Diavolo's Dialogues (Nightbringer)

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This page lists all dialogues spoken by Diavolo in Nightbringer during Surprise Guest interactions, on the Home Screen, and more! For all dialogues with associated voice clips in Majolish, titles and links to Diavolo's Majolish Voice Clips page are provided.

Title Screen[edit]

Translation of Diavolo's Title Screen dialogue.

  • "Obey Me! Nightbringer, my love for you transcends time." (Title 1)


Dialogues said during a battle in Ruri★Tunes. Character intros change based on the outfit worn during battle.

Battle Intros[edit]


  • "Come, let us be off." (Round Intro 1)
  • "Let's do our best together."
  • "Stay on your guard."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "What a fascinating visitor."


  • "Won't you let me drink your blood?"
  • "I feel quite thirsty."
  • "I will not let you get away."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "It is nice to make new friends."

Arabian Clothes[edit]

  • "Want to hear a story?"
  • "What are your wishes?"
  • "Lead us to victory!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Is this a fantasy?"


  • "Happy Halloween!"
  • "Trick or treat!"
  • "How fun!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Have some candy!"


  • "Happy holidays!"
  • "Let's celebrate this special time."
  • "Time to cheer with Demonus!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Did you put out your stocking?"


  • "Let's party!"
  • "Let's enjoy ourselves!"
  • "Today we cut loose!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Let's dance together!"


  • "Marching band together!"
  • "In unison!"
  • "Drum to the beat!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "March on!"


  • "The heroes have arrived!"
  • "We won't let you do as you please!"
  • "Justice will always prevail!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Let's combine our power!"


  • "So, I'm a pitch-black whale.
  • "Can we be friends?"
  • "Every whale spouts differently."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Do you like whales?"


  • "Now, it's time for the Festival of Eternal Bliss."
  • "Let's advance with all our might."
  • "Let's move forward, strong and gallant."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "I'm putting my soul into this."


  • "We're a solid group!"
  • "Let's strengthen our bonds."
  • "I'll seize victory with my own two hands."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Let's fight together as one!"

Battle Skills[edit]

Surprise Guest[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when not using Items.

B↑ Rank Wins[edit]

  • "It really does feel good to win, doesn't it!"
  • "All right, let's savor the joy of victory... Just you and me!"

C Rank Wins[edit]

  • "Hey, good work today!"

Home Screen[edit]

  • "Now then, what is it you're going to do for me, hm?"
  • "Ah, is there something you'd like to do?"
  • "To get the opportunity to spend time with you like this... I honestly couldn't think of a greater gift."

Gifting the Player[edit]

  • "I tried to pick out something you'd like... So, what do you think?"
  • "I just love to see you smile. Please, take it."


Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "I'm enjoying this, too. It's so nice and soothing..."
  • "I'm just glad you seem to be enjoying yourself."
  • "When you touch me, it's like I can feel how happy you are."
  • "The way I feel when you touch me... I can't even describe it. ...You're more special to me each day."
  • "I guess it's not so bad to let someone pamper me sometimes, huh?"
  • "You have a lot of nerve touching me like this...and I love your nerve!"
  • "This is.. not something that would normally happen to me. It's such a new experience...I love it!"
  • "Oh, you're good... Where'd you learn to do this?"
  • "I'd love to return the favor and compliment..."

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "Oh my...! What was that for?"
  • "What are you hoping to accomplish here?"
  • "If you want to touch me, there's no need to be timid about it."

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "I should really be getting back to work now."
  • "Hmm, I'm not really sure how to interpret this..."
  • "I can't say I'm enjoying this..."
  • "This must be starting to get old, right?"
  • "Sorry, do you think you could refrain from touching me there?"


Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "I hope I can be of service to you next time as well."
  • "You know, you really are amazing! Keep up the great work, okay?"
  • "Thank you. This turned out to be a really nice change of pace."
  • "What do we do now...? I'd like to spend more time with you. If you'd like, why don't you come to my room with me?"
  • "I'm sure you must be tired. Make sure to get some rest, understand?"

Good Sequence[edit]

  • "I'd say that wraps things up. So, time for me to get back to work."
  • please add

Normal Sequence[edit]

  • please add

Bad Sequence[edit]

  • "Feel free to call on me again sometime."
  • "You know, I thought I'd enjoy that a bit more than I did..."

Using Items[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when Items are used (excluding Wanderers' Whereabouts).

Standard Items[edit]

Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "I...I don't believe it... Is this really for me?! Thank you! I'll treasure this!"
  • "You really know what I like. Thank you. This is a very nice gift."
  • "This is one of my favorite things to eat, you know. If you're up for it, I'd love to share some with you."
  • "Did you go out of your way to hunt down something I liked? That was so thoughtful and I really appreciate it."

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "Is this for me? Thank you!"
  • "Thank you! This is such a nice gift!"
  • "This may not be anything special, but i appreciate it."
  • "Thank you. I'll be sure to make use of this if I get the chance."

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "I have to say, you really so have unique tastes!"

Whip of Love[edit]

  • "Oh my... It takes real courage to use a whip on me!"
  • "Try to exercise some restraint when using that whip."

In-game Apps[edit]

Dialogues said within various In-game Apps.


Selected for Home Screen[edit]

  • "Very well."

Changing Outfits[edit]

  • "I like it."
  • "How do I look?"
  • "You have an excellent sense of style." (Majolish 4)


Pulling an SSR Demon Card[edit]


Excellent Order[edit]

  • "Incredible! Please, share your recipe with Barbatos."

Very Good Order[edit]

  • "Looks great. I'll be sure to order with you again."

Good Order[edit]

  • "Thank you for the delivery, much appreciated. I'll be sure to order again."

Failed Order[edit]

  • "No need to get down. Just remember, practice makes perfect."

Wanderers' Whereabouts[edit]

Gifting Items[edit]

  • "Oh, is this for me? Thank you!"
  • "A gift for me? I'm very pleased."
  • "Oh, I'm overjoyed. I will cherish it."

Player's Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on the Player's Birthday. All Surprise Guest interactions result in Perfect Sequences during birthdays.

Birthday App Screen[edit]

  • "Happy birthday! I hope you have a great year."

Surprise Guest[edit]

Battle Wins/Home Screen[edit]

  • "Happy Birthday! You can always count on me for support."

Gifting the Player (said when gifting 30 Devil Points)[edit]

  • "All I'm doing is giving you a little present... So why do I feel so nervous?"

Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "So, I hope I was able to make your birthday feel somewhat special?"

His Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on Diavolo's Birthday, including birthday login bonuses.

Home Screen[edit]

  • "Today is my birthday. Well, they're celebrating in town, so I suspect you already knew that."

Login Bonuses[edit]

2023 Login[edit]

  • "It's my special day, so please stay by me the entire day."

2024 Login[edit]

  • "Having you here celebrating makes me so happy."

Birthday Bash[edit]

An Ogre Bellflower for You Intro[edit]

  • "Having you here brings me all the joy in the world."

Home Screen[edit]

Dialogues said on the Home Screen, both standard dialogues and those with unlocking requirements.

Standard Dialogues[edit]


  • "Hello. I see you've come to visit."

Player Returns[edit]

  • "Hello."

He Returns[edit]

  • "My apologies, I seem to have kept you waiting."

Touched by Player[edit]

  • "Hm? What is it?"
  • "Hehe. Today is a good day."
  • "Oh my... Hehe, how fascinating."
  • "Hmhmhm ♪ H-Hm ♪"
  • "The birth flower for October 31 is the ogre bellflower. It means elegance."
  • "Spring, summer, fall, or winter; I love everything in the Devildom regardless of season!"
  • "Adventure movies are thrilling!"
  • please add pancakes dialogue
  • "Evil demons be on alert, as I'll plant your rears in the dirt! Justice Flower!"
  • "My motto is 'I'm a demon of my word.'"
  • "You possess a wondrously beautiful soul."
  • "You like the sound of my voice? Well then, we've got to talk with each other a lot more!"
  • "If we were able to live together... I'm getting excited just thinking about it!"
  • "What is this? I fear I may be getting jealous."
  • "This distance between us is vexing. If you wouldn't mind, might we hold hands?"
  • "Won't you stay by my side?"
  • "Don't show this side of yourself to anyone else."
  • "I made you some hell coffee but tell me if you like it."
  • "How about we take a break?"
  • "It would be nice if the amount of work that needed doing decreased."
  • "I understand just how hard you're working better than anyone."
  • "I've heard rumors of a pudding that moves, but do you know anything about it?"
  • "The pudding Barbatos makes is the best in all the worlds!"
  • "I saw something called the 'Ultimate Pudding' at Bon Appédevil!"
  • "Flame salamanders really take a liking to me. Ah, how adorable they are."
  • "Luke looked after a shadow alpaca that had gotten lost. He really is a good kid."
  • "I want to try the Demon-Dazs devil princess parfait together."
  • "I would like to invite you on a date. What do you say?"
  • "If there's anything I can do, just ask."
  • "Hahaha, I could blush!"
  • "I'm cheering for you."
  • "Am I on your mind?"
  • "Have you been good?"
  • "I believe our meeting was fate. I'd like to continue treasuring this relationship."
  • "I love you, you know?"
  • "I kept always saying how beautiful you were that Lucifer told me off."
  • "Little D. No. 2 and the others are so cute. I can't help but spoil them."
  • "You did well!"
  • "I was thinking that we should upload a Demon Lord's Castle tour video on DevilTube for PR."
  • "I wonder how much I truly now of you."
  • "I'm always surprised at the breadth of Solomon's knowledge."
  • "Have you been good?"
  • "Are you wearing some sort of perfume? You smell rather nice today."
  • "Did you hear Satan say 'Meow cute.' Oh, what a joy he is around cats."
  • "Taking a stroll with you through the hanging gardens was wonderful! Oh, I'm talking about a dream."
  • "I have to make sure to look to the future and take action."
  • "Aren't you doing great?"

Idle Screen[edit]

  • "...Are you there?"

Time of Day Interactions[edit]


(Dialogues between 5:00 - 12:00 local time.)

  • "I enjoy a relaxing cup of tea in the morning."
  • Good morning. You're looking chipper today."

(Dialogues between 12:00 - 18:00 local time.)

  • "I have so much to do in the afternoon."
  • "Let's ask Barbatos to make us some lunch."

(Dialogues between 18:00 - 0:00 local time.)

  • "Would you like to spend the night with me?" (Night Greeting)
  • "I enjoy spending the evening quietly in my room."

(Dialogues between 0:00 - 5:00 local time.)

  • "Are you still awake? You're so full of energy."
  • "Oh? Staying up all night isn't good for you."

Character Intros[edit]

  • "I get along well with Lucifer. It feels like I've known him forever."
  • "Mammon's obsession with wealth is always causing problems for Lucifer."
  • "Lucifer was wondering how he could get Leviathan out of his room."
  • "It seems that Satan is giving Lucifer a particularly hard time."
  • "Asmodeus hasn't been in the Devildom long, but he's already very popular."
  • "Watching Beelzebub eating is truly delightful."
  • "Everyone cares deeply about Belphegor."
  • "Barbatos is my loyal butler. He's very competent."
  • "It seems that Luke and Barbatos share some hobbies."
  • "Simeon... I never thought he'd come to the Devildom."
  • "I honestly have no idea what Solomon is thinking."

Game Tips[edit]

  • "It seems that you have something in your mailbox."
  • "Don't forget to check To Do."
  • "It seems like there's an event. It looks like fun. Why don't we attend?"
  • "You may want to work a few shifts."
  • "Don't you think you should check De-comm?"
  • "Why not change things up in Majolish?"
  • "Akuzon's vast selection of goods is very convenient. I use it myself on occasion."
  • "You can strengthen your cards in Contacts."
  • "Are you playing Ruri★Tunes? I'm hooked on it!"
  • "Try your luck at Nightmare. You may get good results."
  • "Oh? It seems that something is happening."
  • "It seems that a new video was uploaded."
  • "You have unread posts on Devilgram."

App Deleted[edit]

  • "You're full of curiosity, aren't you?"
  • "Oh my... Hehe, you're so unpredictable."
  • "I fixed it for you. Feel free to delete it as many times as you like."

Unlockable Dialogues[edit]

Intimacy-Unlocked Dialogues[edit]

  • Lv. 5 "I'm delighted to see you."
  • Lv. 10 "I wanted to see you."
  • Lv. 15 "I've been waiting for you." (Login 4)
Player Returns[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "I'm so glad to see you're back."
  • Lv. 10 "I was just thinking that it's lonely without you."
  • Lv. 15 "Time spent waiting for you is not wasted."
He Returns[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "What were you doing while I was away?"
  • Lv. 10 "I'm sorry to have left you alone."
  • Lv. 15 "I wanted to see you, so I cut my plans short." (Back Home 4)
Touched by Player[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "It's rather depressing to constantly be looking at paperwork."
  • Lv. 10 "I'm in the mood for a cup of Barbatos's tea."
  • Lv. 15 "Am I on your mind?"
Idle Screen[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "I do hope that nothing's happened to you over there...?"
  • Lv. 10 "Hehe. I don't mind waiting like this."
  • Lv. 15 "Let me guess. You're staring at me?" (Ignored 4)

Home+ Dialogues[edit]

Moving Pictures[edit]

My Best Self (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "What a lively dog. You want me to play?"
  • "What a cute cat. Do you want me to pat you?"
  • "Hehehe, there there."
  • "Try patting it too. Its so relaxing."
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • please add
A Princely Escort (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "So, if you'll allow me..."
  • "Would you accompany me to TTWF?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "See? They're sparklers. I brought them especially for you."
  • "I thought that you would be in need of a pleasant distraction after all the stress of the event."
  • "I've always found them refreshing."
  • "Well, why don't we light a couple?"
  • "They change color as time elapses."
  • "They remind me of you, actually. With your ever-changing range of expressions."
  • "...I would love to learn more about you. As both a human and an individual."
  • "I hope our connection will continue to burn brighter than any flame."
  • "The flame's getting weaker and weaker. Well, that's a shame."
  • "...Hm? Did you just relight them with magic?"
  • "Marvelous! Now we'll be able to enjoy their beauty that much longer."
  • "I hope that the bonds that we're forming will blaze just as brightly as any flame."
A Serendipitous Santa (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Well, shall we deliver some presents?"
  • "Remember to be extra careful about making noise. We don't want to wake anyone up."
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Mhm, just as I'd thought... That couldn't suit you any better.
  • "How's that? Matching Santa outfits for the both of us."
  • "Was it a nice surprise?"
  • "...Ah. I suppose I should show you the rest first. Here, don't be shy."
  • "But, this isn't just any snowman."
  • "He's so taken with you that I've been completely overshadowed."
  • "The snowman is meant to follow the spell caster's intentions, but..."
  • "I gathered up a whole bunch of Christmas things just like it."
  • "Well? Adorable, isn't it?"
  • "There! Isn't it adorable?"

Premium Pictures[edit]

The Devildom's Scenery[edit]
  • "Look, isn't it pretty?"
  • "I'm glad I was able to watch it with you."
  • "The Devildom has some great nature too, doesn't it?"
  • "It's so mysterious. How wonderful."
  • "Watch your footing."
  • "Can you come over here a bit more?"
Future Demon Lord's Celebration![edit]
  • "Oh, would it be fine if I returned the favor?"
  • "Hmhm, there's no need to hold back."
  • "I wish you'd take me along with you."
  • "Are you enjoying the Devildom today as well?"
  • "Hello, I'm glad to see you again!"
  • "Here, take a look at this. Isn't it beautiful?"
Diavolo's Shower[edit]
  • "How about you join me?"
  • "Oh? Are you enchanted with me?"
  • "This feels great, doesn't it?"
  • "This is a good way to remove fatigue."
  • "Feel free to try touching me."
  • "Come closer, won't you?"
Enjoy Summer Early[edit]
  • "Hahaha! The water of the river is so refreshing!"
  • "If you're getting tired of paddling, I can take over."
  • "I'd like to spend some more time with you here."
  • "Having you by my side makes any scene beautiful."
  • "Why don't we go down the river together sometime?"
  • "I'm looking forward to spending this summer with you."
Take My Hand[edit]
  • "Hey, thanks for accepting my invitation."
  • "I've reserved this whole venue for us. Not bad, huh?"
  • "Do you like the decorations? Feel free to look around."
  • "I'll hold your hand so you don't get lost."
  • "Now, take my hand, and let's dance."
  • "That's it... Match my steps and you'll do fine."
Painting with Wild Abandon[edit]
  • "How is it? I tried painting myself on the wall. It's got some impact, right?"
  • "It's fun to brighten up the streets of the Devildom with my own two hands."
  • "Comparing the art to the real thing? I don't mind if you check more closely."
  • "Was there paint on my face? Hehe, that's a little embarrassing."
  • "Making a mess together with you will be another special memory for me."
  • "I'm very interested in the world you'll paint. My imagination is running wild."
Majestic Creature[edit]
  • "I don't usually wear clothes like this, but...what do you think, does it suit me?"
  • "Don't worry, you're safe here with me."
  • "Did you find anything interesting?"
  • "Surprised? I just became friends with this little one a moment ago."
  • "Would you like to pet this little one? I'm sure he'd be happy to let you."
  • "Oh, are you going to pet me as well? ...You're making me blush."

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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