Minor Story Items
This page lists all noteworthy items that appear within Obey Me!'s Main Story, Nightbringer's Main Story, or in either games' Event stories or Devilgrams.
While the story items in this list are worthy of note, they are not quite important enough to be given their own article pages. For story items that are important enough to have individual articles, see the Story Items category page. For a list of magical items, see the Magic page.
For information on in-game items, see the Items page.
Story Items A - F[edit]
Band of Tears
A magic ring that lets one temporarily use another person's abilities. For the ring to work, one must drop a person's tears in the ring, and then wear the ring. This ring is described as being set with a blue gem.
Source/sPop Quiz Tears in the Devildom
The Box of Truth
A box invented by Solomon that is supposed to trap people inside until they tell the truth. The incantation used to create the box is "Arca veratis! Detain those who are false of heart!"
Source/sDevilgram Solomon's Box
Brilliant Devil-colored Feather
A feather from the overwintering hat bird. According to legend, if two people have a pair of these feathers, no matter how far apart they are, they will always find their way back to each other.
Source/sDevilgram Hat Mischief
Chitter-chatter Cadaver
A semi-sentient, talkative skeleton which can act as an attendant and pass on messages from guests to unavailable homeowners. An item most sought-after by reclusive sorcerers and researchers.
Source/sDevilgram Wishes Take Flight
"Crowe" is a smart speaker created by the Three-Legged Crow Group. It was first seen as a prototype model owned by Leviathan in Lesson 47-7 (OM). There is also a smart device within a karaoke parlor owned by Three-Legged Crow Group called "Crowe" first seen in Lesson 47-11. Both devices are capable of using magic.
Source/sLessons 47-7 and 47-11 (OM)
Demon Water
One of the obstacles used during Devil's Run. Can cause hallucinations if someone gets it in their eyes.
Source/sDevilgram Colorful Panic
Devil Bath Bomb
A bath bomb sold by Savonne that is infused with magic and known for having relaxing properties. These bath bombs all have a random fragrance, and are made using explosive minerals, so creating these bath bombs can be tricky.
Source/sLimited Item Devil Bath Bomb; Phone Call Asmo's Wish
The Devildom's Oldest Record
The Demon Lord's Castle once had custody of this record, but the 9th Demon Lord relinquished possession of it long ago for "unknown reasons." It was later put on display for a time during a record exhibit.
Source/sDate Lucifer Love
Dream Pillow
Elixir of Cerebral Stimulation
The ingredients are powdered unicorn hoof, bittergrass root, and caladrius blood. The ingredients are added to a copper cauldron and boiled down to a concentrated solution. Leuce bark shavings are added to provide fragrance and then the potion is complete.
Source/sLesson 29-16 (OM)
Everlasting Snowflake
These snowflakes are said to never melt, and can be created in rare cases when an aurora in the Human World transmits some of it's magic to falling snowflakes.
Source/sDevilgram Everlasting Snowflakes; Chat Mysterious Crystal Structure
Eye of Babel
A magic object that allows one to see what is happening in Babel. There are two of these objects, one controlled by the Celestial Realm, and another by the Devildom. Very few know of these objects, as their existence is kept secret.
Source/sLesson 56-A (NB); Chat A Sign That Something's Not Right
Fortune Follows Shoes
As long as the magic lasts, these spelled shoes lead the wearer to places where "fortune will follow."
Source/sBirthday Bash A Sacrifice Dahlia for You
Story Items G - Q[edit]
Hourglass of Recollection
A magic item that stores an individual's memories in such a way that they can look back at them whenever they want. It requires someone with a lot of magical power to preform the initial setup, and comes with an instruction booklet.
Source/sDevilgram Hourglass Time Capsule
Ice Lotus Ink
A magic paint made from ice particles. The ice inside can change the paint to whatever color desired, and it can be washed away using fire lotus soap. Praying to the white wolf of frost flowers for 100 days can convince the wolf to gift this ink in return.
Source/sDevilgram Frost Flowers for You
Innocent Aroma
Created with water from the Phantom Spring and tears shed for the special someone. Has the power to exponentially increase enjoyment.
Source/sBirthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Simeon
Jar of Magical Absorption
An item from an alternate universe used to seal away a person's magical powers alongside a spoken incantation. This also hinders one's ability to detect any presence of magic as well, after activation. The spoken incantation to activate the item is "O Jar of Magical Absorption, with thy profound vessel, draw forth the power of this individual!"
Source/sPop Quiz The Scroll of Thirst
Jewel Slime
A non-poisonous slime found in some Devildom caves. It has a pretty color similar to a jewel's.
Source/sPop Quiz The Mysterious Adventure Park
Krampus Star
A treasure in the shape of a holiday star once kept in the Demon Lord's Castle's vault. There is a legend that the star is capable of granting a single wish.
Source/sPop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!
The Lord of Corruption's Lost Wing Pendant
This pendant is merchandise from The Tale of the Seven Lords and is in the shape of a single wing. The platinum version is incredibly rare, and was only sold in extremely limited quantities to commemorate the release of TSL Volume 1. One of these pendants is owned by Solomon.
Source/sLesson 4-1 (OM)
The Lord of Shadow's Greatsword
This sword is merchandise from The Tale of the Seven Lords that Leviathan purchased from Akuzon. The replica sword has a detailed crest on it, and looks real enough that it could be mistaken for a real sword.
Source/sLesson 4-15 Hard (OM)
Lover's Powder
A magical powder that shows red strings of fate. The original version, invented by Solomon, showed connections to friends and family, but he has also created a new version that should only show romantic bonds.
Source/sDevilgram The Threads of Fate, Chat Upgraded Lover's Powder
Magic Sketchbook
A magic item that creates anything drawn in it, and one can even specify the created object's dimensions. It comes with colored pencils, and the magic is triggered once color is added. These sketchbooks are popular and hard to acquire.
Source/sDevilgram Everyone in the Spotlight
Memory Band
A magic item for storing a record of a person's memories. When the right person touches it, it automatically activates by attaching to the person's arm and saving their recent memories. These memories can be played back later as if they were video recordings.
Source/sLessons 46-10, 46-12, and 46-A (NB)
Midas's Crest
It can appear as an ink-like marking and gives the wearer the power to turn anything into gold just by touching it. Solomon has the power to draw these.
Source/sLesson 35 (OM)
Nectar of Eve's Apple
A magic potion that's meant to have the power to seduce anyone, no matter who.
Source/sLesson 76-7 (OM)
Oracle Water
A type of magical water distilled by Solomon. It is colorless by itself, but changes color when someone touches it based on the nature of their magic energy. Solomon's magic is blue, MC's magic is rainbow (which represents limitless possibilities), Mammon's magic is yellow, and plants are strong in earth-based magic energy, which is green.
Source/sBirthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Solomon '21
Phantominic Absorption Photometer
This photometer is commonly used in magical research. By shining light onto pantominios - the smallest type of magic particle - this device measures the particle quantity and type. These measurements will vary depending on the measured object's absorption spectrum, which is displayed as a graph when using this photometer.
Source/sLessons 49 and 50 (NB)
Purgatory Moon Lamp
A very valuable lamp that can only be made from ore found in the Reaper's Cave.
Source/sDevilgram Surprise Gift
Story Items R - Z[edit]
Rain Pearl
This "pearl" is magic gem that is generally produced in oceans. They form over several years within a shellfish, and are rare and expensive. Their presence can cause the surrounding area to grow steadily less stable, and cause events such as turning water rainbow-colored.
Source/sDevilgram Anywhere Is Okay With You, Chats The Rightful Owner and A Present From Diavolo
Scales of Good and Evil
The scales are normally supposed to be in the assembly hall (presumably at RAD), but Lucifer had the real ones swapped out for a replica to prevent thievery.
Source/sLesson 12 (OM)
Shadow Mayfly Paint
A magic paint that can't be seen on paper unless one wears special glasses made from the wings of a shadow mayfly.
Source/sChat Operation Paint the Castle
Siren Sea Globe
Looking into this rare magic allows one to view the Siren Sea.
Source/sLimited Item Siren Sea Globe
Sleepless March
A magic item used for fighting sleep. One can stay awake for 500 years without being tired, however it does not work on Belphegor because he craves sleep, and it does not work on MC because they are human. When activated, the item begins smoking. It can malfunction if the screws are loose.
Source/sDevilgram To Dreamland
Sleeping Sweet
An aroma oil that can cancel out the effects of the Sleepless March. Made by a witch who lives in the western forest.
Source/sDevilgram To Dreamland
Somber Ball
See the Somber Ball page.
Stained Glass Flower
See the Stained Glass Flower page.
Surprise Box
These magic boxes can be purchased from Devildom shops and come in many different colors. Each color of box creates a different effect when opened, though said effect is then used up. A green box creates a small explosion, a blue box creates a gust of wind, a silver box produces sparkles, and a gold box transforms anything nearby into a similar looking type of food.
Source/sDevilgram Raining Sweet Stars; Chat Star Candy Redo
Sugar Timer
A presumably magic device that is likely similar to an hourglass. It can cut the ripening time of whatever it's near in half.
Source/sChat Sugar Timer
Truth Bangle
An enchanted bangle that forces the wearer to tell the truth. It can only be taken off by the person who put it on the wearer.
Source/sLesson 33 (OM)
Unnamed Cursed Camera
A camera that can change someone's attire if they were caught in the camera's shutter. The cursed object also has some semblance of telekinesis, as it could lock a door from across a room. The curse can be removed by reciting an incantation.
Source/sDevilgram Shutter Shenanigans
Unnamed "Dream" Pillow
A pillow that provides "an influx of entertaining dreams." Belphegor stated he purchased the pillow from a demon he met in his dreams. Starting from the daily chat Fun Dreams for Everyone, the pillow was then shared around to different characters, and Mammon later decided to nickname it "the dream pillow."
Source/sChats A Good Night's Sleep; My Big Brother, the Black Cat; A Thorough Investigation; Fun Dreams for Everyone; A Passionate Vision; A Big Brother's Concerns; The Downside to Great Dreams; The Trick to Having Even Better Dreams; The Naming; The Never-Ending Bath; Simeon's Turn; Flower Fairy; Chasing Fun Dreams ☆; A Big Letdown!; Let's Go Shopping ☆
Unnamed Fragrance Diffuser
A magic fragrance diffuser that gives off three different scents as time passes. These three scents cause the owner to split into three copies of themselves. The copies return to normal once the fragrance is finished, but until then, it's not possible to either move the diffuser from where it's been placed, or to throw out the fragrance. If the copies are together in one room, their scents will mix and return them to a single person.
Source/sDevilgram Aromatic Invitation
Unnamed Hat
A magical hat that lets the wearer understand the language of birds. They were easier to find in the past, but eventually are only obtainable by ordering them from a specialized craftsman.
Source/sLesson 2-14 Hard (NB)
Unnamed Incense Burner
Using this magic incense burner will allow someone to recall lost memories.
Source/sLesson 2-14 Hard (NB)
Unnamed Lipstick
A limited-edition magic lipstick that starts out transparent, but when applied, it changes color depending on the mood of the wearer. A pink color represents happiness, blue represents sadness, and bright red represents anger.
Source/sDevilgram Makeup Transformation!
Unnamed Magic Bracelet
This bracelet turns whatever the wearer touches into flowers. Touching these flowers while wearing the bracelet creates projections of the wearer's memories.
Source/sBirthday Bash Nightmare Campanulas for You
Unnamed Magical Pillow
A magic pillow that allows a person to enter other people's dreams. To use it, the person visiting another's dreams must first activate the pillow, then fall asleep with it.
Source/sPop Quiz Bon Voyage!
Unnamed Secret Café Menu
A menu that lists dishes usually unavailable to the public, such as a Flagrant Flaming Sorbet.
Source/sDevilgram Wishes Take Flight
Unnamed Twelve Musical Instruments
This set of twelve band instruments alongside a conductor's baton are Devildom artifacts. Swinging the baton grants a person the authority to lead the twelve people the instruments select to play said instruments. The baton can also be used to locate the Stained Glass Flower.
Legends say that these instruments either were born alongside the Devildom itself, just fell out of the sky one day, or that they rose from the soil and went on parade. No one knows which legend is true, but it is known that when these instruments appear, their sound must "be made to reverberate across the Devildom."
Pop Quiz Revolution of the Stained Glass Flower
Verbum Drops
A magic potion that forces someone to reveal secret information. The ingredients for this potion are nearly identical to what is needed to create a dark crevasse (similar to a mobile black hole). Said ingredients include:
- Three and two-fifth drops of viridis sap
- A shadow lava rock fragment equivalent in weight to 43 dragon whiskers
- A Toxic chameleon heart
- Black mistletoe sap
- Condor lantern plant root
- Aurora oil infused black quartz
- The "tears of the one whose confession you seek."
Lessons 75-16 Hard, 76-4, and 79-14 (OM)
Zombie Iguana
These stuffed animals are known for being "cute but ugly," and can be won from a crane game at Devil's Coast. However, some of them possess a hand-holding curse.
Source/sLesson 25 (OM); Limited Item Zombie Iguana