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This page links to all angel character pages and provides information on angels as a species, including angel hierarchy.

Note: For a complete list of angel character pages, including Minor Characters, see the list below.

Species Overview[edit]

Angels are the primary inhabitants of the Celestial Realm. According to Diavolo in Lesson 31-16 Hard (OM), angels tend not to divulge anything about either themselves or the Celestial Realm, yet often insert themselves into Devildom business.

Luke explained in Lesson 43-12 (OM) that all angels possess powers from the moment they are born, but different angels have different powers. Once an angel determines what they are good at, all angels are assigned a rank based on the level of skill they have over the powers they possess.

It is currently unknown if all angels possess wings or not, but for those that do, keeping one's wings groomed is a known practice. In Lesson 37-12 (OM), Asmodeus mentioned having his wings groomed when he was still an angel.

In the chat Body Pillow Specifications, Belphegor hypothesizes that angels have higher body temperatures than demons, but found out that they do not.

For specific information on unique abilities individual characters possess, please visit their character pages.

Life Span[edit]

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Angels have very long lifespans, as the characters in Obey Me! have lived for several centuries.


Foods eaten by angels appear for the most part similar to Human World food, and a list of known Celestial Realm foods can be found on the Celestial Realm page's Food and Drink section.


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Angels that have wings are capable of flight, though it is unknown if all angels possess wings, as angels are capable of "putting away" their wings. This was mentioned by Mammon in the Devilgram The Avatar of Greed. He said this is done because having one's wings out can result in them generally getting in the way of things.


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Mental and Magical[edit]

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Angels possess an ability known as an "angelic blessing," a type of magic that supposedly has protective powers. However, they are not impenetrable or unbreakable barriers. In Lesson 50-15 (OM, Luke described an angelic blessing as "a magical ward of sorts. A charm to protect you from evil." In the same lesson, If MC suggested Luke perform an angelic blessing on Mammon, he protested and points out that he's a demon, then asked if MC was "trying to get him killed." This implies that using an angelic blessing on a demon would harm said demon, though how much is not specified.

Angelic blessings can be bestowed on others without words, as seen in Lesson 32-11 (NB). They can also be bestowed using the following incantation, as seen in Lesson 50-15 (OM):

"May the blessing of light burn brightly within you, and keep the darkness at bay."

As mentioned by Barbatos in the chat Question for You, angels have the ability to put people's minds at ease.

As demonstrated by Raphael in Lesson 66-19 (OM), angels also have the power to see their opponent's weaknesses.

In the chat Plant Dad Troubles, Simeon mentioned that angels (and demons) have the ability to magically create rain. However, he also implied that this may have adverse effects on plants.


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Angel Hierarchy[edit]

According to Leviathan in the Devilgram I Can Do It Too!, the ranks of angels in the Celestial Realm from highest to lowest goes in this order: Seraph, Cherub, Throne, Dominion, Virtue, Power, Principality, Archangel, and finally Angel. All angels work to climb in this hierarchy to reach their desired level.


Angels with this rank have six wings.(source?) This is the highest angel ranking in the Celestial Realm, as Leviathan explained in the Devilgram I Can Do It Too!. Luke mentioned in the same Devilgram that "only a handful of angels in the history of the Celestial Realm have ever reached the level of seraph." Asmodeus described the Seraphim as "bossy" in Lesson 44-10 (OM), and complained they "never cut us any slack."

  • Lucifer was formerly a Seraph, as was Simeon, as mentioned in Lesson 44-10 (OM).
  • Raphael also achieved the rank of Seraph, and as mentioned by Luke in Lesson 17-1 (NB), he is the youngest angel to ever earn this rank.
  • During MC's stay within the Nightbringer timeline, Michael also had the rank of Seraph, as mentioned by Luke in the Devilgram I Can Do It Too!.


Angels with this rank are known as guardians.(source?)

  • Beelzebub was formally a Cherub, as seen in Lesson 44-3 (OM).


Mammon described the position of Throne as "lame busywork" in Lesson 44-7 (OM).

  • Mammon was formally a Throne when he was still an angel. He was recommended the position by Lucifer, as he told MC in Lesson 44-7 (OM). He was also Lucifer's assistant at that time.


Dominions are a rank of angel that watch over the Human World, according to Simeon.(source?)


A rank of angel mentioned in the Devilgram I Can Do It Too!.


A rank of angel mentioned in the Devilgram I Can Do It Too!.


A rank of angel mentioned by Mammon when teasing Luke in Lesson 43-12 (OM).


According to Luke in Lesson 43-12 (OM), angels with this rank serve as warriors.

  • Mammon was an Archangel before being promoted to Throne, which he mentioned in Lesson 44-7 (OM).
  • As of the beginning of Obey Me!'s Main Story, Simeon also ranked as an Archangel, as Luke mentioned in Lesson 43-12 (OM).
  • Also during MC's stay within the Obey Me! timeline, Michael had the rank of Archangel, as Barbatos told them in Lesson 23-5 (OM).


This is the lowest rank of angel, as explained by Leviathan in the Devilgram I Can Do It Too!. How exactly angels increase their rank from this lowest point has not yet been explained.

Guardian Angels[edit]

In Lesson 2-9 (NB), Mammon explained that choosing to become a guardian angel for a human is similar to making a pact with a demon. An angel will pick a single person to protect for all times.

Pages in category "Angels"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.