "...Okay. Here goes."
  • "M-May I have this dance?"
  • "...Yeah, no, that's actually kind of embarrassing. My voice won't stop shaking."
  • "Maybe it'll go better tomorrow?"
  • "...No, I should keep trying until I get it right."
  • "Just don't expect too much, okay?"
  • "That was no good?! That took a lot of courage, you know!"
  • "I-I-I was hoping you'd g-grant me the honor of a d-dance with..."
  • "Is this some kind of punishment for pretending to be a normie?!"
  • "That's okay, this is just practice. The real thing will be a lot better! For sure!"
Operation Makeover (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Hmm. What shade should I use...?"
  • "According to Asmo's philosophy, you're supposed to pick a color that puts you in a good mood, right?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Aah, the temperature is just right. It feels great."
  • "But now, it's almost as if the warm bath water is melting away my anxiety..."
  • "Didn't that sound a bit like Asmo when he's filming sponsored content?"
  • "I think that was a pretty good impression of him."
  • "It's even more relaxing while taking a bath!"
  • "I rarely use bath bombs like this, but I guess it does make me feel a bit like the main character in a story."
  • "Wow, it's so nice and squishy!"
  • "Whoa, the water is all fizzy...!"
  • "Hey, there's something inside it!"
  • "It's a miniature figurine of one of the monsters from Magic: The Gate!"

Premium Pictures[edit]

Third-Born's Celebration![edit]
  • "I'm not used to stiff, formal events like this."
  • "W-Wait! I'm not ready...!"
  • "Leaving me behind like that, how could you?!"
  • "I-I'll get embarrassed if you suddenly touch me like that!"
  • "Go, my party poppers!"
  • "Yes, the surprise was a success!"
Leviathan's Shower[edit]
  • "W-Why would you want a shower scene of me?!"
  • "Ahh, this feels so good... I don't wanna get out."
  • "I can sense you looking at me..."
  • "H-Hey, stop looking at me!"
  • "Staaahp!"
  • "Seriously, you're making me blush."
Laundry Fun[edit]
  • "Thanks for bringing me a towel!"
  • "That's my chance! Water blast, GO!"
  • "Hehe... Thanks for wiping me."
  • "Ah, if you're there you'll end up wet!"
  • "All riiight! I won't lose now that you're here!"
  • "Woah, you'll get all wet if you come now!"
Icy Wonderland[edit]
  • "My heart will explode if you shove me like that!"
  • "I've got to be careful not to slip and fall!"
  • "What a lifesaver! Things are sure to be warm with you!"
  • "Watch your feet. Be sure to walk carefully!"
  • "Be sure to hold my hand, okay? I'll make sure you don't fall."
  • "This scenery is so magical..."
Celebrate! The Moment of Victory![edit]
  • "Hehehe... I think I've gotten a bit more confident now."
  • "Hahaha, feel free to praise me to your heart's content!"
  • "I won because of your cheering, so...thanks."
  • "Hey, hey, how was I in that last match?"
  • "Whoa, you came to cheer me on?!"
  • "You can't go wrong with good teammates!"
Even These Moments Are Treasures[edit]
  • "I wonder what they would like for a gift... Huh?! Did you hear that just now?!"
  • "Hey, welcome! Now we can get things going!"
  • "Huh? You think I'm hiding something? I-It's just your imagination."
  • "I-It's not like I prepared a present for you or anything!"
  • "Don't be so impatient! I'll be sure to give it to you!"
  • "You want to open it with me? ...Sure, no problem!"
The Suspicious Garden[edit]
  • "Wouldn't someone else be better for this? Like, seriously?"
  • "Wait a sec...why do you look so weirdly happy? Don't tell me you're getting something out of this?"
  • "This would totally suit you more... I mean-not that it matters or anything! Forget I said that!"
  • "Careful, okay? It might be dangerous, so if you're gonna touch it, be super gentle!"
  • "The view's pretty, sure, but isn't it weird for me to be at the center of all this? Like, why me?!"
  • "Whoa, that's a ton of flowers... Even I'm kinda surprised."
Levi's Sweet Treat[edit]
  • "Look, look! Pretty cool, right?"
  • "Check it out, I made all these cute, orange, Levi-themed decorations!"
  • "Even I've learned to look cool."
  • "I've put all my points into coolness this time, so you better not play hard to get."
  • "Did you notice? The little bit of ankle? Yeah, I knew an otaku like you wouldn't be able to resist."
  • "You want that one? Okay, I'll take this one and then we can go halves."

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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