Serenity Manor

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In Lessons 41-60 (OM), the seven demon brothers visit the Human World while on break from lessons at RAD. Serenity Manor is the home they — and MC — stay in during that time.


According to Asmodeus in Lesson 41-7 (OM), the manor is as large as the House of Lamentation. Making it even larger, many of the doors in the manor lead to rooms in the actual House of Lamentation in the Devildom. This is due to Barbatos creating portals to the brothers' "favorite rooms." These include their bedrooms, Asmodeus's private bathroom, and the planetarium.

Known Locations[edit]

  • Balcony
  • Home Theater
    • Having this room in the manor was Satan's idea
  • Kitchen
  • Living Room
  • Music Room
  • Outdoor Pool
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