Mammon's Dialogues (Obey Me!)

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This page lists all dialogues spoken by Mammon in Obey Me! during Surprise Guest interactions, on the Home Screen, and more! For all dialogues with associated voice clips in Majolish, titles and links to Mammon's Majolish Voice Clips page are provided.

Title Screen[edit]

Translation of Mammon's Title Screen dialogue.

  • "Obey me. If you make me submit, you win."

Dance Battles[edit]

Dialogues said during battles.

Battle Skills[edit]

  • "Too late to be cryin' now!"
  • "Ya gotta do WAY better!"
  • "Ya picked the WRONG guy!" (Skill 1)
  • "Ready to face THE Mammon?" (Skill 2)
  • "Ready for what's comin'?" (Skill 3)
  • "Haha! That's all ya got?!" (Skill 5)
  • "Now it's MY turn!" (Skill 6)
  • "You shoulda let ME go first!" (Skill 7)
  • "Stop hoggin' all the fun!" (Skill 9)
  • "THE Mammon's here to end it!" (Skill 10)
  • "It's an honor to be fightin' ME!" (Skill 11)
  • "I'll finish this up for ya!" (Skill 12)

Surprise Guest[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when not using Items.

Three-Star Wins[edit]

  • "Muahahaha. ALL points for MAMMON! Bow down to me!"
  • "Did ya see that?! I'm totally awesome, right!"

Two-Star/One-Star Wins[edit]

  • "Aaaaah, I'm so tired of this. Why do I have to help you out?"

Home Screen[edit]

  • "*whistle* Come here, darlin'! What? Got a problem with me and Goldie?"
  • "*yawn* I'm sleepy."
  • "What's up? I'm busy here, can't ya tell?"

Gifting the Player[edit]

  • "Hehehe, I'm feelin' GOOD today. I got ya somethin'!"
  • "Oh, that's right. I got somethin' for ya. Be grateful and take it!"


Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "AHAHAHAHA, that tickles!"
  • "I...I'm gettin' pretty excited."
  • "Knock it off, will ya! Don't start treatin' me like a child."
  • "Oh...? Yeah, that's the spot! Right there!"
  • "S-S-Stop it!"
  • "That's a good human. You're gettin' the hang of it, aren't ya?"
  • "What's up with you? Even if you praise me, I ain't got nothin' for ya."
  • "Ya better not do this for any of the others!"
  • "Yaaaaaaaay!"

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "Hey, ya really expect me to stand here and do nothin'?"
  • "Hm? What's up?"
  • "I don't really get you..."
  • "Ugh, too much trouble."
  • "Ya got any business with me?"
  • "Ya think you're being funny? Huh?!"

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "*sigh* Booooriiing."
  • "Are we done yet?"
  • "Hey, don't you dare ignore me!"
  • "Nope, that's it for me. I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"
  • "Stop it, will ya?"
  • "Ugh... You're gonna...make me...throw up..."
  • "Whaddya think you're doin'?! Ya can't go around feelin' me up like that!"
  • "Who do ya think you're dealin' with, huh? You foolish human."


Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "Hm? That's it? I wanna hang out more!"
  • "Uh-oh, it's already this late... Can I go to your room later?"
  • "You can leave it up to THE Mammon next time as well. See ya!"
  • (On player's birthday) "I bet you're happy to celebrate your birthday with THE Mammon!"

Good Sequence[edit]

  • "I'll help ya out again next time, if I feel like it. See you, fragile human."
  • "It's almost time to go. I'll see ya around."
  • "Well, that ain't bad for a human."

Normal Sequence[edit]

  • "I'm gonna get going now."
  • "My dear GOLDIEEEEE! Don't worry, I'm comin' for ya!"
  • "Time to go home and sleep!"
  • "I can go home now, right? I'm a busy guy, ya know."

Bad Sequence[edit]

  • "I can go home now, right? I'm a busy guy, ya know." (shared with Normal Sequence)
  • "I've already had enough of Lucifer bossin' me around the whole time. Bye."
  • "No way you can boss THE Mammon around."

Using Items[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when Items are used.

Standard Items[edit]

Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "For real? Ya got that for me?! Doncha got anythin' else?"
  • "Hey, can't ya be gentle?!"
  • "Nice timing, I was just gettin' hungry. Thanks!"
  • "Oh nice! This looks taaasty! Thanks!"
  • "Oh, that's for me? Thaaanks!"
  • "Ooh, are you an angel?"
  • "Ouch! You gotta be more gentle!"
  • "That's my human! Ya got this!"
  • "Ya know what do to, doncha? Thanks!"

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "I'll take that, but... ...I bet there's better stuff out there."
  • "If you insist... I'll take it."
  • "It's not what I wanted... ...but I'm hungry, so I'll take it."
  • "This ain't exactly what I wanted... But since ya got it for me, I'll take it."
  • "Whaddya want me to say...? Meh."

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "Did ya really think I'd be happy receivin' that?"
  • "Eeeew, take that back. Give it to someone else."
  • "What, ya seriously don't know the good stuff."

Whip of Love[edit]

  • "Don't think you can get away with this!"
  • "Hahaha! Is that all ya got? It's nothing compared to Lucifer's swing!"
  • "Ouch! Ya have to be more gentle with that thing..."

Limited Items[edit]

For Limited Item dialogues of all characters, see the Limited Items Dialogues page.

Heartcuffs (Slightly Used)[edit]

  • "Are ya stupid?! What IS this? You better not have given this to the others! You can only give it to me, got it?"
    • "Merry Valentine's Day! You ain't celebratin' without a gift from Mammon! I mean... here, take this."

Spring Fair[edit]

  • "Do ya enjoy puttin' these things on me that much?! S-Stop givin' me those puppy dog eyes!"
    • "Happy Easter! I bet ya I'm gonna find the most eggs. Watch me!"
    • "Happy Easter! I'll give you this, so put on those ears for me, will ya?" (Demon Voucher)

Rainy Season Fair[edit]

  • "Hydrangeas? I would've preferred Grimm, ya know. Eh, I mean, it's not like I don't like 'em or anything."
    • "The Great Mammon will show ya some mercy. Rainy seasons will be boring no more. All thanks to me!"
    • "Take this! Let's go out when the weather gets better. Just the two of us." (Demon Voucher)

Summer Fair[edit]

  • "Hahaha, a unicorn? Out of all things? I'll go and show it off to Lucifer!"
    • "Yo yo yo! Don't think you can enjoy a Devildom summer without going to a festival!"
    • "Here, I got a present for ya! Beach time, you and me! Let me show you how well I can swim!" (Demon Voucher)

Summer Fair Part 2[edit]

  • "A Snow Beary?! Whaddya expect me to do with this? I guess I'll praise ya for tryin' to win the Great Mammon over with some ice in a bowl."
    • "Man, why do I gotta cook on such a hot day? Gonna make everyone a super spicy curry! Don't worry, I won't make yours super spicy."
    • "This is for the bowl of ice. Also, I'm goin' wakeboarding but... I'm gonna bring you along too, 'cause ya know, I like hangin' out with ya and stuff." (Demon Voucher)

End-of-Summer Fair[edit]

  • "Yo! That's crazy cold! I'm gonna get you back! You better be ready!"
    • "I don't hate summer, but damn, won't it hurry up and cool down already? There's still ice cream in the kitchen, right? Be right back!"
    • "Whatever, I guess it was fun so I'll forgive ya. And I'll give you this too. What're you up to next summer? 'Cause I really wanna go on vacation with you somewhere." (Demon Voucher)

Fall Fair[edit]

  • "A Red Demonus after a long day's work is the best! Why doncha grab one too?"
    • "Does Demonus have a mascot or anythin'? If I made them one, I bet it'd go off. I can already smell the cash!"
    • "Ah, I left some snacks in the fridge for this very occasion! All right, I'll be back. It's cool if we chill here and drink together, yeah?" (Demon Voucher)

Fall Fair Part 2[edit]

  • "This looks so flippin' good! Man, the harvest season really is the best."
    • "I want a new coat for winter. One with a cool-lookin' design. Black... no, red sounds good. I'm gonna get some fashion magazines from Asmo."
    • "Did you know in the Devildom we're got vegetable throwing festivals to celebrate the harvest? Hey, why don't we go this year? Keep the date open, all right?" (Demon Voucher)

Christmas Fair[edit]

  • "What? You givin' me somethin' valuable? They're Christmas tree ornaments! They're very nice, so I thought it woulda cost ya a pretty penny!
    • "Let’s decorate the tree with somethin' a little bit more Devildom-ish. The top of the tree would look better with skulls or bats!"
    • "I put a tree up in the House of Lamentation. I was just about to ask if ya wanted to decorate it. Let's go!" (Demon Voucher)

Winter Fair[edit]

  • "That's one warm-lookin' scarf. It's been crazy cold recently, so I was wonderin' if I should buy one. Thanks!"
    • "Did you see the scarf that Asmo brought? That'd fetch some nice Grimm. My money sense is tingling!"
    • "Ya have this in a different color? You wanted to match with me, ya say?! Cute!" (Demon Voucher)

Valentine's Fair[edit]

  • "Good. I see ya know which demon to give your chocolate to. I've been waitin' for this. You're the only one I'd accept chocolate from."
    • "You ain't gonna say something hurtful now, right? Like, 'Please give this to Leviathan ♡' or 'Pass this onto Beel for me ♡'?"
    • "Thanks for the cool Valentine's Box. Lemme give ya this to say thanks. Stop by Café Lament later, got it? Let's drink some poison chocolate lattes." (Demon Voucher)

Dango Over Flowers Fair[edit]

  • "A Three-Worlds Dango? If this is a sacred offering, you could've at least given me something shinier. Yooo! These are hella good! They're so chewy! I think the sheep one's my favorite."
    • "Cool... I mean, I could probably make these if I tried but okay. Actually, that's not a bad idea. I'll make a ton and sell 'em by the cherry blossoms."
    • "Ya know I had to get you somethin' for makin' me so happy and stuff. Imma take you to a special free cherry blossom picnic spot. Don't get all sappy on me though." (Demon Voucher)

Talkative Music Note Fair[edit]

  • "Oh sick, an Otama Tony! Ya know, I'm pretty good with this. I'll show ya the basics."
    • "I can play ya a song...for 500 Grimm. You really thought you could hear my sweet riffs for FREE?!"
    • "Y-You want me to play a love song? As if I could do that! F-Fine, I'll play one. But listen up because it'll be just this once!" (Demon Voucher)

Tiny Flytrap Fair[edit]

  • "Yo! Isn't this the big boy that tried to eat me once? Ya know it's pretty cute when it's small. The Great Mammon will make sure to spoil it!"
    • "Satan said these guys like stuffy, weirdly humid places. So we should probably keep 'em in Levi's room, eh?"
    • "Don't worry, I won't let it die. It's a present from you, after all. Wait, it's not like because it's a gift from ya, okay?" (Demon Voucher)

Horror's Horror Cherry Pie[edit]

  • "Yo, this is a Horror's Horror Cherry Pie! Thanks! Oh man, it's got the perfect level of sweetness. You really know what I like, huh?"
    • "Did ya know you can do cherry picking at the Devildom Botanic Gardens? Of course, it's all ya can eat too. Last year, Beel ate all the cherries in the place and got banned! Hahaha."
    • "By the way, I got ya a cherry donut from Uncle Demon. I won at the races the other day so thought I'd share the love. Don't tell the others though, all right?" (Demon Voucher)

A Summer Fireworks Frenzy[edit]

  • "Yo! What's a summer without these, huh? Let's light 'em, let's light 'em! Don't go crazy and burn down the House of Lamentation or anything though, all right?"
    • "Some people bring buckets of water when doing fireworks. But we don't need 'em, eh? Levi'll be there so he can just summon Lotan if anythin' happens."
    • "There's so much I want to do with you this summer. There's the beach, the Hell Marine Festival, and summer festivals. You ain't gonna get too tired, are ya?" (Demon Voucher)

Juicy Revelation Tomatoes[edit]

  • "You! What've ya gotten me now?! If ya wanna know that badly, I'll tell ya. But you've gotta share one too, got it?"
    • "You know, once Beel ate one of these tomatoes without revealing anythin' once. He said it tasted like nothin' and looked so sad. I'd never seen him look so sad while eating."
    • "Someone put a photo frame in your room, right? That was me. You were eyein' it up in the shop so I bought it. You put a picture of everyone in it, but I really wanted you to put one of just us t... Never mind." (Demon Voucher)

Beware of Ghost Balloons?![edit]

  • "Huh!? No, I ain't afraid of no Ghost Balloons! As if I'd show you my scared face! They may pop suddenly but they're just balloons!"
    • "I popped one of these near Belphie's ear when he was sleepin'. He didn't even notice! What's up with that guy?"
    • "I'll buy ya a Ghost Balloon. I picked you a special one from my regular store. Let's have some fun with it!" (Demon Voucher)

Give Your Heart to Candy![edit]

  • "Yo! This's a Candy Heart!! It's fizzing in my mouth. I get it. It's 'cause you're so happy to be with the Great Mammon, ain't it?"
    • "Ya know, Satan gave one of these candies to Lucifer once. It was like a curse. But Lucifer hardly raised an eyebrow. Satan was hella distraught after that."
    • "I guess everyone's like that with their first. Who knew ya could be so cute. Hey, why dontcha be more greedy? That way you'd really win my heart." (Demon Voucher)

Jovial Gingerbread Men?![edit]

  • "Oh, thanks... Wait, is this a frickin' Jovial Gingerbread Man?! These guys are good, but if ya get caught lackin', they'll turn giant on you."
    • "While ya were blabberin', it turned giant! Try not to get devoured while I'm eatin' it! W-What're ya doin'?! Why're ya runnin' in to bite it?!"
    • "Let's have a gingerbread eating party in my room before we get attacked... Just us two though! I ain't tryin' to hog you. You're the one hoggin' me. You should be grateful!" (Demon Voucher)

Zombie Iguana[edit]

  • "Hey, it's a Zombie Iguana doll! Are ya gonna give me it? Thanks! ...Hang on a second, is this thing cursed...?"
    • "You're thinkin' that Lucifer would be able to break this curse in a jiffy, aren't ya? Well, he didn't break the curse I got from that vase for an entire week...the one that made me speak politely!"
    • "Wah, my hand is stuck!!! So this thing WAS cursed! It can't be helped, we've gotta stay like this! Oh no, such a pain! But it can't be helped!" (Demon Voucher)

Relaxing Devil Bath Bombs[edit]

  • "A Devil Bath Bomb? Ya really know what to get! You're givin' it to me to make up for how Lucifer treats me? You're the best servant I could ask for!"
    • "Ya know, yesterday when I wanted to take a bath, there were these mini figures lined up. It was so freaky! On top of that, I ended up steppin' on one. It hurt like hell! Levi's gotta be the one behind all that!"
    • "Did ya also get one for yourself? When you're done taking your bath, come over to my room. Why? If you're gonna go around smellin' different from usual, I should know what you smell like! I'm your first after all!" (Demon Voucher)

Hell Pancake Festival[edit]

  • "Hey, aren't these Madam Devian's Hell Pancakes? Thanks! I'm thinkin' about entering the Skyscraper Challenge!"
    • "Only because there's prize money for winnin'! I'm gonna invite Beel and enter! It's an eating contest! Victory is as good as ours if I make Beel enter! Haha! The Great Mammon is a genius!"
    • "It looks like there's prize money for winnin'. I'll just invite Beel and win the thing already. In that case, I'll buy you that accessory you've been wantin', so be sure to look forward to it." (Demon Voucher)

Cursed Candy Apples[edit]

  • "You're givin' this to me? No way! Er, no, I'm not unhappy with it. To tell ya the truth, I actually bought some thinkin' they'd make ya happy. I'll bring them to your room later."
    • "Anyway, make do with this for now. Heh, we're acting like the twins are! Just the other day, they both bought the same new donuts from Uncle Demon. Of course, Beel was happy there was double the food."
    • "Here, ya can have this as thanks. Still, to think we'd buy the same thing... It must be that we're together so much that we're becomin' more and more similar. Heh, be grateful!" (Demon Voucher)

Multifaced Eye Masks[edit]

  • "The heck are these Multifaced Eye Masks? Do they make your face the same as what's on the mask? Hey! Don't make me smile for free! They say a smile is worth 500 Grimm, ya know?"
    • "Ya certainly found somethin' interesting. Let's try them on Satan! Lucifer said he wanted to see Satan, so havin' him see Satan all smiley is gonna be hilarious!"
    • "...Whew. It looks like the affect is only temporary. Still, ya got a lot of guts pranking the Great Mammon. How dare ya make me laugh when it's not interesting. Ya better do something to entertain me next." (Demon Voucher)

Siren Sea Globe[edit]

  • "Whoa... A Siren Sea Globe! Ya did real good findin' a rare item like this! Don't ya worry! I ain't gonna go pawning off a gift from you... No matter how rare it is."
    • "Oh yah, that reminds me. Beel and Luke went for a dip in the sea before but... Beel just grilled some squid and Luke was makin' sand castles... What the heck do they think swimmin' means?!"
    • "Huh, you really can see into the Siren Sea with this thing. I'll have to look for another one of these, to give to you. Huh? Well... If we have each have one, it's like we're somehow connected, right?" (Demon Voucher)

Snow Ice Cream[edit]

  • "Hey! This here's some Demon Dazs Snow Ice Cream, ain't it? I was about to melt in this heat! Thanks for bringin' me some!"
    • "I wonder if they could deliver some of this to Lord Diavolo's private beach for free? Okay! I'll just put this ultra-amazing idea of mine into RAD's Bloody Box!"
    • "Hm? Ya didn't buy any for yourself? Snow only falls over the head of the one eating, ya know? I s'ppose you'll feel cool too if we both eat it next to each other. C'mon, get over here." (Demon Voucher)

Cursed Music Box[edit]

  • "Oh, thanks! ...Wait, isn't this a Cursed Music Box? I heard that you'll still get cursed if ya shut it halfway through its melody."
    • "Wait, if I play this right when Lucifer starts lecturin' me, things could turn out all right. Oh, I was just worried since I bought too much stuff and put it on his tab. The Great Mammon has it covered though!"
    • "You're the one who brought this thing here, so ya better listen to it with me until the end. The curse won't be nothin' if I'm listenin' to it with ya. That's just a thought, though!" (Demon Voucher)

Opposite Biscuit?![edit]

  • "Oh, thanks! Didn't Satan give Lucifer an Opposite Biscuit before? He said it was awful while he smiled and ate it, so that must mean it was totally delish, right? All right, I'm going in!"
    • "This IS pretty gross. ...Huh? Gross? No, it's gross! Wow, this really does make you say the exact opposite of what you're feelin'! If I gave this to Levi, him eliminatin' my debt ain't a dream! This ain't half horrible!"
    • "I don't like ya one bit. I can't believe ya would give me something' so gross! Wait...! Huh?! That's wrong! I can't stand the sight of ya! ...Wait, that's not it, either! You've got to believe me!" (Demon Voucher)

Catastrophic Illumination[edit]

  • "No Kiddin'! A Catastrophic Candle?! Thanks! These have random magic in 'em, right? Whaddya think this one does...?"
    • "Ah, a splendid purple illumination, I feel as if I have grown. W-Why am I talkin'... Perchance, it has been infused with a spell that makes one mimic a butler...! I am pressed to do something about this before meeting with Barbatos. Else, he shall lecture me about the ways of the butler all night long..."
    • "Lookin' at this green flame is makin' me wanna hold you close... Is that all right? Ah! I dunno what I'm sayin'... Is it really 'cause of this thing? Anyway, I can't resist it. Come here." (Demon Voucher)

Super Soda Water[edit]

  • "Hey! If it isn't Super Soda Water? Ya know, the Great Mammon is the mascot for this thing! I hafta say, I'm impressed you're keeping up with my super-amazing hard work! Very good!"
    • "Ah, this is too strong for humans, so make sure to mix in some Demonus when ya drink it, okay? All the angels seem like they can handle it okay, but Luke burped so hard he froze the first time he had some."
    • "By the way, I've got a shoot for a new flavor soon. Ya wanna come see? I suppose if you're beggin', I can bring ya along. Just be prepared for your eyes to hurt from staring at me so much!" (Demon Voucher)

A Beckoning Black Cat Brings Good Fortune[edit]

  • "What?! Is this the Beckoning Black Cat Key Chain that's s'posed to bring ya good luck?! What a cute kitty ya are ♡ You know what the Great Mammon wants, don't ya now?"
    • "WHOA! No way! T-This is Lucifer's credit card! My body is gettin' all tingly but it's time to go shopping! I'm gonna get my hands on Devicci's latest drop!"
    • "Whoa! W-Why are you huggin' me like that? The black cat pushed ya...? Well yeah, I did want you -- w-wait, hold up! Can I get a do-over?!" (Demon Voucher)

Mont Blancs Full of Feelings[edit]

  • "This is that special pastry thing, huh? A Mont Blanc of Desire, prepared with your true feelings? If I eat this, I could tell what ya really want in life? Right, here goes...!"
    • "Huh? Ya wanna know what's always going on in the kitchen...? Ya better not be spyin' on me. Well, when I make lunch for the others, they tend to get pretty disappointed with my cookin'. So, while I'm makin' their lunch I practice how I'm gonna scold 'em. Don't tell no one!"
    • "Damn, that's good! Also it feels good to know that ya wanna do all those activities with me like shoppin' with me. Well, could you keep ya schedule free for me? Startin' tomorrow we can hang out -- no, we can go on a few dates!" (Demon Voucher)

Bring Forth Good Luck with a Hell's Gate Rose Wreath[edit]

  • "Oh! A Hell's Gate Rose Wreath! Thanks! We can get rich in a snap if we have one of these! Okay! Come on out, my no-limit credit card! I choose you, Blackkun!"
    • "Huh?! This is toy money! I got my hopes up for nothin'! Solomon once pulled a fairy out of these things, so why can't I get a dang credit card?!"
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Play the Soul's Song Record![edit]

  • "Ain't it a bit late to be sayin' ya wanna hear my true thoughts after all this time? I mean... If you say ya really wanna know I'll take the record, so enjoy it ya hear?!"
    • "I was thinkin' it'd be pretty interestin' to use this thing on Barbatos, right? We might get to hear him badmouthin' Lord Diavolo or something! Ya think we could get it on video?"
    • please add demon voucher dialogue

Overcome Those Yucky Foods with Cursed Cutlery![edit]

  • "Huh?! Ya trying to get me to eat food I hate? Hmph. Sorry, but even if it's a present from you, I ain't acceptin' this one!"
    • "By the way, that Chihuahua used to hate tomatoes, right? I actually saw him the other day at Café Lament with some mini tomatoes with his lunch. He was staring at them for somethin' like 30 minutes. I ended up eatin' half of them for him, but he was still one sad puppy."
    • "What's up with this green pepper? Ya gonna feed it to me or sometin'? Fine, but only one bite since ya insist so much!" (Demon Voucher)

In-game Apps[edit]

Dialogues said within various In-game Apps.


Selected for Home Screen[edit]

  • "Good human! You know what's what."

Changing Outfits[edit]


Excellent Order[edit]

  • "Yoo! This looks awesome! I'm definitely orderin' from you again!"

Very Good Order[edit]

  • "This is it! I've been waitin', ya know? Thank yooou!"

Good Order[edit]

  • "Thanks! I'll hit you up again."

Failed Order[edit]

  • "Man, why so slow? If I was Beel, half the Devildom would've been gone."

Player's Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on the Player's Birthday. All Surprise Guest interactions result in Perfect Sequences during birthdays.

Birthday App Screen[edit]

  • "HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAY! I'm personally wishin' ya a happy birthday so ya better be grateful!"

Surprise Guest[edit]

Battle Wins/Home Screen[edit]


Gifting the Player (said when gifting 30 Devil Points)[edit]

  • please add

Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "I bet you're happy to celebrate your birthday with THE Mammon!"

His Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on Mammon's Birthday, including birthday login bonuses.

Home Screen[edit]

Login Bonuses[edit]

2020 Login[edit]

  • "Today's the birthday of the Great Mammon! What did ya get me?"

2021 Login[edit]

  • "You wanna celebrate MY birthday? That...makes me really happy. Thanks."

2022 Login[edit]

  • "Ya better keep celebratin' my b'day, 'kay?"

2023 Login[edit]

  • "It's my birthday, so let's spend it together, okay?"

2024 Login[edit]

  • "Every day has been hella fun since meetin' ya. So...thanks...I guess."

Home Screen[edit]

Dialogues said on the Home Screen, both standard dialogues and those with unlocking requirements.

Standard Dialogues[edit]


  • "Yo. So ya dropped in to pay Mammon a visit, eh? Good on ya!" (Login 1)
  • "It's not like I've been waitin' around for ya or anything... Seriously, I wasn't!" (Login 2)
  • "Hey, uh...think I could borrow some cash? I promise I'll never ask again!" (Login 3)
  • "You've got some nerve makin' THE Mammon wait around for ya!" (Login 4)

Player Returns[edit]

  • "You're back."
  • "Took ya long enough! Never keep Mammon waitin'!" (You're back 2)
  • "Ya know, you're the only human that keeps me waitin' like this!" (You're back 3)
  • "Where were you, huh? Been lookin' all over for ya!" (You're back 4)
  • "Missin' the Great Mammon, were ya? Heh, welcome home." (You're back 5)

He Returns[edit]

  • "Oh, didn't realize you were here."
  • "Were you waitin' on the Great Mammon? That's a good human!" (I'm back 2)
  • "I went outta my way to come see you. You should feel honored!" (I'm back 3)
  • "Good news! Mammon's back!" (I'm back 4)

Touched by Player[edit]

  • "Need somethin'?" (Touch 1)
  • "Hey! No touchin'! Grrr...!" (Touch 2)
  • "Hey, not there! That tickles!" (Touch 3)
  • "Listen, you do know I'm a DEMON, right?" (Touch 4)
  • "What are ya, a spoiled brat?" (Touch 5)
  • "Moneeey♪ Moneeey♪ Moneeeeeey♪" (On the Clouds)

Idle Screen[edit]

  • "Hmhmhmm, hm, hmm ♪" (Inactive 2)
  • "*sigh* Wish it'd start raining money..." (Inactive 4)
  • "Hey... Oi... All right, already! Pay attention to me!" (Inactive 5)
  • "Hey, I'm bored over here. C'mon human, time to entertain the Great Mammon!"
  • "Ya know how sometimes you're on the phone with someone, and suddenly it goes quiet? I hate that."

Time of Day Interactions[edit]


(Dialogues between 5:00 - 12:00 local time.)

  • "*yaaaaawn* Mornin'..." (Morning)
  • "*yawn* So sleepy."

(Dialogues between 12:00 - 18:00 local time.)

  • "Oh, it's you." (Afternoon)
  • "Man, I'm hungry. What should I have for lunch...? Wait, do I have any money?" (Daytime Talk)

(Dialogues between 18:00 - 0:00 local time.)

  • "Heya." (Evening)
  • "Nighttime's when I kick into gear! Let's go out on the town! Your treat!" (PM Talk)

(Dialogues between 0:00 - 5:00 local time.)

  • "Whoa, you're still up?" (Night)
  • "What, can't sleep? If ya gotta go to the bathroom, go by yourself." (Night Talk)

Character Intros[edit]

  • "I'm one of seven rulers of the Devildom! Mammon, the Avatar of Greed!" (Intro 1)
  • "Look, I TOLD ya. I ain't afraid of Lucifer, really!" (Intro 2)
  • "Oh man, this is bad! I broke Levi's figurine..." (Intro 3)
  • "Why does Satan always have to go tellin' on me to Lucifer?"
  • "That Asmo always takes forever gettin' out of the bath."
  • You never can tell what Belphie's thinkin'. Hate that about him." (Intro 7)
  • "Remember, it's LORD Diavolo. If Lucifer hears you drop the Lord, he'll kill ya."
  • "Watchin' those two angels is hard on the eyes. They're too damn bright and shiny..."
  • "When it comes to bein' devious, Solomon could give Lucifer a run for his money!" (Intro 9)
  • "Oh Goldie, my sweet credit card! ♡ I promise to use you lots again this month!" (Intro 10)

Game Tips[edit]

  • "Hey, ya got somethin' in Mail, man!"
  • "Hey, did ya know you can get rewards from To Do?" (App 2)
  • "There's an event goin' on! You're goin', right? You'd better be!" (App 3)
  • "Whoa, if you don't work a few shifts, you're seriously gonna run outta cash!" (App 4)
  • "There's a post you haven't checked out on Devilgram. Wanna take a look?" (App 5)
  • "Yo, check your voicemail..." (App 6)
  • "You've got a message, ya know." (App 7)
  • You should go to Nightmare today! I've got a feelin' you'll get somethin' good!" (App 9)
  • "I sure wanna visit Akuzon right now. There's some stuff I really want!" (App 10)
  • "I'd say it's about time to do your tasks, doncha think?" (App 11)
  • "I'll let you pick out some clothes for me at Majolish!" (App 12)
  • "Ain't it about time you powered up your cards? Check out your contacts."

App Deleted[edit]

  • "Aaand now it's gone. Don't blame me if you miss it."
  • "Fine, fine... I'll go download that for ya again."
  • "Why ya gotta be so curious? Deletin' that ain't gonna do anything for ya."

Game Anniversary[edit]

  • "Do you really need me to be by your side? I'm your first after all! Don't ya forget that either!" (Anniversary)

VIP-Only Dialogues[edit]

  • "Ah, tomorrow I'll buckle down. Like, for real."
  • "I bet I'm even more powerful than Lucifer at this point, huh?"
  • "Sure, there are seven of us, but I'm the only one that really matters!"

Unlockable Dialogues[edit]

Moving Pictures[edit]

Staying Home Together[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Aaah... I love lying around doin' nothing..."
  • "Huh?! H-Hey! When did you wake up?!"
  • "And no surprise pics! If you want a picture, then take a proper one!"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Huh?! H-Hey! When did you wake up?!"
  • "And no surprise pics! If you want a picture, then take a proper one!"
  • "Huh...?! What're you doing?!"
  • "Y-You gave me a fright!"
Mammon's Fortune[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Whooooa! It actually worked! I'm rich!"
  • "Welp, I'm off to the casino to double it."
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Revealin' my true self has gotta mean this!"
  • "Now if you'll play chess with me, we'll have the "someone you like" part cov-"
  • "...Fine! I'll go a little easy on ya."
  • "...Hey, you're pretty good. How about this then?"
  • "I go easy on ya, and ya go on the attack?!"
  • "I ain't gonna hold back anymore. So watch out!"
  • "...Oh? You're still playin' to win?"
  • "Well, go big or go home!"
  • "Oh, so you're playin' to win, huh?"
  • "I like that competitive side of ya."
  • "But, I ain't plannin' on losing either."
  • "Now whatcha gonna do? If you're stuck, then you're welcome to give up, y'know?"
Best Seat in the House[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "You can count on me, the Great Mammon, to show you a great time!"
  • "Sorry about that."
  • "There's something I've been wanting to ask ya, but I wanted to wait until things settled down a bit."
  • "...Would you...uh... Do ya wanna go to the festival together...with me?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Welcome to the Great Mammon's VIP section. Ya can see the entire RAD campus from here."
  • "Ya can see how much RAD has changed thanks to your hard work for the festival from all the way up here, huh?"
  • "It's amazing. You guys created this beautiful space all by yourselves."
  • "...Ya did good, champ."
  • "You'd better hold on to me."
  • "I swear to protect you for as long as I live."
  • "There's nothing in the three worlds that could replace you in my life."
  • "I'm never letting ya go for anything."
  • "...Oh, that's right. I got something for ya."
  • "When I saw this earring, I knew it would look great on ya."
  • "Wear it at the festival for me."
  • "That way everyone will know that you're mine."
The Fallen Prince[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Really sorry I couldn't finish, your worshipfulness."
  • "Sides, who cares about the color of this room? There's no need to paint it red."
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "It's time for me to release my full power."
  • "You guys have got some guts pointin' weapons at me."
  • "Well, if you wanna do this, I won't hold back."
  • "You can all take your lumps together."
  • "I'm gonna have your heads!"
  • "Bring it on!"
  • "I have no intention of fighting you guys."
  • "I mean, what's the fun in forcing you to submit?"
  • "I'm gonna get my throne back the old-fashioned way."
  • "Let's have a game of croquet!"
  • "Bring it on!"

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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