Diavolo's Calls (Nightbringer)
This page lists all phone calls in Nightbringer that are sent from Diavolo. For calls from Diavolo in Obey Me!, see Diavolo's Calls (Obey Me!).
Voicemail Summary[edit]
Summary of Diavolo's message when called by MC while he is busy.
Diavolo's Intimacy Calls[edit]
Calls from Diavolo obtained by raising Diavolo's Intimacy level. For call summaries, see the summary section below this table.
Title | Requirements |
Let's Stay in Touch (Diavolo) | Lv. 5 Intimacy |
Solomon the Sorcerer (Diavolo) | Lv. 10 Intimacy |
Solomon's Apprentice (Diavolo) | Lv. 15 Intimacy |
Chess Partner (Diavolo) | Lv. 20 Intimacy |
The Great Escape (Diavolo) | Lv. 25 Intimacy |
Ristorante Six (Diavolo) | Lv. 30 Intimacy |
After the Date (Diavolo) | Lv. 35 Intimacy |
Hell's Kitchen (Diavolo) | Lv. 40 Intimacy |
After the Second Date (Diavolo) | Lv. 45 Intimacy |
The Ideal Partner (Diavolo) | Lv. 50 Intimacy |
Dancing Partner (Diavolo) | Lv. 55 Intimacy |
Speech Practice (Diavolo) | Lv. 60 Intimacy |
Family (Diavolo) | Lv. 65 Intimacy |
Travel Plans (Diavolo) | Lv. 70 Intimacy |
Becoming Demon King (Diavolo) | Lv. 75 Intimacy |
No Saying No! (Diavolo) | Lv. 80 Intimacy |
please add | Lv. 85 Intimacy |
please add | Lv. 90 Intimacy |
please add | Lv. 95 Intimacy |
please add | Lv. 99 Intimacy |
Diavolo's Intimacy Call Summaries[edit]
Lv. 5 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo asks MC how things are at Cocytus Hall, then tells them the House of Lamentation was originally a from the Human World. A tragedy happened, then it was later moved to the Devildom. He wants to learn more about the house, and about MC too, but he has to end the call.
Lv. 10 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo wants to ask MC a question, but is feeling awkward. At Barbatos's encouragement, Diavolo admits he wants to ask about Solomon. MC either calls him a "magic nerd," or says he can't cook. MC then says they want to learn more about Diavolo, who says they'll do so through interacting.
Lv. 15 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo wants to ask MC another question, this time about MC themselves. MC can either be surprised or have seen that coming, which leads to Diavolo either winning or losing a bet with Barbatos. Diavolo then asks what MC's training is like under Solomon, and praises their abilities.
Lv. 20 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo ask MC to visit the Demon Lord's Castle to play chess with him, as Lucifer had to cancel at the last minute. MC says they're either good at chess or just a beginner, the latter causing Diavolo to offer to be their "chess master."
Lv. 25 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo is whispering when he calls MC, and tells them he and Barbatos are playing hide and seek, aka Barbatos is trying to find Diavolo to make him return to a large stack of paperwork. MC offers to either sneak over and get him, or call Barbatos to distract him.
Lv. 30 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo apologizes to MC for getting involved with his great escape. MC had received a stern lecture from Barbatos earlier for aiding in Diavolo's escape. Diavolo felt bad for involving MC in his scheme so he formally asks MC to join him for dinner at Ristorante Six as an apology.
Lv. 35 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo thanks MC for a wonderful evening and recalls the staff staring intently at them since he usually is accompanied by Lucifer. MC asks him to dinner at Hell's Kitchen as a thank you. Diavolo is shocked since the meal was an apology for getting involved with his escape but accepts the invitation with anticipation.
Lv. 40 Intimacy[edit]
A panicked Diavolo calls to discuss their date at Hell's Kitchen with a lot of questions. Diavolo is particularly stressed about the dress code and is unsure what would be appropriate to wear since he has never been to Hell's Kitchen before. MC calms Diavolo down and advises that it's casual.
Lv. 45 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo admits he thoroughly enjoyed their date at Hell's Kitchen. He's never been to an establishment like Hell's Kitchen before so the layout and noisy ambience was new to him. Diavolo later learned that there is a secret menu reserved for only Beelzebub and invites MC to try it sometime.
Lv. 50 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo tells MC that Asmodeus was raving about his ideal partners, and curiously, Diavolo wanted to know about their ideal partner. MC reveals their type and asks Diavolo for his. He lists out numerous traits and comes to the conclusion that he's describing MC. Upon realization, he abruptly ends the call.
Lv. 55 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo asks MC for a favor; he's holding a dance party at the castle to celebrate the Lunar Festival and wants MC to be his dance partner for the day, as long as the brothers didn't ask them first. MC can accept or decline because they have other plans or cannot dance.
Lv. 60 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo asks MC for advice. He is having a hard time writing a speech about the brothers for an upcoming party. Everything he has written so far is insulting towards the brothers. MC helps Diavolo by guiding his thought process which allows him to use his own words.
Lv. 65 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo recalls seeing Simeon and Luke looking at the family portrait of himself as a child with The Demon King while on a tour of the Demon Lord's Castle. He shares the story about when the portrait was painted. He tells MC he would like to hear stories about their family over tea.
Lv. 70 Intimacy[edit]
A distressed Diavolo vents to MC that he needs a break from work. MC starts daydreaming about going to relaxing vacation spots with Diavolo which revitalizes his mood. After escaping reality with MC, Diavolo becomes even more distressed at the thought of returning to work, but reluctantly returns nonetheless.
Lv. 75 Intimacy[edit]
Diavolo must offer prayers to the demon kings of the past, alone. He confesses to MC that he's nervous because he questions whether he is worthy of being the next Demon King. MC assures Diavolo that he is worthy enough which leaves Diavolo with a new-found confidence.
Lv. 80 Intimacy[edit]
It's "Don't Say No Day" in the Devildom, and Diavolo enthusiastically explains to MC that Mammon takes full advantage of Lucifer. Now that MC knows they can't say "No" today, Diavolo asks if they have feelings for him. MC is technically obligated to say "Yes," but they can also say "No."
Lv. 85 Intimacy[edit]
please add summary under 50 words
Lv. 90 Intimacy[edit]
please add summary under 50 words
Lv. 95 Intimacy[edit]
please add summary under 50 words
Lv. 99 Intimacy[edit]
please add summary under 50 words
Other Characters' Intimacy Calls[edit]
Calls from Diavolo obtained by raising the Intimacy level of other characters.
Title | Requirements |
please add | - |
Card Calls[edit]
Calls from Diavolo obtained by unlocking the Phone Devil's Tree space in certain cards. For call summaries, see the summary section below this table.
Title | Requirements |
Payback | Our Big Surprise (NB) |
Hunting Vistas Yet Unseen | Rainbow Event (NB) |
The Next Demon Lord's Surprise | Fulfilling Leisure Time (NB) |
Future Demon Lord, Present River Enthusiast ![]() |
Devildom River Activities (NB) |
Santa's Job | Christmas Memories (NB) |
Card Call Summaries[edit]
Our Big Surprise (NB)[edit]
Diavolo asks MC if they're coming to the House of Lamentation again today, because he's there visiting. MC hears a noise, but Diavolo says it's either a dark ghost cracker or party bazooka that Satan fired at Diavolo. Satan's frustrated he didn't surprise Diavolo, and storms off.
Birthday Calls[edit]
Calls from Diavolo sent on the Player's Birthday. For call summaries, see the see the Player's Birthday page.
Birthday Call Summaries[edit]
See the Player's Birthday page.
Other Calls[edit]
Calls from Diavolo obtained from other sources, such as Login Bonuses.
Title | Requirements |
Bathing Assistance | Thanks for the Memories 2 Login (NB) |