Simeon's Dialogues (Obey Me!)

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This page lists all dialogues spoken by Simeon in Obey Me! during Surprise Guest interactions, on the Home Screen, and more! For all dialogues with associated voice clips in Majolish, titles and links to Simeon's Majolish Voice Clips page are provided.

Title Screen[edit]

Translation of Simeon's Title Screen dialogue.

  • "Obey me. If you make them submit, you win. Please get along with us, angels, as well."

Dance Battles[edit]

Dialogues said during battles.

Battle Skills[edit]

  • "I see right through you."
  • "I'll help!"
  • "I'm up next."
  • "It's my go now."
  • "Now it's my turn."
  • "Rest in peace."
  • "The early bird gets the worm, huh?"
  • "Time for me to try."
  • "Wait a second!"
  • "What do you think of this?"
  • "I'll start!"
  • "This ends here."
  • "Need repentance?"
  • "I'm up!"
  • "You snooze, you lose." (Skill 2)
  • "How do you like this?" (Skill 3)
  • "I see what you're trying to do." (Skill 5)
    • "I see you what you're trying to do." (variation)
  • "My turn now." (Skill 6)
  • "Wait!" (Skill 8)

Surprise Guest[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when not using Items.

Three-Star Wins[edit]

  • "I am pleased that I was able to bring you victory."
  • "I've always wanted to give someone a high five."

Two-Star/One-Star Wins[edit]

  • "Because you've been such a great help with Luke... here is a token of my thanks. That's all it is, a thank you gift. Nothing else."

Home Screen[edit]

  • "After putting so much effort into your lessons, it's best that you get some sugar in you. I still have some of Luke's baking left over. Would you like to eat it together?"
  • "I didn't expect to run into you at such an hour. What's wrong? Couldn't sleep?"
  • "I am pleased that I was able to bring you victory."

Gifting the Player[edit]

  • "I know that you're doing your best, so I got you this."
  • "I thought of your smiling face when I chose this."


Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "Haha, that tickles."
  • "I don't let just anyone touch me, you know?"
  • "Is there something you want of me?"
  • "If you're lonely, then just say it. Would you please tell me what you want me to do?"
  • "May I interpret this as a sign of affection?"
  • "Okay, now it's my turn. Let me make you more comfortable."
  • "You can touch me as much as you want."
  • "You really want my attention that badly?"
  • "You're so nice and warm."

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "Can you focus on me, please?"
  • "I wish you would let me have a little more fun."
  • "Is there something wrong?"
  • "Why are you staring at me like that?"
  • "Yeah, that's not too bad."
  • "You seem a little off. Did something happen?"

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "Are you trying to make me mad? You truly are a strange one."
  • "Do you plan on continuing this?"
  • "I don't know about being touched there."
  • "I don't want to see you right now."
  • "I have business with Luke, so am I free to go now?"
  • "I wish you'd tell me what you want to do."
  • "I wish you would think of how I feel being poked like this."
  • "I would be careful doing that to Lucifer."
  • "Just because I'm an angel doesn't mean I'm all forgiving."
  • "Can you focus on me, please?"


Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "I actually very much like you. You didn't know?"
  • "I had a very nice time. So, when will we be able to spend time together again?"

Good Sequence[edit]

  • "Haha, you are a truly intriguing person, aren't you?"
  • "I have to go and check if Luke's actually gone to sleep or not. You make sure you don't stay up all night either."
  • "I'll never tire of looking at you."
  • "If you don't go home soon, won't Lucifer and the others be worried?"
  • "Today's my turn to cook. I'll make you some food too, so won't you join me?"

Normal Sequence[edit]

  • "Okay, I'll be off then."
  • "You look beat. Make sure you get enough rest tonight."

Bad Sequence[edit]

  • "Do you by chance... Hate me?"
  • "I would have liked if you showed a little more interest in me, but oh well."

Using Items[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when Items are used.

Standard Items[edit]

Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "A present from you? Lucifer will be jealous."
  • "I can tell you put a lot of thought into this when choosing it for me."
  • "I didn't think I would receive something from you. It's sometimes fun to be the one being surprised, isn't it?"
  • "I want to thank you, so would you be free later?"
  • "So you have been watching me? Otherwise, how else would you know what I like?"
  • "Thank you. I simply adore it. Even more so because it's from you."

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "I didn't expect you to give me this."
  • "I'll have to take good care of this seeing as who I got it from."
  • "Looks delicious."

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "This isn't for me, is it? Surely you can give this to someone else?"

Whip of Love[edit]

  • "Hahaha, This is a rather exciting expression of love."
  • "I can see why people say you're so reckless."
  • "I feel as if I have seen another side of you."

Limited Items[edit]

For Limited Item dialogues of all characters, see the Limited Items Dialogues page.

Fall Fair Part 2[edit]

Note: all earlier released Limited Items have identical dialogues

  • "A present from you? Lucifer will be jealous."
    • "I think this will come in handy."

Christmas Fair[edit]

  • "Are these for decorating the Christmas tree? They come in all different shapes. Interesting! What shape do you like?"
    • "Solomon is trying to make a Christmas cake. Luke and I had to stop him."
    • "The town is decorated with Christmas colors. Shall we go and take a look together? Sometimes I like it being just the two of us." (Demon Voucher)

Winter Fair[edit]

  • "That looks very warm. Oh, you are giving this to me? Thanks!"
    • "Have you seen the scarf that Asmodeus bought? It had a unique design. I wonder where they sell those?"
    • "This is a different color from the scarf you have? How about we wear our scarves and go shopping together?" (Demon Voucher)

Valentine's Fair[edit]

  • "These Valentine's Day chocolates are for me? Thanks. Since you are giving me chocolate, does that're mine?"
    • "I received some Valentine's Day chocolate cake from Luke. He has become really great at baking."
    • "Here is something from me. Also... If you're okay with it, how about we go on a date? That can be part of the present too." (Demon Voucher)

Dango Over Flowers Fair[edit]

  • "Hmm, a dessert that represents each of the three worlds. That's new. This white one has a halo and wings, doesn't it? Hehe. How cute."
    • "Did you know there's also a three-colored dango soup too? Would you like to get dinner at Purgatory Hall tonight? I'll pay."
    • "It might not be much but it's from my heart. I hope we can enjoy spring together next year too. I'm sorry if that sounds conceited but I'm enjoying it so much." (Demon Voucher)

Talkative Music Note Fair[edit]

  • "Haha, how cute! I'm surprised the Devildom has such an instrument."
    • "Did you know there's an Otama Tony that looks like a Chihuahua? I wonder if Luke would be mad if we gave it to him."
    • "Apparently, you can record by connecting the Otama Tony to your D.D.D. Since you got me this, I think I shall play you a song." (Demon Voucher)

Tiny Flytrap Fair[edit]

  • "Oh, it's so cute! These are called giant Venus flytraps, right? Luke told me about them. It looks like it likes you."
    • "Have you ever heard of natural dyes made from plants? Devildom's botanical garden's holding a workshop were you can try them. Would you like to go?"
    • "I wonder how you look after them. Could you come over and teach me? Hehe, looks like I've got a good excuse now to invite you over to Purgatory Hall." (Demon Voucher)

Horror's Horror Cherry Pie[edit]

  • "Wow, is this the seasonal pie Asmodeus told me about? It looks delicious. I'm sure I'll enjoy it."
    • "Barbatos told me that cherry devil crush is in season, so I made some into a jam. Luke and Solomon loved it so much, it was gone before I knew it. Do you want me to make you some too?"
    • "As a thanks, here's some jam I made from cherry devil crush. I made it especially for you, so I think it's the best I've made yet." (Demon Voucher)

A Summer Fireworks Frenzy[edit]

  • "You're giving me Frenzy Fireworks? Thank you. They are very summery. Fireworks are so exciting, aren't they? However, we also must be careful not to burn ourselves."
    • "Apparently, round fireworks are designed so no matter the angle, they will always appear round. It said so in a human world book. What an incredible feat of engineering."
    • "Big fireworks displays are quite exciting, aren't they? If I invited you, would you go with me? Going with everyone seems like it would be a fun time. However, I want this to be a date." (Demon Voucher)

Juicy Revelation Tomatoes[edit]

  • "I saw people lining up for these at Hell Greengrocer and wanted to try one. But first, what secret shall I reveal to you?"
    • "You know, I saw Solomon practicing his Night-Night Cake. I don't know who he's giving it to but I hope they'll survive."
    • "To be honest, I actually tried to call you yesterday just to hear your voice. If you don't mind, can I call again today? I want to end my day with your voice." (Demon Voucher)

Beware of Ghost Balloons?![edit]

  • "Ghost Balloons really have a 'demon' vibe, don't they? Popping them to scare people and see their reaction is a really fresh idea. I think it is very interesting."
    • "Luke once received these balloons from Diavolo. He was so happy and blew one up straight away, but it popped instantly. He got quite a fright. I felt sorry for him, but it was cute."
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Give Your Heart to Candy![edit]

  • "Thank you! This looks like a nice candy, but is there some kind of gimmick? Ooh, it's one of those Candy Hearts. Wow, it tastes like a warm hug! I feel so delighted!"
    • "This reminds me of the time Luke ate that shrinking candy. He shrunk to the size of my hand. I didn't know what was happening. Be careful, the Devildom's full of stuff like that."
    • "Does this mean, when you think about me, you feel this warm and fuzzy inside? If so, then you know how I feel. Hey, let's go somewhere we can compare answers alone?" (Demon Voucher)

Jovial Gingerbread Men?![edit]

  • "A Jovial Gingerbread Man? Oh, these are just lovely. It doesn't seem like it will turn giant any time soon, so let's quickly eat it."
    • "Have you been to the castle yet? It's completely covered in Christmas lights. I was so surprised. Apparently, Barbatos did it all in one day. Doing all of that in one day is almost more impressive than the lights."
    • "What happens if it does turn giant? Don't worry, I'll protect you. To be safe, don't leave my side, even after you eat it, okay?" (Demon Voucher)

Zombie Iguana[edit]

  • "You're giving me this Zombie Iguana doll? Haha, thanks. It's popular because it's both cute and ugly, right? I guess people like that it's not just cute."
    • "Diavolo won No. 2 a Zombie Iguana keychain from Cranesanity. Apparently the have TSL prizes too, it looks like fun. But I wonder how you get them out of your D.D.D."
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Relaxing Devil Bath Bombs[edit]

  • "Thanks. Don't you think it's exciting how they all have random fragrances? I hope it will be a fragrance you like."
    • "I've used one of these before and it smelled like devil crush orange. When I got to RAD, Beelzebub kept telling me how I smelled delicious. It made me feel as if I were in danger."
    • "Did you by any chance also use a Devil Bath Bomb? You smell like gloom tea tree. I really like that fragrance. Can you come closer?" (Demon Voucher)

Hell Pancake Festival[edit]

  • "Wow, these look delicious. Are you by chance inviting me to the Skyscraper Challenge? I would be happy to participate if you'll have me. Thank you."
    • "That's right. It's quite easy to mess up making soufflé pancakes if you leave too much moisture in them. Luke also used to cry about his not turning out right long ago. He's improved so much since then."
    • "I've got an urge to make some pancakes. Will you eat the ones I make? I add a secret ingredient to my pancakes. It's called love." (Demon Voucher)

Cursed Candy Apples[edit]

  • "Wow, thanks! I have to eat this within 10 minutes or I'll be cursed, right? It always takes me about an hour to finish these things, though...I always end up hitting my head or forgetting something, so I'll try for a new record today."
    • "Now that I think about it, I saw Satan and Belphegor grinning while buying a ton of Cursed Candy Apples and Cursed Candy Strawberries. I'm sure they weren't thinking of anything good. Perhaps it's one of their activities as part of the Anti-Lucifer League? Luci sure is loved..."
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Multifaced Eye Masks[edit]

  • "Hm? I'm making this face now that I put on one of those Multifaced Eye Masks you gave me. There are certainly some interesting items in the Devildom."
    • "How surprising would it be if I wore one of these crying eye masks while I held you all cool and collected? I'd love to see how you react, but I don't want to see you pout or worry about me, so I think I'll stop."
    • "I was thinking of putting one of those masks on you, but I have changed my mind. I much prefer the natural expressions you show only me. ...Hm? Your face is red, but are you all right?" (Demon Voucher)

Siren Sea Globe[edit]

  • "A Siren Sea Globe? How lovely, you can see right into the sea! It's been so hot recently, but having this in my room will definitely make it feel a little cooler."
    • "The other day Beel asked me to make something with a giant shadow sea cucumber he had found. He was delighted with the sweet and sour soup I made with it. Living in the Devildom certainly opens up one's culinary capabilities."
    • "Which reminds me, I found a great spot deep in the woods overlooking the Siren Sea. Let's have a picnic there next time? I want to create some summer memories of just the two of us." (Demon Voucher)

Snow Ice Cream[edit]

  • "Demon Dazs Snow Ice Cream? I've always wanted to try some after seeing an ad for one in town. I heard that snow begins falling over you if you eat some, but I wonder if that's true...?"
    • "It appears Solomon hates the heat more than most people, so he always stays cooped up in his room with the AC on. I'm worried he'll end up like Leviathan, so maybe we can hold a Snow Ice Cream party or something in the garden?"
    • "Amazing, snow really is falling. ...Brr, I'm kind of cold now. Do you mind if I snuggle in close to you... even after I'm done being cold?" (Demon Voucher)

Cursed Music Box[edit]

  • "You're giving me a Cursed Music Box? Thank you! Oh? It seems like I'll get cursed if I don't listen intently until the end. That's very Devildom-ish. I like it."
    • "Oh, I know this melody. I heard it when Leviathan put in an app called Anidenish or something like that. I think the anime's opening had a huge moving bean pancake. It was pretty cute."
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Opposite Biscuit?![edit]

  • "Oh? This is one of those biscuits where you say the opposite thing of what you're feeling, huh? There are so many interesting things in the Devildom. Allow me to take a bite right now."
    • "Did you know that Diavolo once mistakenly ate one of these things? I heard he felt the effects immediately. It was so effective that he thought it was a regular biscuit. ...Hm, I guess this biscuit is quite complex."
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Catastrophic Illumination[edit]

  • "A Catastrophic Candle? It's lovely, thank you so much. I've heard random magic is instilled within. Do you know what kinds of magic it could contain?"
    • "A purple flame is a peculiar sight to behold. Oh, it seems to have magic that makes you feel like a butler? I have a meeting with Asmodeus afterwards. In this state, it isn't unlikely that he will become my dear master. Do keep me in your thoughts."
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Super Soda Water[edit]

  • "Wow, what a tingling sensation! As expected of Super Soda Water. I feel really refreshed, though. Thanks."
    • "This does wonders for fatigue, right? I heard from Beelzebub that it's so effective that he's been banned from drinking any during a match."
    • "I think it'll be easier to drink if I mix some Essence of Blue Sky in with it. How about we have some together? I always want to share new experiences with you because you're so special to me." (Demon Voucher)

A Beckoning Black Cat Brings Good Fortune[edit]

  • "Thank you! These are the things causing a buzz at RAD, right? Beckoning Black Cat Key Chains that are supposed to bring good fortune, was it?"
    • "What's this now? This is the back issue of Monthly Devil Architect's Digest I wanted to borrow from Satan. Maybe it brought it from Satan's personal collection. I'll have to message him and let him know."
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Mont Blancs Full of Feelings[edit]

  • "You've made this Mont Blanc of Desire for me? I'm elated by that fact alone, but if I eat it, I'd also know about your wishes and desires? How lucky I am."
    • "You'd like to know what I'm thinking? I've been pondering over the menu I'll be creating for the dinner party at the Demon Lord's Castle. Diavolo requested I cook some food from the Celestial Realm for him. I made some angel pudding as practice, so would you mind tasting it?"
    • "I could tell you were really thinking about me when you made this, but I'm at a loss... If I were to give you everything you really wanted we would never leave one another. Would you really like that?" (Demon Voucher)

Bring Forth Good Luck with a Hell's Gate Rose Wreath[edit]

  • "Thanks. These wreaths are actually pretty hard to find since they are so difficult to make. Still, they are so beautiful that they brighten up things just by hanging them up."
    • "I once tried to make a wreath from dried Hell's Gate Roses with Luke. It ended up taking ten hours to weave. Never again do I wish to do that..."
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Play the Soul's Song Record![edit]

  • "Thank you. Although I do my best to speak my mind honestly on a regular basis... So I'd hate to say something uninteresting and bore you."
    • "I tried using this record to see just how much Asmodeus actually loves himself. He really did spend the whole time talking about nothing but himself, it was quite interesting."
    • "I want everyone to live happily, and I do my best to strive for that. But I just can't help but want to prioritize your happiness over others. Not very angelic, right?" (Demon Voucher)

Overcome Those Yucky Foods with Cursed Cutlery![edit]

  • "Haha. Some Cursed Cutlery, hm? Thank you. I never knew there was such a good curse to get you to overcome a food you hate."
    • "Ah, I see. So that's why Mammon was running away from a fork with a green pepper on it the other day. Things ended up with Beel stepping in and eating the green pepper...and the fork with it."
    • "I hate to disappoint, but I don't have anything I dis-- Geh! is that coriander? I don't hate it, but i am certainly not a fan, either. I actually pretended to be fine eating some the other day with Luke. I mean, if I didn't eat it, I very well couldn't tell Luke to finish his plate either, right?" (Demon Voucher)

In-game Apps[edit]

Dialogues said within various In-game Apps.


Selected for Home Screen[edit]

  • "Did you choose me?"

Changing Outfits[edit]


Excellent Order[edit]

  • "Thank you, it looks delectable. I will be coming back again."

Very Good Order[edit]

  • "Wow, thank you. I was waiting for this."

Good Order[edit]

  • "Thanks for delivering this. I wasn't sure if I ordered correctly."

Failed Order[edit]

  • "Wow, quite the impressive failure. Don't worry though, I'm sure it tastes great."

Player's Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on the Player's Birthday. All Surprise Guest interactions result in Perfect Sequences during birthdays.

Birthday App Screen[edit]

  • "Happy birthday! I am happy I get to celebrate the day you were born together with you."

Surprise Guest[edit]

Battle Wins/Home Screen[edit]

  • "Hm, it's your birthday? Congrats!"

Gifting the Player (said when gifting 30 Devil Points)[edit]

  • please add

Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "To be blessed by both angels and demons... You truly are incredible, enchanting everyone like that."

His Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on Simeon's Birthday, including birthday login bonuses.

Home Screen[edit]

Login Bonuses[edit]

2021 Login[edit]

  • "It's my birthday! You're here to celebrate? I'm so happy♪"

2022 Login[edit]

  • "Here's a request for my birthday. I want to spend the day with you."

2023 Login[edit]

  • "Thank you so much. Every day is a blast with you by my side."

2024 Login[edit]

  • "Is it greedy to want today to last forever?"

Home Screen[edit]

Dialogues said on the Home Screen, both standard dialogues and those with unlocking requirements.

Standard Dialogues[edit]


  • "Hey! There you are. I've been waiting."
  • "Ah, we meet again!" (Login 2)
  • "You came! I'm glad." (Login 3)
  • "Ah, there you are. I was just thinking about you." (Login 4)

Player Returns[edit]

He Returns[edit]

Touched by Player[edit]

  • "Yes, what is it?"
  • "Hehe, were you feeling lonely?" (Touch 2)
  • "Ahaha...stop it!" (Touch 3)
  • "Yes, yes. What is it?" (Touch 4)
  • "What is it? I'm right here, so everything will be okay." (Touch 5)
  • "I have the feeling something good is going to happen today!" (On the Clouds)

Idle Screen[edit]

  • "Hey, bored angel over here! Look!" (Inactive 2)
  • "Hmm, hmm, hmm ♪"
  • "I'm free right now, so I think I might go and tease Luke."
  • "zzz...zzz...zzz..."

Time of Day Interactions[edit]


(Dialogues between 5:00 - 12:00 local time.)

  • "Morning! Are you still sleepy?" (Morning)
  • "If you don't eat enough breakfast, you'll turn out tiny like Luke."

(Dialogues between 12:00 - 18:00 local time.)

  • "Hi! Have you had lunch yet?" (Afternoon)
  • "I wish the cafeteria would add a special menu for angels."

(Dialogues between 18:00 - 0:00 local time.)

  • "Good evening. It is very nice out tonight." (Evening)
  • "Good job today! Take a nice rest." (PM Talk)

(Dialogues between 0:00 - 5:00 local time.)

  • "Ahhhh... Are you still sleepy?" (Night)
  • "You can't sleep? Would you like to talk?"

Character Intros[edit]

Game Tips[edit]

  • "I think something arrived for you in Mail." (App 1)
  • "I'm going to need to get a part-time job soon..." (App 4)
  • "I like keeping an eye on Akuzon for special sales." (App 10)
  • "Something has arrived for you in To Do!"
  • "It seems like there is an event on! Want to go together?"
  • "You have a message. Ignoring it is a sin!"
  • "You have a missed call. Are you going to ignore it?"
  • "There are some new posts on Devilgram."
  • "How is your progress in Devil's Tree?"
  • "Leviathan says the Nightmare this time is "kewl." What does "kewl" mean?"
  • "If you don't do your lessons properly, Lucifer will get angry at you."
  • "How about changing the background music on Majolish for a change of pace?"

App Deleted[edit]

  • "A-Ah..."
  • "Huh? Is it really okay to delete that?"
  • "It can't be helped. I'll put it back."

Game Anniversary[edit]

  • "I've never thought that I want someone all to myself. Hehe, it's all your fault. Take some responsibility, okay?" (Anniversary)

VIP-Only Dialogues[edit]

  • "I'm so happy I get to see your face every day."
  • "Even angels need healing. And you are what heals me."
  • "How about we go on a date to the Celestial Realm?"

Unlockable Dialogues[edit]

Moving Pictures[edit]

Rain, a Fire and Simeon[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Sorry to trouble you, but could I borrow a change of clothes?"
  • "Why don't you come over here and share my blanket?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "I must say this is rather embarrassing..."
  • "I wish this moment would last forever."
Our Field of Flowers[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Are you okay? I have a handkerchief you can use if you—"
  • "Oh, dear. This wasn't the place I had in mind to ask you this..."
  • "I was hoping I would be smoother while asking this but... Well, here goes."
  • "Will you be my date to the festival?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Since our visit to the human world, I've been wanting to take some time to sit and bask in nature like this."
  • "If possible, I also wanted to take you along with me so we could do it together."
  • "Isn't it the best? Being surrounded by the fragrance of flowers is truly healing for the body and mind."
  • "I'm so happy we finally get to spend time together like this."
  • "...Oh, look. This flower is called 'blue star.'"
  • "This flower represents my feelings for you at this very moment."
  • "Oh... It's a dandelion."
  • "Haha, look at the seeds flying away in the breeze."
  • "I never dreamed that I'd be sitting in a field of flowers here in the Devildom."
  • "...Wouldn't it be nice if those dandelion seeds would take root somewhere in the Devildom?"
A Private Consultation[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "I actually brought a pair of glasses to match my lab coat..."
  • "But after putting them on, I'm not sure if they're really necessary. What do you think?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Thank you for waiting. May I ask what brings you here today?"
  • "What do you think...? Does it suit me as well?"
  • "Let me listen to your heartbeat."
  • "You're right. Your pulse is slightly quicker then average. Is it me, or does your face seem a little flustered as well?"
  • "Are you embarrassed? *chuckle* You're so adorable."
  • "But remember, this is a checkup. I need you to follow my instructions, all right?"
  • "Open wide now."
  • "Say aah... Hm? Whats wrong?"
  • "*chuckle* You're very bashful, aren't you? I personally find that part of you adorable."
Reindeer-Drawn Wishes[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "It's a reindeer ornament."
  • "Isn't it lovely how it sparkles?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • please add

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