Trivial Characters

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This page contains a list of characters who have only been introduced in the stories of Obey Me! or Nightbringer briefly, or play a trivial role in either game.

Trivial Characters A - C[edit]


In the first-ever RAD Newspaper Club chat, Astaroth was not on the unofficial results of the popularity contest, but he earned 9th place after Mephistopheles and Mammon were disqualified due to falsified ballots. Astaroth is also a beautician admired by Asmodeus, who refers to them as "legendary" in Satan's 2021 birthday event. They are the author of the book Devoting Body and Spirit to Beauty.

Chat The Popularity Contest (Final Results); Birthday Event Satan (2021)

Aster first appears in A Surprise for You along with Ferlucas, Mul, Gremos, Zagos, and Valago. They appear as a Little D. of Lust, but it is mentioned that this is not their true form. The true nature of their being has not been revealed, but it is likely they are some type of demon.

Aster appears friendly and polite, with an ability to read the room well. According to Mul, Aster is extremely nice.

Pop Quiz A Surprise for You

A mascot of Three-Legged Crow Group. See Three-Legged Crow Group's page.

The Brothers' Father

The Brothers' Father is the being that originally created the six brothers as angels, and presumably other angels of the Celestial Realm as well. He is mentioned only on the rare occasion, and very little is known about him.

Lesson 5-4 (OM)
The Butcher

The Butcher is a human that appears in the third season. He's first seen when MC and Beelzebub are grocery shopping, and believing they are a couple, he gives Beelzebub advice on relationships. MC encounters him again while they're with Mammon, who exclaims they are together, much to the butcher's surprise.

Lucifer and Diavolo also appear in his shop, and he's stunned by Diavolo's request for dragon meat. He then later met the rest of the brothers while they are shopping, and was shocked again when they began fighting over an absent MC.

He also took his wife and daughter to the theme park Bayside Bonanza Worlds of Wonder, where he ran into MC and Belphegor.

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Lucifer's pet hellhound. See Cerberus's page.

Chocolate Heartbreak

See the Devildom Entertainment page.


An angel that presumably has powers related to love and romance as he does in classical mythology.

Lesson 38-9 (OM)

Trivial Characters D - F[edit]


Dantalion is a mysterious painter who never shows their face in public. Satan once invited MC to a Museum holding an event that featured the art of this painter. The art exposes the viewer's core, while their core also burns red and white with passion and lust. Satan tells the MC that rumors say Dantalion is the artist, but whether or not the rumors are true remains unknown.

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Dark Demon Santa

Dark Demon Santa is a being different from both Santa and Dark Santa. He is a happiness-devouring demon who "delights in transforming presents into coal." According to the book "Secrets of the Devildom's Moon," this demon once "rampaged through the Devildom for a thousand days." A number of fables and children's books also refer to this "evil Santa."

He was at one point sealed away in a Forsaken Fruit, which looks like a black apple. Signs of him being freed include the Devildom's moon behaving strangely, such as changing orbit or suddenly changing phases. Over time, his powers are capable of extinguishing the light of the moon and stars in the Devildom's sky.

Pop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!
Dark Santa

Dark Santa is a being different from both Santa and Dark Demon Santa. He does, however, still have a connection to the Christmas holiday. He either has multiple variations of traditional outfits, or details are broad enough that outfit interpretations vary, given that multiple characters all have different-looking Dark Santa outfits.

Pop Quiz Presenting Perfect Memories

An idol duo of Mammon and MC that exists within the AU of the Be My Idol event.

Devilgram Idol Mammon
The Demon King

Diavolo's father and the current ruler of the Devildom. See the Demon King page.

The Demon King Gardonus

A previous ruler of the Devildom. He ruled during the Eighth Dynasty and established a set of policies known as the "Wings of Darmius" that put political pressure on the Celestial Realm.

Fab Snap Satan's Curse
Destroyer Sharks

A professional Fangol team that has made it to the Fangol Ultra Bowl at least once.

Pop Quiz The Fangol Ultra Bowl

The mascot of Devil's Coast. See the Devil's Coast page.

Devildom Fruit Picking Association

The Devildom Fruit Picking Association oversees all fruit picking trips in the Devildom. They have banned Beelzebub from fruit picking because he kept eating all the fruit on the trips.

Chat Devil Fruit Picking 2
Devildom Rare and Ancient Book Society

The Devildom Rare and Ancient Book Society are mentioned several times throughout the game. They are known to host reading circles and meetups. Some of these events seem to be invitation-only while others are open to the public.

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Devildom Supernatural Society

The Devildom Supernatural Society are a group of demons who presumably study the supernatural. They have an interest in regions of the Devildom's great unknown, specifically in the preservation of these areas. They are also known to have a large social media presence which means that content they comment on quickly goes viral.

Chats Mammon Goes Viral 2, Mammon Goes Viral 3
Devildom Symphony Orchestra

See the Devildom Entertainment page.


According to Beelzebub, Diaval is a demon who had been sent to the Human World as an exchange student from RAD, presumably at the same time and same duration as MC's stay as a Human World exchange student in the Devildom.

Lesson 5 (OM)
Evilina Hellingsway

An author whose name is likely a parody of author Ernest Hemingway.

Lesson 53-3 (NB); Wanderers' Whereabouts Asmo Is a Mood
Fairy King

According to legend, the Fairy King once ruled the Devildom in ancient times. He is also said to have tended a great tree that is the source of the Little D.'s. A statue of him can be seen here.

Lesson 22-13 (NB)

Fangora is a giant mountain ape that loves Fangol. According to Leviathan, she is ten times his size. She usually hides on a snowy mountaintop, but Fangol events draw her to the city. It is implied that Fangora eats demons, as she wanted to eat Leviathan unless someone could beat her in a field goal contest. In one of his Home Screen dialogues, Simeon says he saw Beelzebub and Fangora playing Fangol together.

Simeon's Home Screen dialogue; Devilgram Field Goal Tag Team

Ferlucas first appears in A Surprise for You along with Mul, Aster, Gremos, Zagos, and Valago. They appear as a Little D. of Wrath, but it is mentioned that this is not their true form. The true nature of their being has not been revealed, but it is likely they are some type of demon.

Ferlucas is an extremely energetic and playful being. They seem to care about nothing but urging others to play games with them, seeming almost aggressive in their insistence. They seem to have little awareness of things occurring around them.

Pop Quiz A Surprise for You

Trivial Characters G - K[edit]


Gremos first appears in A Surprise for You along with Ferlucas, Aster, Mul, Zagos, and Valago. They appear as a Little D. of Pride, but it is mentioned that this is not their true form. The true nature of their being has not been revealed, but it is likely they are some type of demon.

Gremos displays a level of sleepiness comparable to Belphegor, insisting they are too tired to help MC. However, Belphegor, understanding their struggle, convinces them to help break MC's curse with the notion that the sooner they help out the sooner they can get back to sleep without disturbance.

Pop Quiz A Surprise for You

A human witch. See Grisella's page.


A witch trapped in a portrait. See Helene's page.

Henry 1.0

A large snake. See Henry 1.0's page.


A goldfish. See Henry 2.0's page.

John Smith

John Smith is a famous, but unknown and mysterious Devildom artist. His masterpiece, "Lady Jane and the Apple," was given to Lucifer by Diavolo as a present.

Lesson 38-16 Hard (OM)

The D.D.D.'s virtual assistant. See the D.D.D. page.

Trivial Characters L - Q[edit]

Little D.'s

Shadowy lesser demons. See the Little D.'s page.

Little Devil Girls

An idol group. See the Devildom Entertainment page.

Long Hu Tumbling Troupe

The Long Hu Tumbling Troupe makes an appearance in the Pop Quiz RAD Tumbling Troupe. They use acrobatic techniques from the Human World, and combine physical feats with magic to tell a story in their performances. The group's leader is an acquaintance of Diavolo's, and Diavolo once threw them a festival in honor of their visit. They are presumably from Long Hu Town.

Pop Quiz RAD Tumbling Troupe

A seven-headed sea monster. See Lotan's page.


Lucifugus, Asmodeus, and several others throw a party at Lucifugus' house, as mentioned in the chat An Ordinary Party. Asmodeus invites MC to said party.

Chat An Ordinary Party

A famous witch of great power. See Maddi's page.


Mahazael is a real estate agent mentioned in the chat The Single Life 3. He tells Mammon that he has to sign a two-year contract and pay monthly rent to live on his own. Mammon believes it is a scam, and tells him to "shove his two-year contract where the sun don't shine."

Chat The Single Life 3

A voice actress and singer that Leviathan is a fan of. She performed on the third day of one of the annual Hell Marine Festivals.

Devilgram The Power of a Fan
Mr. Magic

Mr. Magic is a magician and hypnotist. He has his own TV show, Mr. Magic's Hypnosis Special. He also performs live, as Belphegor tells MC about a contest between Mr. Magic and Thirteen to see who can impress the crowd more. Sleight of hand may be Mr. Magic's specialty as this is what he performs for the crowd during the contest.

Chats Hypnosis Time 1, A Contest of Tricks

Mul first appears in A Surprise for You along with Ferlucas, Aster, Gremos, Zagos, and Valago. They appear as a Little D. of Sloth, but it is mentioned that this is not their true form. The true nature of their being has not been revealed, but it is likely they are some type of demon.

Mul appears to be a very timid, sensitive being. They are constantly crying, and refer to themself as a "crybaby". They are also extremely apologetic for wrongdoings. They appear to be deeply afraid of Diavolo, viewing his status as ruler to be intimidating. However, they appear to calm down after reassurance from Simeon.

They are a friend of Valago's, but disagree with Valago's antics. They consider Aster to be very nice.

Pop Quiz A Surprise for You

An AU idol group. See the Devildom Entertainment page.


A mascot of Three-Legged Crow Group. See Three-Legged Crow Group's page.

Night Lantern People

A group of wandering demons. See the Night Lantern People page.


A human that wanted to apprentice under Grisella. See Noah's page.


An idol group. See the Devildom Entertainment page.

Patchwork Rabbit

This rabbit looks like a stuffed animal, but is sentient and runs a café in the middle of the forest. Said café can only be found if the patchwork rabbit leads one there. The rabbit is capable of magic, and can use said magic to create pocket dimensions at will. The Patchwork Rabbit also loves experimenting with food, and comes up with new recipes almost every day, though most are scrapped before making it to the café's menu.

Pop Quiz The Rabbit's Maze Café, Devilgram The New Menu
Queen Rose

The queen of roses. See Queen Rose's page.

Trivial Characters R - S[edit]

RAD Newspaper Club

See the RAD Newspaper Club page.

Red Devil

A mascot of Three-Legged Crow Group. See Three-Legged Crow Group's page.


An AU idol duo. See the Devildom Entertainment page.


Rubezahl is a DevilTube influencer who was once invited to Asmodeus's fashion show.

Lesson 32-8 (OM)

A popular anime character. See Ruri-chan's page.


Mammon stated that "everyone on Devilgram's talkin' about her!". She was invited to Asmodeus's fashion show.

Lesson 32-8 (OM)

Ryan is the name that Diavolo gave his dance-loving magical creature that he raised in the Pop Quiz Magical Eggs ♪ What Will Hatch?!. His dance moves are so fast that photos taken of him dancing always end up blurry.

Pop Quiz Magical Eggs ♪ What Will Hatch?!, Devilgram The Dancing Creature

Sana-tan is a former member of the idol group Little Devil Girls who now works as a voice actress. She was chosen to work as the audio guide at the Demon Art Museum. She also voices a character in the D.D.D. game Phantom Lyric.

Chats Not My Scene, Phantom Lyric 2; Devilgram Series End, Love Does Not

See Santa's page.

Scary Freaks

The Scary Freaks are a group of artists that run events and performances all over the Devildom.

Devilgram The Stream of Bubbles

Seraphina is a character from either an unnamed anime or game, and a character that Leviathan really likes. She is the Queen of the High Elves, and according to Leviathan, she "seems cold and prideful at first, but once you get her alone, you find out that she really wants affection, she just doesn't know how to admit it."

Mammon once won a figurine of Seraphina in a convenience store promotion campaign. This figurine likely correlates to the "Statue of the Goddess of the Blue and Gold Blossom" that appears in The Tale of the Seven Lords.

Lessons 1-15, 4-13 Hard, 25-19, and 71-1 (OM), Devilgrams The Mysterious Box and No Love Like Sibling Love

Serun is a demon that's in charge of delivering and picking up mail, and they pick up RAD's mail daily at 11 o'clock. Mammon described them as "a pipsqueak." Mephistopheles mentioned that Serun has the ability to create mirror images of themselves.

Lessons 63-1 and 72-2 (OM), Chat Special Delivery!
Starlet Hearts

A girl band. See the Devildom Entertainment page.

Steel Falcons

A professional Fangol team that has made it to the Fangol Ultra Bowl at least once.

Pop Quiz The Fangol Ultra Bowl
Sucre Frenzy

An idol group. See the Devildom Entertainment page.

Trivial Characters T - Z[edit]

Three-Legged Crow Group

The developers of the D.D.D. See the Three-Legged Crow Group page.


Uriel is an angel mentioned by Simeon as one of the angels curious about Lucifer.

Chat Hello from the Celestial Realm

Valago first appears in A Surprise for You along with Ferlucas, Aster, Mul, Zagos, and Gremos. They appear as a Little D. of Envy, but it is mentioned that this is not their true form. The true nature of their being has not been revealed, but it is likely they are some type of demon.

Valago is portrayed as a malicious troublemaker, having cursed MC to be a sadist as their "gift" at a party celebrating MC. They show no remorse for their behavior.

Pop Quiz A Surprise for You
White Wolf of Frost Flowers

The White Wolf of Frost Flowers - also known as the divine beast of snowstorms - is a being that has a carnival known as the Frost Flower Festival dedicated to it. This is because when the white wolf first visited the Devildom long ago, the Devildom was almost completely frozen over. The white wolf then made a promise to the reigning Demon Lord that it would not cause such a catastrophe again, and in return the Frost Flower Festival is held in the Devildom every 300 years.

The white wolf has the ability to make frost flowers rain over the entire Devildom, and praying to the wolf for 100 days can convince it to gift some ice lotus ink in return.

It's possible to use magic to summon the white wolf, but not easy. It requires giving praise to the wolf by creating 100 sculptures of ice flowers and placing a freezing candle in the center of the group of sculptures. The following incantation must also be spoken: "Heed my voice among the parade of ice flowers, and answer our summoning! Come forth, white wolf of frost flowers!"

A strand of fur from the white wolf is kept in the Demon Lord's Castle.

There is a rumor that the white wolf likes beautiful things, and freezes them to keep in a personal collection.

Pop Quiz Absolute Zero, Devilgram Frost Flowers for You

An AU idol duo. See the Devildom Entertainment page.


Supernatural entities and Devildom inhabitants. See the Yokai page.


Zagos first appears in A Surprise for You along with Ferlucas, Aster, Mul, Gremos, and Valago. They appear as a Little D. of Gluttony, but it is mentioned that this is not their true form. The true nature of their being has not been revealed, but it is likely they are some type of demon.

Zagos has an enthusiasm for working out, stating that working out always solves their problems. They take great joy in bossing around others for workouts.

Pop Quiz A Surprise for You

One of Leviathan's favorite idols. She is a member of the band Sucre Frenzy.

Chats There's Something About Levi 9 and Hear My Cry
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