Satan's Dialogues (Nightbringer)

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This page lists all dialogues spoken by Satan in Nightbringer during Surprise Guest interactions, on the Home Screen, and more! For all dialogues with associated voice clips in Majolish, titles and links to Satan's Majolish Voice Clips page are provided.

Title Screen[edit]

Translation of Satan's Title Screen dialogue.

  • "Obey Me! Nightbringer, my love for you transcends time." (Title 1)


Dialogues said during a battle in Ruri★Tunes. Character intros change based on the outfit worn during battle.

Battle Intros[edit]



  • "End it like a machine."
  • "Do the mid-phase like a sorcerer."
  • "Do the opening by the books."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Checkmate..."


  • "Need me to explain?"
  • "Teach me your ways."
  • "Ignorance is a sin!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "There are things I still must learn."


  • "Happy Halloween."
  • "Trick or treat!"
  • "You woke up and chose trick!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Taste my cat cookies!"


  • "Happy Holidays."
  • "What do you think? I'm Santa."
  • "Ho ho hooo."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Did you put up a stocking?"


  • "The carnival begins!"
  • "Watch me dance!"
  • "It's showtime!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) please add


  • "Appassionato!"
  • "Espressivo!"
  • "Trionfante!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Follow your heart!"


  • "I am justice."
  • "The one who keeps the peace will be me."
  • "Justice will always prevail."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "I won't lose."


  • "A black catshark... I see."
  • "You should treat catsharks with care."
  • "Be careful of their thorns."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "I'll teach you anytime."


  • "Let's enjoy the Festival of Eternal Bliss."
  • "Just like the wind..."
  • "Like a blazing fire..."
  • (With Ruri-chan) please add


  • "Are you prepared to win?"
  • "All you need to do is believe in yourself."
  • "Let me show you my true power."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "This is the first step towards our victory."

Battle Skills[edit]

Stage Boss[edit]

  • "Start running!"
  • "I'll smash your face in!"
  • "Oraaa!"
  • "You'll regret this!"

Surprise Guest[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when not using Items.

B↑ Rank Wins[edit]

  • "We won thanks to me."
  • "Is this how one shares happiness? Give me a high five."

C Rank Wins[edit]

  • "Man, I'm tired. It's time for a break."

Home Screen[edit]

  • "I want to talk to you. That's okay, isn't it?"
  • "Did a cat come through here?"
  • "*yawn* Time really blew by as I was reading that book on curses."

Gifting the Player[edit]

  • "This is a token of my feelings."
  • "This is a present from me. Please accept it."


Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "You're like a cat."
  • "I want to be the one to touch you."
  • "I feel strange..."
  • "I might... like you to keep going."
  • "What are you thinking right now?"
  • "You want to keep touching me? Weird..."
  • "They call this meaningful exchange 'communication.'"
  • "Did you want to keep going? I don't mind...if it's you."
  • "Why do you think I am so quiet?"

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "...That tickes. Stop."
  • "What are you doing?"
  • "Are you having fun?"
  • "Ah! What are you doing?!"
  • "Why don't you read a book if you are free?"
  • "Tell me directly if you want something from me."

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "Are you stupid?"
  • "What?!"
  • "Don't touch me without permission!"
  • "I don't have time to coddle you!"
  • "DON'T. TOUCH. ME."
  • "It appears you wished to be cursed!"
  • "Who the heck do you think you are?!"


Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "I feel content when I see you smile. I wonder why?"
  • "Are you free after this? I'm going to look at some stars. Come along with me."
  • "I don't mind spending time with you again."

Good Sequence[edit]

  • "I'm happy you had a good time."
  • "Is it already that time? I'm not the only one who wants to spend a bit more time together, right?"
  • "I'm busy testing out curses, so I will leave you here."
  • "That was really fun. See you later."
  • "I learned a lot."

Normal Sequence[edit]

  • "That was really fun. See you later."

Bad Sequence[edit]

  • "Well, be careful going home."
  • "I just heard a cat meow from over there! I've got to go!"
  • "Get lost!"
  • "What a waste of time."

Using Items[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when Items are used (excluding Wanderers' Whereabouts).

Standard Items[edit]

Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "This is delicious, probably because you were the one who gave it to me."
  • "I've been wanting this...! You really do understand me."
  • "I'm happy with anything you give me. That's because you always think of me when you get me presents."
  • "I guess this is fine. Thanks."
  • "How did you know I wanted this?"
  • "You have really good taste."

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "This is for me? Thanks."
  • "What in the Devildom are you thinking?"

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "What an unfunny joke."
  • "It's hard to believe someone with such bad taste actually exists."

Whip of Love[edit]

  • "You're going to have to do better to make me falter."
  • "I'll grind your bones into dust!"
  • "Hey! Swinging that thing around is dangerous."

In-game Apps[edit]

Dialogues said within various In-game Apps.


Selected for Home Screen[edit]

  • "This is what you wanted, right?"

Changing Outfits[edit]

  • "Does it suit me?"
  • "...This is rather embarrassing."
  • "Well, this sort of thing can be nice on occasion." (Majolish 4)


Pulling an N/R/SR Demon Card[edit]

Pulling a UR/UR+ Demon Card[edit]

  • "Very well. If you call, I shall answer." (Nightmare 3)


Excellent Order[edit]

  • "Thank you, it looks great. If you have the time, would you care to join me?"

Very Good Order[edit]

  • "Thank you. I was waiting for this. I'll order something again later, okay?"

Good Order[edit]

  • "Thanks, I was waiting for this."

Failed Order[edit]

  • "Oh... Wow."

Wanderers' Whereabouts[edit]

Gifting Items[edit]

  • "What... Thank you."
  • "Is this for me? You're a clever one."
  • "Are you giving this to me? I'm thankful."

Player's Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on the Player's Birthday. All Surprise Guest interactions result in Perfect Sequences during birthdays.

Birthday App Screen[edit]

  • "Happy birthday. I'll celebrate your birthday until you're sick of me."

Surprise Guest[edit]

Battle Wins/Home Screen[edit]

  • "Today is your birthday, right? It's going to be a good day. I will be celebrating it with you, after all."

Gifting the Player (said when gifting 30 Devil Points)[edit]

  • "Don't tell me you have a problem with my selection."

Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "I know I don't normally say it, but...thanks for all you do for me."

His Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on Satan's Birthday, including birthday login bonuses.

Home Screen[edit]

  • "Today is my birthday. It's hardly a happy day, so you needn't celebrate."

Login Bonuses[edit]

2023 Login[edit]

  • "You taught me birthdays are better together. Thank you for that."

2024 Login[edit]

  • "Just knowing that you'll be celebrating makes today even more fun."

Birthday Bash[edit]

A Brutal Bellflower for You Intro[edit]

  • "I want to be immersed in happiness with you."

Home Screen[edit]

Dialogues said on the Home Screen, both standard dialogues and those with unlocking requirements.

Standard Dialogues[edit]


  • "Oh, you're here."

Player Returns[edit]

He Returns[edit]

  • "I'm back."

Touched by Player[edit]

  • "Are you fooling around?"
  • "What do you mean by that?"
  • "I'm irritated for no particular reason."
  • "Hmhmhm...h-hm..."
  • "The birth flower for October 20 is the brutal bellflower. It means justice."
  • "A mystery movie sounds good."
  • "I enjoy spring. There's something relaxing about it."
  • "Pancakes are best paired with magma butter."
  • "Evil demons be on alert, as I'll plant your rears in the dirt! Justice flower!"
  • "Calm the unease that gnaws at me and bring peace to my heart!"
  • "The pen is mightier than the sword."
  • "You're mine, all the way down to your soul."
  • "I already know you love hearing my voice. Right?"
  • "Hey, don't you want to try living together with me?"
  • "I want you all to my own. Is this... jealousy?"
  • "Hey, don't show anyone else this side of you. Okay?"
  • "Stay by my side."
  • "You're too far. Get closer. You'd like to be close to me, yes?"
  • "I have a ton of things to ask you, so don't stray from my side."
  • "So? How's my hell coffee?"
  • "Let's take a break and find some cats to find."
  • "Even though monster chickens cry so loudly, Belphie isn't phased at all."
  • "Hehehe... The time for Lucifer to cry is at hand!"
  • "I feel like I hear Luke telling someone not to call him a Chihuahua at least twice a day."
  • "I met a cat near the fishy aqueduct that always sleeps. I named it Belphie."
  • "Little D. No. 4 is such a ball of personality... So why do I feel as though I lack one?"
  • "Let's go to Cat's Eye. I want to try their cat's paw chocolate together."
  • "Now that I understand what's delicious, eating has become more enjoyable."
  • "I'm cheering for you!"
  • "Stop appearing in my dreams. I hate waking up to find you aren't there."
  • "I saw a surprisingly small kitten! I need to protect it!"
  • "Hey. Tell me about any cats you've seen today."
  • "I was able to make friends with a new cat over on Scary Street"
  • "Nyaaooo. ...What do you think I said?"
  • "Meooow. ...What do you think I said?"
  • "Nyaa... Nyanyan."
  • "You need more self-awareness as a member of team cat."
  • "I sincerely love you."
  • "Have you been good?"
  • "Meeting you must have been fate."
  • "Even though you're here to take care of us, why are you ignoring me?"
  • "I think I know you better than anyone else."
  • "Talking to someone will help you work through things, you know?"
  • "We should get to know each other."
  • "Hey. Um, so... cat ears... No, I'm sorry. I-It's nothing."
  • "Is there something you want me to do for you?"
  • "It's not fair for me to be the only one talking. So... what do you think of me?"
  • "I'll read everything the Devildom has to offer. I want more information."
  • "It's not like I'm trying to be scary."
  • "I-I am NOT blushing!"
  • "Stop showing up in my mind whenever and wherever."
  • "I don't want you to upload pictures of us to Devilgram. I don't want to show anyone."
  • "Thank you... for everything."
  • "We're fated to be together. I won't forgive it if you stray from my side"

Idle Screen[edit]

  • "Hey... How long are you planning on ignoring me?"

Time of Day Interactions[edit]


(Dialogues between 5:00 - 12:00 local time.)

  • "It's morning. Look alive."
  • "Good morning. It might be early, but you can't afford to slack off."

(Dialogues between 12:00 - 18:00 local time.)

  • "Now, what shall I do this afternoon?"
  • "Afternoon already? Time really flies with a good book."

(Dialogues between 18:00 - 0:00 local time.)

  • "A days goes by so fast, doesn't it?"
  • "I'm off to look for go for a night-time stroll." (Night Talk)

(Dialogues between 0:00 - 5:00 local time.)

  • "Are you still awake? You're really something else."
  • "Can't sleep? Would you like me to cast a sleeping curse on you?"

Character Intros[edit]

  • "Lucifer gets on my nerves!"
  • "That Mammon... He's always getting into trouble."
  • "Levi seems to be afraid of me."
  • "I have no quarrel with Asmo. He understands me."
  • "All Beel thinks of is food. But that means we have little reason to fight."
  • "Belphie and I see eye to eye. After all, we have a common foe."
  • "Lucifer and Lord Diavolo seem to be on good terms. Apparently, Lucifer's asked for his advice about me."
  • "I don't understand Barbatos. The less I have to do with him, the better."
  • "I can't handle Luke. He's so innocent that just looking at him annoys me."
  • "Why has Simeon come to the Devildom? I don't understand his goal."
  • "Solomon... He's the one person I'd rather not argue with."

Game Tips[edit]

  • "Check your mail!"
  • "You better check To Do."
  • "An event? If you're going then I'll tag along."
  • "At least work a few shifts."
  • "Check De-comm."
  • "Majolish is good for finding a new look."
  • "I'm going to buy a new book on Akuzon. Do you want anything?"
  • "You can strengthen your cards in Contacts."
  • "Are you playing Ruri Tunes? Levi keeps pestering me about it."
  • "Why not do some summoning with Nightmare?"
  • "Something must have happened. You'd best check."
  • "It seems someone has uploaded a video."
  • "You have unread posts on Devilgram."

App Deleted[edit]

  • "I've put it back, so don't do that again."
  • "Why did you delete that...?"
  • "I don't what what you're trying to do, but knock it off."

Unlockable Dialogues[edit]

Intimacy-Unlocked Dialogues[edit]

  • Lv. 5 "I have a favor to ask." (Login 2)
  • Lv. 10 "You're here at last. I've been waiting for ages." (Login 3)
  • Lv. 15 "Lately, I've been feeling antsy whenever you're not around." (Login 4)
Player Returns[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "Where were you?"
  • Lv. 10 "How dare you leave me alone! That's unforgivable!"
  • Lv. 15 "Don't you dare disappear. Stay with me forever." (Welcome Back 4)
He Returns[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "You needn't have waited for me."
  • Lv. 10 "Did I make you wait? My apologies."
  • Lv. 15 "I hurried back. After all, I can't leave you alone." (Back Home 4)
Touched by Player[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "Meo— Did you hear that?!" (Very Happy)
  • Lv. 10 "I do so enjoy reading."
  • Lv. 15 "Can you recommend a good book of curses?"
Idle Screen[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "Hey! If you ignore me any longer, I'm going to get angry!"
  • Lv. 10 "Enough! I'll teach you for ignoring me!"
  • Lv. 15 "Fine. I'll wait until you're ready to talk to me."

Home+ Dialogues[edit]

Moving Pictures[edit]

Cat Masks and Ramune (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • please add
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • please add
A World of Our Very Own (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Will you be my date to the Three Worlds Festival?"
  • "Let's make our very first festival together something we will never forget."
  • "We've been inside the book for a while now."
  • "I think it's time we head back."
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Let's the success of your party. Cheers..."
  • "TTWF turned into a huge success thanks to the planning and hard work of you and the other exchange students."
  • "I was even feeling proud of you after seeing how much the guests were enjoying the festival."
  • "That's not the only thing special about this bottle. Watch this."
  • "Oops... Forgive me. I failed to perform the trick correctly."
  • "Perhaps I'm a bit more nervous than I previously thought."
  • "...Nothing makes me happier than knowing that all of my knowledge was able to be of use to you."
  • "I believe I was born in order to meet you."
  • "Rather than simply watch over your from afar, I will stay close by your side."
  • "Let's make a toast to this promise."
  • "To our paths crossing and never separating from here on out."
A Vacation to Remember (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Is there something on my face?"
  • "...Hm? What is it?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "I know it was a coincidence, but I'm glad I came to the Demon Lord's Castle with you."
  • "It was a lot of fun. This has been a good experience."
  • "This juice is sweet... but refreshing as well. It's delicious."
  • "He called it 'Tropical juice'."
  • "...I don't think I will forget the taste."
  • "Let's drink it together when we come here again."
  • "...It's a bit strange being touched by you like this."
  • "Perhaps I could rub in your sunscreen as well. That is, if you would like me to."
  • "Good thinking... Too much exposure to the sun isn't good for the skin."
  • "Sunscreen would help lessen the damage, yes?"

Premium Pictures[edit]

Fourth-Born's Celebration![edit]
  • "Welcome home. ...I just wanted to try saying that."
  • "I'm not a cat you know... Well, I don't mind if you're having fun."
  • "I'm glad you came."
  • "Oh! They suddenly leapt up, I suppose they like you as well."
  • "You're the only one I let touch me like this."
  • "What do you want to do today? I'll accompany you."
Detective Satan[edit]
  • "You've found your way here. What can I do for you?"
  • "Is it the first time you requested a detective to investigate?"
  • "We're still investigating."
  • "I'll go ask around town and try to find out more."
  • "No need to make that face. I'll successfully complete the investigation for you."
  • "Shouldn't you be petting Polo like that, instead of me?"
Passion's Shape[edit]
  • "I must not lose to him..."
  • "I had a feeling you were coming, so I was waiting for you."
  • "If you're by my side, I can do anything."
  • "There, come closer so you can get a better look."
  • "Save your gaze for me. It should be exclusively mine."
  • "Don't you think it's a nice fire?"
Satan's Shower[edit]
  • "It's you. I knew I felt someone staring."
  • "Come now, you can come a bit closer than that."
  • "Are you embarrassed, perhaps?"
  • "What would you do if I said you could do whatever you like?"
  • "Is it okay for me to touch you as well?"
  • "Would it be conceited of me to say that you're taken with me?"
Time for a Kiss[edit]
  • "Wearing matching glasses while we read together... That's pure bliss."
  • "No need to hurry. Take your glasses off first.
  • "Hey, come closer."
  • "Haha, you think it really suits me? I'm happy to hear that."
  • "We have to pretend we're on a date for the shoot... That's no different from our usual selves."
  • "If it's with you, it'll all work out somehow. Let's enjoy today."
Scenery Can't Compare[edit]
  • "I don't want you to catch a cold, so let's head back to the room soon and enjoy the night view together."
  • "We're finally alone. Let's not let a night here go to waste."
  • "You're a wonderful as a detective. I've always been mesmerized by you, but even more so now."
  • "I almost wish this game wouldn't end..."
  • "Should we test how realistic the game feels?"
  • "The cats can't see us here, so come closer, will you?"
Riddles Are Meant to Be Solved[edit]
  • "First, we need to accurately assess the situation."
  • "Would you lend me your strength?"
  • "It could be dangerous outside. If there is somewhere you would like to visit, I will accompany you."
  • "Could you keep an eye on Asmo to make sure he doesn't wander off somewhere?"
  • "Are you curious about what kind of mystery is written here as well?"
  • "Don't worry—I'll make sure to solve the mystery no matter what."
Sweet Sincerity[edit]
  • please add
  • please add
  • please add
  • please add
  • please add
  • please add

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