Newspaper Birthday Scoop - Devilgram

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Newspaper Birthday Scoop Devilgram.png
Newspaper Birthday Scoop
Intimacy: Diavolo Lv. 5
Card: Newspaper Birthday Scoop
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

"Lucifer was probably surp..."

Mephistopheles finds MC in a classroom and asks if they've seen Lucifer. Lucifer apparently went to him begging for help organizing Diavolo's birthday. Mephistopheles agreed to help Lucifer collect signatures from the RAD student body in exchange for Lucifer's help at the newspaper club. Diavolo and Lucifer overhear their conversation and come in. Lucifer doesn't remember agreeing to that, which causes Diavolo to ask to help out instead. It surprises the two of them, but Diavolo wants to hear directly from the students about their thoughts and experiences at RAD. Mephistopheles is hesitant, considering the next edition of the RAD Newspaper is a birthday edition about Diavolo.

"Where's my interview?"

Diavolo goes to Purgatory Hall to ask for advice on making his birthday newspaper special. Raphael finds it strange he's asking for help, however Diavolo refuses to go back on his word to help. Simeon suggests they do an interview with Diavolo. Solomon says MC can write the article and Diavolo can edit it. Diavolo feels bad for asking, however MC is on board for it. With everything settled, Luke declares they'll have an up close and personal interview with Diavolo.

"Lord Diavolo has no openi..."

Luke asks about Diavolo's favorite dessert, as well as what he doesn't like. Solomon tries to get Raphael to ask something, however he can't think of anything. Simeon jumps in to ask for Diavolo's vision of RAD in the future, but Solomon comments that Diavolo's response feels like the safe answer everyone expects from him. Simeon wants to give readers a glimpse of the real Diavolo. MC can either suggest they try relaxing more, or wonder if they should add something extra to the interview. This causes Simeon to suggest recreating Diavolo's birthday party.

"I am happy Diavolo is havi..."

Diavolo is surprised by the recreation of his birthday party, which includes a party spread and cake. Diavolo realizes his cake is made with pudding, his favorite dessert, and happily thanks Luke. MC can either take a picture while he's eating cake, or wait until prompted by Raphael after seeing his playful side. Simeon says to forget about the interview and enjoy the party.

Some days later, Diavolo says he heard the birthday issue was a hit with the students. Barbatos commends the article and MC's photography. Diavolo says there are people outside of RAD asking for the article and thanks MC for making RAD the talk of the Devildom.

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